使用 unicode-math 在 xelatex 中使用不同的数学字体

使用 unicode-math 在 xelatex 中使用不同的数学字体

我期望math fonts中有两种不同类型的要求$ ... $。我的 MWE 是:



\chapter{Title here}

From the Egyptian pyramids to modern architecture, points, lines and   angles
are everywhere. $a^\circ$ Geometry is a $\alpha + \beta$ very visual    element of mathematics where the
designs of buildings and the orbits of planets can be studied using basic
objects like points, lines and circles.

\textbf{Variabili} & $\mathbf{Descrizione}$ \\
$\alpha + \beta$ & $a+b$\\

Thales (624--546~BCE) is known to be the founder of Greek geometry. He was an astronomer and $a^\circ$ philosopher, and $\alpha + \beta$ eclipse.
