



\newcommand{\avec}{\qquad \text{avec} \qquad}
\renewcommand{\harvardurl}[1]{\unpenalty\unskip\unpenalty}%remove url

\let\x@bibitem\bibitem% store original \bibitem
\def\x@getfirst#1#2\endgetfirst{#1}% macro that returns the first letter/token of its argument
\def\x@bibalph{}% previous first letter, initiated to nothing
\def\bibitem[#1]{% new bibitem
  \edef\x@bibalphtest{\x@getfirst#1\endgetfirst}% get the new first letter
  \ifx\x@bibalphtest\x@bibalph\else % if the first letter changed
    \let\x@bibalph\x@bibalphtest% update
    \subsection*{\x@bibalph}% and make the \subsection
  \x@bibitem[#1]% start the \bibitem itself



代码应该在参考书目中的字母顺序发生变化时打印一个未编号的子节级标题,该标题由单个字母(A、B、C、...)组成。不幸的是,代码似乎认为大写字母和小写字母是不同的,这就是为什么目前有 4 个子组用于以字母“V”开头的 6 个参考文献:

V - v - V - v 


第二个问题是,如果姓氏以“重音”字符开头,代码就会出错。例如,姓氏的Černe输入是{\v C}erne为了 BibTeX。在我的参考书目中,“{\v C}erne et al”条目应该与“Callon et al”和“Chae”条目属于同一组,即“C”。不过,目前代码还不够复杂,无法“意识到”{\v C}应该将其视为C



这是文件libraryC2.bib;它包含姓氏以 C、D 和 V 开头的作者条目。(bib 数据库存储在 Mendeley 中。)

  author   = "Callon, M. and Courtial, J.-P. and Turner, W. A.
              and Bauin, S.",
  doi      = "10.1177/053901883022002003",
  issn     = "0539-0184",
  journal  = "Social Science Information",
  number   = 2,
  pages    = "191--235",
  publisher= "SAGE Publications",
  title    = "From translations to problematic networks: An
              introduction to co-word analysis",
  volume   = 22,
  year     = 1983,

  author   = "{\v C}erne, Matej and Ka{\v s}e, Robert and 
              {\v S}kerlavaj, Miha",
  doi      = "10.1016/j.scaman.2016.02.001",
  issn     = 09565221,
  journal  = "Scandinavian Journal of Management",
  keywords = "Co-citation analysis,Innovation,Non-technological
              innovation,Quantitative literature review,Social
              network analysis-island algorithm",
  number   = 2,
  pages    = "69--85",
  title    = "Non-technological innovation research: Evaluating
              the intellectual structure and prospects of an
              emerging field",
  volume   = 32,
  year     = 2016,

  author   = "Chae, Bongsug",
  doi      = "10.1080/02642069.2010.545390",
  isbn     = "0264-2069",
  issn     = 02642069,
  journal  = "Service Industries Journal",
  keywords = "BUSINESS planning,BUSINESS service
              centers,COMPETITIVE advantage,CUSTOMER
              services,PROFESSIONAL corporations,STRATEGIC
              planning,complexity theory,knowledge-intensive
              business service,new solution development",
  number   = 1,
  pages    = "127--149",
  title    = "A framework for new solution development: an
              adaptive search perspective",
  volume   = 32,
  year     = 2012,

  author   = "de Reuver, Mark and Ondrus, Jan",
  doi      = "10.1016/j.telpol.2017.01.004",
  issn     = 03085961,
  journal  = "Telecommunications Policy",
  keywords = "Digital platforms,Ecosystems,Mobile
              payment,Multi-sided platforms,Secure element",
  pages    = "1--10",
  publisher    = "Elsevier",
  title    = "When technological superiority is not enough: The
              struggle to impose the {SIM} card as the {NFC}
              Secure Element for mobile payment platforms",
  year     = 2017,

  author   = "De Solla Price, D. J. and Beaver, D.",
  doi      = "10.1037/h0024051",
  issn     = "1935-990X",
  journal  = "American Psychologist",
  number   = 11,
  pages    = "1011--1018",
  publisher    = "American Psychological Association",
  title    = "Collaboration in an invisible college",
  volume   = 21,
  year     = 1966,

  author   = "de Vaujany, Fran{\c c}ois-Xavier",
  isbn     = "978-2-7637-2655-7",
  pages    = 110,
  publisher    = "Presses Universit{\'e} Laval",
  title    = "Sociomat{\'e}rialit{\'e} et information dans les
              organisations: entre bonheur et sens?",
  year     = 2015,

  author   = "Demirkan, Haluk and Spohrer, Jim",
  doi      = "10.5437/08956308X5805007",
  issn     = 08956308,
  journal  = "Research Technology Management",
  number   = 5,
  pages    = "12--15",
  title    = "T-Shaped Innovators: Identifying the Right Talent
              to Support Service Innovation",
  volume   = 58,
  year     = 2015,

