

我想使用 tikz 绘制一条斜曲线。我设法做到了这一点:


但是,我未能添加大圆圈和蓝线之间的两个交点以及 f(x) = tx 的图形的可视化。

我很想添加一些小十字或实心黑色圆圈之类的东西来可视化交点,并将它们称为 R 和 P(我最终会删除蓝线上方的 P)。


这是我的 TeX 代码:


\begin{tikzpicture}[x=2cm, y=2cm]

\draw[->] (0,0) node[pos=0, left] {$O$} -- node[pos=0.8, below right, scale=0.5] {$x=2a$}(1.25,0); %% x axis
\draw[->] (0,-0.5) -- (0,1.25); %% y axis
\draw (0.5, 0) circle (0.5); % CIRCLE


\draw(1,-0.5)[name path=line 2, pos=0, below left] coordinate(C) -- (1,1.25)coordinate (D); %% right vertical line parralel to y
\draw (0,0)[name path=line 1, pos=0, below left] coordinate(A) -- node[pos=1.025, right, scale=0.5] {$f(x) = tx$} (1.125,1) coordinate (B); %% f(x) = tx (graph)


\draw[line width=1pt, color=blue] (0,0) coordinate(F) .. controls (0.5,0.025) ..node[pos=1, above, scale=0.65, color=black] {$P$} (0.75,0.75) coordinate(G); % curve through P
\node[below right, scale=0.65] at (intersection of  A--B and C--D){S}; % intersection point S



\documentclass[border = 5pt, tikz]{standalone}


\begin{tikzpicture}[x=2cm, y=2cm]

  \draw[->] (0,0) node[pos=0, left] {$O$} -- node[pos=0.8, below right, scale=0.5] {$x=2a$}(1.25,0); %% x axis
  \draw[->] (0,-0.5) -- (0,1.25); %% y axis
  \draw[name path = circle] (0.5, 0) circle (0.5); % CIRCLE


  \draw(1,-0.5)[name path=line 2, pos=0, below left] coordinate(C) -- (1,1.25)coordinate (D); %% right vertical line parralel to y
  \draw (0,0)[name path=line 1, pos=0, below left] coordinate(A) -- node[pos=1.025, right, scale=0.5] {$f(x) = tx$} (1.125,1) coordinate (B); %% f(x) = tx (graph)


  \draw[line width=1pt, color=blue, name path = blue line] (0,0) coordinate(F) .. controls (0.5,0.025) ..node[pos=1, above, scale=0.65, color=black] {$P$} (0.75,0.75) coordinate(G); % curve through P
  \node[below right, scale=0.65] at (intersection of  A--B and C--D){S}; % intersection point S

  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% <- added this
  \fill[red,name intersections={of=blue line and circle}]
  (intersection-1) circle (2pt) node[below right] {R};

  \fill[red,name intersections={of=line 1 and circle}]
  (intersection-1) circle (2pt) node[above left] {P};


