PsTricks 和 Png 文件 Shell 逃逸

PsTricks 和 Png 文件 Shell 逃逸

我在 Mac 上使用 TeXShop,想同时包含 pstricks 图表和插入的图像 (PNG) 文件,但一直没有成功。我尝试切换我的首选项以包含 Shell Escape,但我是新手,在这方面做得最好。我包括了 tex 文件和一些图像。






\firstpageheader{Area Between Curves}{Applications of Integrals}{BC Calculus}
\runningheader{Area Between Curves}{Applications of Integrals}{BC Calculus}
\firstpagefooter{Advisory 3}{Mr. Bennett}{SWW Math Dept.}


        \question For the figure above, the area of the shaded region is

        A.  $\dfrac{14}{3}$ \\ \\
        B.  $\dfrac{16}{3}$ \\ \\
        C.   $\dfrac{28}{3}$ \\ \\
        D.  $\dfrac{32}{3}$  \\ \\
        E.  $\dfrac{65}{3}$ \\ \\

    \question (1998 AB 25) What is the area of the region between the graphs of $y=x^2$ and $y=-x$ from $x=0$ to $x=2$?  
            \part 2/3
            \part 8/3
            \part 4
            \part 14/3
            \part 16/3

    \question The area of the shaded region in the figure above is represented by which of the following integrals?
            \part $\displaystyle{\int_{a}^{c} (|f(x)|-|g(x)|\; dx}$
            \part $\displaystyle{\int_{b}^{c} f(x)\;dx}- \displaystyle{\int_{a}^{c} g(x)\; dx}$ 
            \part $\displaystyle{\int_{a}^{c} (g(x)-f(x))\;}$
            \part $\displaystyle{\int_{a}^{c}(f(x)-g(x)\;dx}$
            \part $\displaystyle{\int_{a}^{b} (g(x)-f(x))\;dx}+ \displaystyle{\int_{b}^{c} (f(x)-g(x))\;}$

