我一直在使用 parsep、itemindent、labelindent 和其他带有 enumerate 的东西,但似乎无法让任何一个正常工作。
1) 商品标签忽略了我左侧的 1.5 英寸边距。
2) 第二行换行后不会缩进到与第一行相同的位置。我甚至可能希望它“挂”得更紧一些。
以下是我目前所拥有的 MWE
\usepackage{fontspec} % [T1]{fontenc} is used for others, lualatex says do fontspec
SmallCapsFont={Tex Gyre Termes},
]{Latin Modern Roman}
% Page Margins and Page Layout
% Make new variables for what the margins will be.
% Define page geometry
\geometry{includefoot} % This makes the page number and other footers, come in the margin as well.
% List layouts, enumerated lists, mainly for CV
\item[Thing here] \hskip 0.5in Definition goes here
\item[Another thing here] \hskip 0.5in Another definition goes here
\item[A longer first item here] \hskip 0.5in And another definition to go with this one
\item[Another thing2 here] \hskip 0.5in Another definition2 goes here, but this time with a very long definition that will skip to a second line.
\item[Final] \hskip 0.5in And a final definition.
\usepackage{fontspec} % [T1]{fontenc} is used for others, lualatex says do fontspec
SmallCapsFont={Tex Gyre Termes},
]{Latin Modern Roman}
% Page Margins and Page Layout
% Make new variables for what the margins will be.
% Define page geometry
\geometry{includefoot} % This makes the page number and other footers, come in the margin as well.
% List layouts, enumerated lists, mainly for CV
\setbox0=\hbox{A longer first item here}
\item[Thing here] Definition goes here
\item[Another thing here] Another definition goes here
\item[A longer first item here] And another definition to go with this one
\item[Another thing2 here] Another definition2 goes here, but this time with a very long definition that will skip to a second line.
\item[Final] And a final definition.
命令将在项目正文的开头执行。这意味着如果要插入换行符,则必须再次执行 \hskip 才能得到所需的输出...但 (Xe)LaTeX 无法知道这一点。
\usepackage{fontspec} % [T1]{fontenc} is used for others, lualatex says do fontspec
\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
% Page Margins and Page Layout
% Make new variables for what the margins will be.
% Define page geometry
\geometry{includefoot} % This makes the page number and other footers, come in the margin as well.
% List layouts, enumerated lists, mainly for CV
\item[Thing here] \hskip 0.5in Definition goes here
\item[Another thing here] \hskip 0.5in Another definition goes here
\item[A longer first item here] \hskip 0.5in And another definition to go with this one
\item[Another thing2 here] \hskip 0.5in \begin{minipage}[inner sep=0]{\dimexpr \linewidth-0.5in }Another definition2 goes here, but this time with a very long definition that will skip to a second line.\end{minipage}
\item[Final] \hskip 0.5in And a final definition.Big enought to compare with the previous line length and adjust
\usepackage{fontspec} % [T1]{fontenc} is used for others, lualatex says do fontspec
\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
% Page Margins and Page Layout
% Make new variables for what the margins will be.
% Define page geometry
\geometry{includefoot} % This makes the page number and other footers, come in the margin as well.
% List layouts, enumerated lists, mainly for CV
\def\myitem#1#2{\olditem[#1]\hspace{0.5in}\begin{minipage}[inner sep=0]{\dimexpr\linewidth-0.5in}#2\end{minipage}}
\setlist[mylist,1]{align=right,parsep=-0.05in,before={\let\olditem\item\let\item\myitem}, after=\let\item\olditem}
\item{Thing here}{Definition goes here}
\item{Another thing here}{Another definition goes here}
\item{A longer first item here}{And another definition to go with this one}
\item{Another thing2 here}{Another definition2 goes here, but this time with a very long definition that will skip to a second line.}
\item{Final}{And a final definition.Big enought to compare with the previous line length and adjust}
\usepackage{fontspec} % [T1]{fontenc} is used for others, lualatex says do fontspec
\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
% Page Margins and Page Layout
% Make new variables for what the margins will be.
% Define page geometry
\geometry{includefoot} % This makes the page number and other footers, come in the margin as well.
% List layouts, enumerated lists, mainly for CV
\setlist[mylist,1]{align=right,parsep=-0.05in,before={\let\olditem\item\let\item\myitem}, after=\let\item\olditem}
\item{Thing here}{Definition goes here}
\item{Another thing here}{Another definition goes here}
\item{A longer first item here}{And another definition to go with this one}
\item{Another thing2 here}{Another definition2 goes here, but this time with a very long definition that will skip to a second line.}
\item{Final}{And a final definition.Big enought to compare with the previous line length and adjust}
为最长标签的长度 + 0.5 英寸:
\usepackage{fontspec} % [T1]{fontenc} is used for others, lualatex says do fontspec
SmallCapsFont={Tex Gyre Termes},
]{Latin Modern Roman}
% Page Margins and Page Layout
\usepackage[letterpaper, showframe]{geometry}
% Make new variables for what the margins will be.
% Define page geometry
\geometry{includefoot} % This makes the page number and other footers, come in the margin as well.
% List layouts, enumerated lists, mainly for CV
\begin{enumerate}[align=right,parsep=-0.05in, labelsep = 0.5in, leftmargin = \widthof{A longer first item here\hskip\labelsep}]
\item[Thing here] Definition goes here
\item[Another thing here] Another definition goes here
\item[A longer first item here] And another definition to go with this one
\item[Another thing2 here] Another definition2 goes here, but this time with a very long definition that will skip to a second line.
\item[Final] And a final definition.