我目前正在开发一个网站,该网站使用 .tex 文件为学生生成练习。其中一个练习的解决方案是绘图,我正在使用 tkiz 来制作。当我使用普通的 pdflatex 命令时,绘图功能正常。问题是当我尝试生成 HTML 代码时。然后我得到了两个不同的 svg 文件。我的 LaTeX/htlatex 功能已经用完了。任何帮助都非常感谢
\usepackage{pgfplots} %einfügen von plots
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这是我的 MWE,这里是两个输出的 SVG 文件:mwe-1.svg:
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92.57498 16.14995 M 96.51434 13.3044 L 96.51434 16.14995 M 100.45369 13.3044 L 100.45369 16.14995 M 104.39305 13.3044 L 104.39305 16.14995 M 108.33241 13.3044 L 108.33241 16.14995 M 116.21115 13.3044 L 116.21115 16.14995 M 120.15051 13.3044 L 120.15051 16.14995 M 124.08986 13.3044 L 124.08986 16.14995 M 128.02922 13.3044 L 128.02922 16.14995 M 131.96858 13.3044 L 131.96858 16.14995 M 139.84732 13.3044 L 139.84732 16.14995 M 143.78668 13.3044 L 143.78668 16.14995 M 147.72603 13.3044 L 147.72603 16.14995 M 151.66539 13.3044 L 151.66539 16.14995 M 155.60475 13.3044 L 155.60475 16.14995 M 163.48349 13.3044 L 163.48349 16.14995 M 167.42285 13.3044 L 167.42285 16.14995 M 171.3622 13.3044 L 171.3622 16.14995 M 175.30156 13.3044 L 175.30156 16.14995 M 179.24092 13.3044 L 179.24092 16.14995 M 187.11966 13.3044 L 187.11966 16.14995 M 191.05902 13.3044 L 191.05902 16.14995 M 194.99837 13.3044 L 194.99837 16.14995 " style="fill:none"/>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl <g>?nl <g stroke-width="0.2pt">?nl <g stroke="rgb(50.0%,50.0%,50.0%)">?nl <g fill="rgb(50.0%,50.0%,50.0%)">?nl <path d=" M 41.3633 12.59323 L 41.3633 16.8611 M 64.99947 12.59323 L 64.99947 16.8611 M 88.63564 12.59323 L 88.63564 16.8611 M 112.2718 12.59323 L 112.2718 16.8611 M 135.90797 12.59323 L 135.90797 16.8611 M 159.54414 12.59323 L 159.54414 16.8611 M 183.18031 12.59323 L 183.18031 16.8611 " style="fill:none"/>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl <g>?nl <g>?nl <g stroke-width="0.2pt">?nl <g stroke="rgb(50.0%,50.0%,50.0%)">?nl <g fill="rgb(50.0%,50.0%,50.0%)">?nl <path d=" M 16.3042 2.45451 L 19.15007 2.45451 M 16.3042 8.59082 L 19.15007 8.59082 M 16.3042 20.86348 L 19.15007 20.86348 M 16.3042 26.9998 L 19.15007 26.9998 M 16.3042 33.13612 L 19.15007 33.13612 M 16.3042 39.27245 L 19.15007 39.27245 M 16.3042 45.40875 L 19.15007 45.40875 M 16.3042 57.68141 L 19.15007 57.68141 M 16.3042 63.81773 L 19.15007 63.81773 M 16.3042 69.95406 L 19.15007 69.95406 M 16.3042 76.09038 L 19.15007 76.09038 M 16.3042 82.22668 L 19.15007 82.22668 M 16.3042 94.49934 L 19.15007 94.49934 M 16.3042 100.63567 L 19.15007 100.63567 M 16.3042 106.77199 L 19.15007 106.77199 M 16.3042 112.90831 L 19.15007 112.90831 M 16.3042 119.04462 L 19.15007 119.04462 M 16.3042 131.31728 L 19.15007 131.31728 M 16.3042 137.4536 L 19.15007 137.4536 M 16.3042 143.58992 L 19.15007 143.58992 M 16.3042 149.72624 L 19.15007 149.72624 M 16.3042 155.86255 L 19.15007 155.86255 " style="fill:none"/>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl <g>?nl <g stroke-width="0.2pt">?nl <g stroke="rgb(50.0%,50.0%,50.0%)">?nl <g fill="rgb(50.0%,50.0%,50.0%)">?nl <path d=" M 15.59291 51.5451 L 19.86133 51.5451 M 15.59291 88.36304 L 19.86133 88.36304 M 15.59291 125.18097 L 19.86133 125.18097 M 15.59291 161.9989 L 19.86133 161.9989 " style="fill:none"/>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl </g>?nl <path d=" M 3.59995 14.72717 L 191.39845 14.72717 " style="fill:none"/>?nl <g>?nl <g transform="matrix(-1.0,0.0,0.0,-1.0,3.59995,14.72717)">?nl 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据我了解,它会创建 2 个 svg 文件,一个包含绘图的实际数据,另一个没有任何内容。输出 HTML 中引用的唯一文件是 mwg-2.svg
话虽如此,我不知道如何读取 svg 文件。当我在浏览器中打开 HTML 文件时,它显示为空白,但源引用了 mwe-2.svg
我不知道您的问题根源,但默认的 TikZ tex4ht 驱动程序存在很多问题。有两种可能的解决方案:
- 使用TikZ 外部化
- 使用用于
TikZ 到 SVG 转换的替代 tex4ht 驱动程序。
更简单的解决方案是第二个,它的主要问题是它不适用于 utf8 和 OpenType 字体,但您似乎没有使用它,所以我猜它是可以的。
TeX 文件的目录中:
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/pgfe{a dup 0 rlineto exch 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto closepath}bind def% rectangle
/pgfw{setlinewidth}bind def% setlinewidth
/pgfs{save pgfpd 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale
magscale{1 DVImag div dup scale}if
pgfx neg pgfy neg translate pgffoa .setopacityalpha}bind def% save
/pgfr{pgfsd restore}bind def %restore
userdict begin%
/pgfo{pgfsd /pgfx currentpoint /pgfy exch def def @beginspecial}bind def %open
/pgfc{newpath @endspecial pgfpd}bind def %close
/pgfsd{globaldict /pgfdelta /delta where {pop delta} {0} ifelse put}bind def% save delta
/pgfpd{/delta globaldict /pgfdelta get def}bind def % put delta
/.setopacityalpha where {pop} {/.setopacityalpha{pop}def} ifelse % install .setopacityalpha
/.pgfsetfillopacityalpha{/pgffoa exch def
/pgffill{gsave pgffoa .setopacityalpha fill 1 .setopacityalpha newpath fill grestore newpath}bind def
/pgfeofill{gsave pgffoa .setopacityalpha eofill 1 .setopacityalpha newpath eofill grestore newpath}bind def}bind def
/.pgfsetstrokeopacityalpha{/pgfsoa exch def /pgfstr{gsave pgfsoa .setopacityalpha stroke grestore newpath}bind def}bind def
/pgffoa 1 def
/pgfsoa 1 def
% Save the bounding box
\csname b:tikzpicture\endcsname%
\par% FIXME : was '\Par' but that seems to be undefined!?
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% End:
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