代码重新定义 & 符号在命令中停止工作

代码重新定义 & 符号在命令中停止工作




% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/392770/82912

a & b

    a & b

% I would like to do this but it doesn't work:
%\newampersandcmd{a & b} % Misplaced alignment tab character &. \newampersandcmd{a & b}

% I tried to write it another way but none of those work:

        a & b
%\testa % Misplaced alignment tab character &. \testa

    a & b
%\testb % Misplaced alignment tab character &. \testb

    a & b
%\testc % Misplaced alignment tab character &. \testc

    a & b
%\testd % Misplaced alignment tab character &. \testd






% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/392770/82912

a & b

    a & b

% I would like to do this but it doesn't work:


\newampersandcmd{a & b}

% I tried to write it another way but none of those work:

        a & b%


    a & b%



发生的事情是 TeX 生效的规则不同命令(IE执行\newcommands),以及 TeX 的规则执行定义的命令。


  a & b%

当 TeX它将\newcommand输入转换为标记列表,并且每个标记都分配了一个cat类别code。但catcode分配的 s 是读取命令时有效的 s,因此a & b将被转换为catcodes 11 10 4 10 11,分别为字母、空格、对齐制表符、空格和字母。但\catcode&=\active was never executed when TeX was reading the command, so the&` 仍然是对齐制表符。

当 TeX 执行此命令时,它会将 的 改为catcode&然后用s\active写入标记列表。从定义时到执行时,标记的 并没有改变。a & bcatcode11 10 4 10 11catcode


  a & b%

TeX 将a & b使用catcodes读取,从现在开始每次使用11 10 13 10 11宏时,这些将是TeX 将使用的 s,独立于使用命令时有效的 s。\testacatcodecatcode

\makeatletter这就是和起作用的原因\makeatother。当您定义名称中带有 的“内部” LaTeX 命令时@,例如:


在执行命令时,的更改catcode@11定义不久后又改回12。当您使用 时\wrappermacro\my@m@cr@withm@ny@@@@不会出现问题,因为catcode当时有效的定义时间才是最重要的。


我的最终目标是找到一种方法来构建一个宏\makearraysfake,使其\makearraysfake[?]{\begin{array}{ll}a&b\end{array}}行为与 完全相同a?b。换句话说,我想删除所有数组,并通过将内容与中间的某个给定分隔符连接起来来合并所有单元格(在一行上)。以下代码执行此操作。

(我的用例是使用 LyX 并使用数组来允许在某些枚举中放置任意数量的参数,但我不喜欢数组添加的空格。)


% Define global versions of \newcommand and \renewcommand
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/51750/82912
    \kernel@ifnextchar [{\@gxargdef#1[#2]}%

% This macro is used to apply the trick of https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/422603/82912

% The \makearraysfake command takes two arguments and returns the second one where arrays are removed (but their content remains) and ampersands are replaced by the first argument.





It prevents the errors when \& is used in the second argument, and replaces it by the first argument:

%\boxed{a&b} % Misplaced alignment tab character &. $$\boxed{a&b}

It removes the spaces added by array:


It can be used in other macros, provided that they are placed in a \textbackslash makeampersandactive macro:



