





对于第 87 行(...tazione dei task avanzati e risultati 是第 7 章的标题):

 ! Missing \endcsname inserted.<to be read again>\protect ...tazione dei task avanzati e risultati}{91}
 ! Extra \endcsname.\thepage ...me @{\color {azzurro}Roman}\endcsname\c@page ...tazione dei task avanzati e risultati}{91}
 ! Missing number, treated as zero.<to be read again>\hss ...tazione dei task avanzati e risultati}{91}
 ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.\@outputpage ...or \hb@xt@ \textwidth {\@thehead }\color@endbox }\dp \@tempb... ...tazione dei task avanzati e risultati}{91}

对于第 82 行:

 ! Missing \endcsname inserted.<to be read again>\protect \listoffigures
 ! Extra \endcsname.\thepage ...me @{\color {azzurro}Roman}\endcsname\c@page \listoffigures
 ! Missing number, treated as zero.<to be read again>} \listoffigures
 ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.\@outputpage ...or \hb@xt@ \textwidth {\@thehead }\color@endbox }\dp \@tempb... \listoffigures

对于第 75 行( Creazione del database WASM 是图形的标题):

 ! Missing \endcsname inserted.<to be read again>\protect ...respaces Creazione del database WASM}}{94}
 ! Extra \endcsname.\thepage ...me @{\color {azzurro}Roman}\endcsname\c@page ...respaces Creazione del database WASM}}{94}
 ! Missing number, treated as zero.<to be read again>\hss ...respaces Creazione del database WASM}}{94}
 ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.\@outputpage ...or \hb@xt@ \textwidth {\@thehead }\color@endbox }\dp \@tempb... ...respaces Creazione del database WASM}}{94}

对于第 83 行:

 ! Missing \endcsname inserted.<to be read again>\protect \listoftables
 ! Extra \endcsname.\thepage ...me @{\color {azzurro}Roman}\endcsname\c@page \listoftables
 ! Missing number, treated as zero.<to be read again>} \listoftables
 ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.\@outputpage ...or \hb@xt@ \textwidth {\@thehead }\color@endbox }\dp \@tempb... \listoftables

然后,在第 1 行:

 Overfull \hbox (28.90535pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active


\usepackage{makeidx}                % allows index generation
\usepackage{graphicx}               % standard LaTeX graphics tool
\usepackage{xtab}                   % when including figure files
 \usepackage{psfig}                  % used for the two-column index
 \usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}       % places footnotes at page bottom




\def\lstlistlistingname{\textbf{Elenco dei listati}}
\addto\captionsitalian{\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\textbf{Elenco delle figure}}}


\setlength {\evensidemargin}{-0.3cm}
\setlength {\topmargin}{-1cm}



\date{13 marzo 2018}


\listoffigures  %line82
\listoftables   %line83

\pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1}

%\include{Introduzione/introduzione}  %line87




我也尝试过用 pdflatex 和 latex 进行编译。


编辑:例如,这是 book.lof 的一段:

\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.6}{\ignorespaces Diagramma di sequenza per il subtask ``Analisi tramite Watson Analytics For Social Media''}}{88}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.7}{\ignorespaces Diagramma di sequenza per il subtask ``Analisi tramite Watson Analytics''}}{89}
\addvspace {10\p@ }
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {7.1}{\ignorespaces Mappa dei luoghi fotografati di Guanajuato}}{92}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {7.2}{\ignorespaces Mappa della soddisfazione nei quartieri di Londra}}{95}

真的,7.1 和 7.2 就是 8.1 和 8.2!!第 7 章的所有图都不存在。book.toc 也是一样。\listoftables 有效,因为第 7 章没有表格!


\chapter{title of chapter}

\emph{explains what the chapter is about}

\section{title of section}
La gestione del database comprende una serie di operazioni
utili per la creazione e la modifica dello stesso.

\subsection{title of subsection}
etc etc etc

也许,是有区别的:在第 7 章中,我使用了这样的标签

Figure \ref{fig:g1}


编辑:第 7 章不是问题。如果我只编译第 7 章,它可以工作。但如果我编译第 6 和第 7 章,则不行。第 1 和第 2 章不行,第 1 和第 3 章行,第 1 和第 4 章不行,第 1 和第 6 章行,第 6 和第 7 章不行,第 7 和第 8 章行,等等。这取决于我选择编译的章节。我不明白问题出在哪里。


