



%A Few Useful Packages
\usepackage{fontspec}                   %for loading fonts
\usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra,url,parskip}   %other packages for formatting
\usepackage[big]{layaureo}              %better formatting of the A4 page
% an alternative to Layaureo can be ** \usepackage{fullpage} **
\usepackage{supertabular}               %for Grades
\usepackage{titlesec}                   %custom \section

\usepackage{enumitem}  %remove space between itemaized items

%Setup hyperref package, and colours for links
\hypersetup{colorlinks,breaklinks,urlcolor=linkcolour, linkcolor=linkcolour}

%\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont = Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin}
%%% modified for Karol Kozioł for ShareLaTeX use
SmallCapsFont = Fontin-SmallCaps.otf,
BoldFont = Fontin-Bold.otf,
ItalicFont = Fontin-Italic.otf

%CV Sections inspired by: 
%Tweak a bit the top margin

%Italian hyphenation for the word: ''corporations''

%-------------WATERMARK TEST [**not part of a CV**]---------------





%A Few Useful Packages
\usepackage{fontspec}                   %for loading fonts
\usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra,url,parskip}   %other packages for formatting
\usepackage{graphicx}%koleygr: removed color because you have xcolor

%koleygr:Commented out%\usepackage[big]{layaureo}             %better formatting of the A4 page
% an alternative to Layaureo can be ** \usepackage{fullpage} **
\usepackage{supertabular}               %for Grades
\usepackage{titlesec}                   %custom \section
\usepackage{fancyhdr}%koleygr: Added
\usepackage{lipsum}%Just for random text
\usepackage{enumitem}  %remove space between itemaized items

%Setup hyperref package, and colours for links
\hypersetup{colorlinks,breaklinks,urlcolor=linkcolour, linkcolor=linkcolour}

%\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont = Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin}
%%% modified for Karol Kozioł for ShareLaTeX use
%koleygr:Commented out%\setmainfont[
%SmallCapsFont = Fontin-SmallCaps.otf,
%BoldFont = Fontin-Bold.otf,
%ItalicFont = Fontin-Italic.otf

%CV Sections inspired by: 
%Tweak a bit the top margin

%Italian hyphenation for the word: ''corporations''

%-------------WATERMARK TEST [**not part of a CV**]---------------


\author{Me}%koleygr: Temporary added
\title{Something}%koleygr: Temporary added
%koleygr:Added code here    
%koleygr:Added code
\fancyfoot[CE,CO]{\vspace{20pt}%Remove if not needed
  Name Surname -Page \thepage-}
%\rfoot{Name Surname -\thepage-}%koleygr:Alternative
%\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}%koleygr:May be wanted

\section{Section test 1}
%Second page start

\section{Section test 2}
\pagestyle{plain}%Next possible page


