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\newcolumntype{N}[2]{>{\raggedleft\refstepcounter{rowcount}\fakelabel{\therowcount}\makebox[3em][r]{\color{black}\the\numexpr\getrefnumber{#1}+1 - \value{rowcount}.)}\centering\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#2}}




\begin{tabular}{ N{presentations}{1cm} L{12.5cm} R{3cm}}

&National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Memphis, TN.& April 2017.
&McNair National Research Conference. Delavan, WI. October &2016.
\begin{tabular}{ N{conferences}{1cm} L{15.5cm}}
&National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Memphis, TN. April 2017.
&McNair National Research Conference. Delavan, WI. October 2016.
\begin{longtable}{ N{compendium}{1cm} L{15.5cm}}
& \justifying Microwave Microbes – A Study of Food Industry Microwaves, Original Research, UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI. Microbiological research into the cleanliness of microwaves at a local area restaurant and heartiness of microbes to withstand multiple prolonged discharges of microwaves within a commercial microwave oven. Advisor: Dr. Jim Burrit. Co-Researchers: Abigail Broderdorf and Craig Warminski. Research Spring, 2014.
& \justifying An Introduction to GMOs, Original Work, UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI. Introductory literature investigating the practices of introducing genetically modified food products into agricultural systems and the claimed effects on personal health and economic downfalls with supportive literature on how to curtail possible devastating side effects of improper introduction to ecology. (Recovered media file). Literature Review Spring 2013.
%\caption{Academics Table} % needs to go inside longtable environment








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\newcolumntype{N}[2]{>{\raggedleft\refstepcounter{rowcount}\fakelabel{\therowcount}\makebox[3em][r]{\color{black}\the\numexpr\getrefnumber{#1}+1 - \value{rowcount}.)}\centering\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#2}}




\begin{tabular}{ N{presentations}{1cm} L{12.5cm} R{3cm}}

&National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Memphis, TN.& April 2017.
&McNair National Research Conference. Delavan, WI. October &2016.
\begin{tabular}{ N{conferences}{1cm} L{15.5cm}}
&National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Memphis, TN. April 2017.
&McNair National Research Conference. Delavan, WI. October 2016.
\begin{longtable}{ N{compendium}{1cm} L{15.5cm}}
& \justifying Microwave Microbes – A Study of Food Industry Microwaves, Original Research, UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI. Microbiological research into the cleanliness of microwaves at a local area restaurant and heartiness of microbes to withstand multiple prolonged discharges of microwaves within a commercial microwave oven. Advisor: Dr. Jim Burrit. Co-Researchers: Abigail Broderdorf and Craig Warminski. Research Spring, 2014.
& \justifying An Introduction to GMOs, Original Work, UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI. Introductory literature investigating the practices of introducing genetically modified food products into agricultural systems and the claimed effects on personal health and economic downfalls with supportive literature on how to curtail possible devastating side effects of improper introduction to ecology. (Recovered media file). Literature Review Spring 2013.
%\caption{Academics Table} % needs to go inside longtable environment
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