我喜欢鼓励 TeX 在段落中使用更少的行。考虑以下 MWE:
If we do not require that $\mathbf S$ is metric and we only wish to compute the
inner product, then there are several strategies for making no column of S
contain more than $C$ non-zero elements. Starting out with an empty matrix,
and taking only the $C-1$ largest elements and the diagonal element from every
column of $\mathbf S$ is the simplest strategy. However, the resulting matrix
will likely end up asymmetric.
We can make the above strategy symmetric by always taking an element \ldots
We can make the above strategy symmetric by always taking an element \ldots
will likely end up asymmetric.\penalty-10000
We can make the above strategy symmetric by always taking an element \ldots
If we do not require that $\mathbf S$ is metric and we only wish to compute the
inner product, then there are several strategies for making no column of S
contain more than $C$ non-zero elements. Starting out with an empty matrix,
and taking only the $C-1$ largest elements and the diagonal element from every
column of $\mathbf S$ is the simplest strategy. However, the resulting matrix
will likely end up asymmetric.
If we do not require that $\mathbf S$ is metric and we only wish to compute the
inner product, then there are several strategies for making no column of S
contain more than $C$ non-zero elements. Starting out with an empty matrix,
and taking only the $C-1$ largest elements and the diagonal element from every
column of $\mathbf S$ is the simplest strategy. However, the resulting matrix
will likely end up asymmetric.
If we do not require that $\mathbf S$ is metric and we only wish to compute the
inner product, then there are several strategies for making no column of S
contain more than $C$ non-zero elements. Starting out with an empty matrix,
and taking only the $C-1$ largest elements and the diagonal element from every
column of $\mathbf S$ is the simplest strategy. However, the resulting matrix
will likely end up asymmetric.{\linepenalty3000\par}
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