更改考试类的消息“再次运行 \LaTeX{} 以生成表格”

更改考试类的消息“再次运行 \LaTeX{} 以生成表格”

在考试课中,我们可以使用命令 生成评分表\gradetable。对于第一次编译,此命令生成消息Run \LaTeX{} again to produce the table,并在第二次编译中生成成绩表。我想将第一次编译的此消息个性化,例如“成绩表将在第二次编译中生成”。我在文件中发现exam.cls该消息是由以下宏生成的:

  % The function \ii@gtable already made sure that this isn't the
  % first run of latex.  To do a table indexed by pages, though, we
  % have to also make sure it's not the second run of latex.
  % We get here from \find@prange; the argument is either ``v'' or
  % ``h''.
  % Check that there's enough info from the .aux file to do a page
  % indexed grade table.  If so, call \tbl@v@or@h{#1}:
               \csname lastpage@withpoints\endcsname}%
               \csname lastpage@withbonuspoints\endcsname}%
           You must run LaTeX again to produce the table.\MessageBreak}%
           \fbox{Run \LaTeX{} again to produce the table}%
}% check@secondrun




  % We get here from \i@gtable.
  % We make sure the user said \addpoints, and then make sure
  % that this isn't the first run of LaTeX (by checking that
  % \exam@numpoints is defined).  If both of those are OK,
  % we go to \find@p@or@q@range to see whether we're doing a table
  % indexed by questions or by pages.
          You must run LaTeX again to produce the
        \fbox{Run \LaTeX{} again to produce the table}%
      You must give the command \protect\addpoints\MessageBreak
      \space\space in order to create a grade table.\MessageBreak
      If you don't give the command \protect\addpoints\MessageBreak
      \space\space then we're not keeping track of point values.
}% ii@gtable

根据给出的答案,我给出了解决方案的 MWE:


  {Run \LaTeX{} again to produce the table}
  {The Grades' table will be produced in the second compilation}

\question A question





          You must run LaTeX again to produce the
        \fbox{The Grades' table will be produced in the second compilation}%
      You must give the command \protect\addpoints\MessageBreak
      \space\space in order to create a grade table.\MessageBreak
      If you don't give the command \protect\addpoints\MessageBreak
      \space\space then we're not keeping track of point values.
}% ii@gtable


  {Run \LaTeX{} again to produce the table}
  {The Grades' table will be produced in the second compilation}
