在 biblatex 书目中获取书籍和文章的相似样式

在 biblatex 书目中获取书籍和文章的相似样式

我很困惑为什么在以下 MWE 中的参考书目中书籍和文章的条目没有得到相同的样式:

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        author  = {Atkins, M},
        title   = {Atlas of continuous cooling transformation diagrams for engineering steels},
        journal = {American Society for Metals},
        year    = {1980},
        pages   = {260},
        title     = {Mechanisms of Diffusional Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys},
        publisher = {{CRC} Press},
        year      = {2010},
        author    = {Hubert Aaronson and Masato Enomoto and Jong Lee},
        month     = {may},
        doi       = {10.1201/b15829},
        author  = {Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich},
        title   = {On the statistical theory of the crystallization of metals},
        journal = {Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Math. Ser},
        year    = {1937},
        volume  = {1},
        pages   = {355--359},





编辑:正如 @moewe 所解释的那样,使用带引号的正体标题而非不带引号的斜体标题是有充分理由的,尽管这会导致参考书目看起来不一致,而且这不是我被推荐使用的样式(这是我在原始问题中想要的)。快速浏览我所在领域的一些教科书后,我发现书籍中很少使用带引号的标题样式,更不用说德语书籍了。考虑到所有这些,我想对默认样式应用以下细微更改:

  • 属于容器的源的标题不应加引号
  • 年份应始终用括号括起来
  • 名字应该缩写
  • :而不是作者和标题之间的“。”

我需要指定什么作为包选项以及我必须在 bibtex 条目中手动调整什么?







        author  = {Atkins, M.},
        title   = {Atlas of continuous cooling transformation diagrams for engineering steels},
        journal = {American Society for Metals},
        year    = {1980},
        pages   = {260},
        title     = {Mechanisms of Diffusional Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys},
        publisher = {{CRC} Press},
        year      = {2010},
        author    = {Hubert Aaronson and Masato Enomoto and Jong Lee},
        month     = {may},
        doi       = {10.1201/b15829},
        author  = {Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich},
        title   = {On the statistical theory of the crystallization of metals},
        journal = {Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Math. Ser},
        year    = {1937},
        volume  = {1},
        pages   = {355--359},