  author   = "Den Hertog, Pim and Rubalcaba, Luis and Segers,
  journal  = "International Journal of Services Technology and
  keywords = "R\&D and innovation,Reference,innovation
              policy.,market failures,services,systemic
  number   = "3/4",
  pages    = "334--354",
  title    = "Is there a rationale for services {R\&D} and
              innovation policies?",
  volume   = 9,
  year     = 2008,

  author   = "Djellal, Faridah and Gallouj, Camal and Gallouj,
              Fa{\" i}z",
  journal  = "Economies et Soci{\'e}t{\'e}s. S{\'e}rie EGS,
              Economie et gestion des services",
  pages    = "1979--1999",
  title    = "L'innovation dans les services et par les services:
              un bilan des travaux fran{\c c}ais r{\'e}cents
  year     = 2003,

  author   = "Van de Ven, A. H. and Poole, M.S.",
  doi      = "10.5465/AMR.1995.9508080329",
  isbn     = 03637425,
  issn     = "0363-7425",
  journal  = "The Acadeny of Management Review",
  number   = 3,
  pages    = "510--540",
  pmid     = 181,
  title    = "Explaining development and change",
  volume   = 20,
  year     = 1995,

  author   = "van den Broek, Tijs and van Veenstra, Anne Fleur",
  isbn     = 9783000502842,
  booktitle= "Twenty-Third European Conference on Information
              Systems (ECIS), M{\"u}nster, Germany, 2015",
  keywords = "Big Data,Data Sharing,ELSS -
              Society,Infostructures,Inter,Life and Social
              Sciences,SP2,Strategy \& Policy 2,Urban Mobility
              \& Environment,organisational Collaborations",
  pages    = "1--12",
  title    = "Modes of governance in inter-organisational data
  year     = 2015,

  author   = "Van Der Aa, Wietze and Elfring, Tom",
  doi      = "10.1016/S0956-5221(00)00040-3",
  isbn     = "0956-5221",
  issn     = 09565221,
  journal  = "Scandinavian Journal of Management",
  keywords = "Client as co-producer,Multi-unit organization,New
              innovations,Supporting processes,Technological
  number   = 2,
  pages    = "155--171",
  title    = "Realizing innovation in services",
  volume   = 18,
  year     = 2002,

  author   = "Vargo, Stephen L. and Maglio, Paul P. and Akaka,
              Melissa Archpru",
  doi      = "10.1016/j.emj.2008.04.003",
  isbn     = "0263-2373",
  issn     = 02632373,
  journal  = "European Management Journal",
  keywords = "Service science,Service system,Service-dominant
  mendeley-tags= "Service science,Service system,Service-dominant
  month    = "jun",
  number   = 3,
  pages    = "145--152",
  title    = "On value and value co-creation: A service systems
              and service logic perspective",
  volume   = 26,
  year     = 2008,

  author   = "Vergori, Anna Serena",
  doi      = "10.1080/02642069.2013.763343",
  issn     = 02642069,
  journal  = "Service Industries Journal",
  keywords = "ASSIMILATION theory (Cognitive learning
              theory),INDUSTRIAL surveys,INNOVATION
              management,INNOVATIONS in
              business,RESEARCH,SERVICE industries --
  number   = 2,
  pages    = "145--161",
  title    = "Measuring innovation in services: the role of
  volume   = 34,
  year     = 2014,

  author   = "vom Brocke, Jan and Simons, Alexander and Riemer,
              Kai and Niehaves, Bj{\"o}rn and Plattfaut, Ralf
              and Cleven, Anne",
  isbn     = 15293181,
  issn     = 15293181,
  journal  = "Communications of the Association for Information
  keywords = "Dissertation Review,Information Systems,Literature
              Review,Literature Search,Systematic Literature
  number   = 1,
  pages    = "205--224",
  pmid     = 109101530,
  title    = "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Challenges and
              Recommendations of Literature Search in
              Information Systems Research",
  volume   = 37,
  year     = 2015,


我发现使重音字符在列表中正确按字母顺序排列的解决方案是使用 newcommand 选项:



可以在文档开始处的 tex 脚本中添加该命令,以定义新的按字母顺序正确的命令。

在上述情况下,\r{...} 会在输入的任何字母上方放置一个圆圈重音符。由于我的参考文献在作者字段中应该是 \r{A}strom,因此字母顺序不正确。

相反,使用新命令 \As{...} 时字母顺序是正确的。

我只是使用 \As 来满足我的需求,正如参考所要求的,但理论上你可以使用任何字母来表示新命令。

警告 - 检查您要使用的字母是否已被用于其他命令名称,因为这可能会导致意外结果。向命令中添加更多字母可以缓解此问题。
