


整个 .cls 位于底部(由于我一直在编辑,所以有点混乱......)


%% A part title starts with a huge (96pt) bold black number, flushed to the
%% right, followed by the part name on the next line in the title color.
%% Separate the title from the text by two empty lines.
%% Chapter titles have the same layout as parts.

%% Remove the header and page number on empty pages.

整个 .cls 文件

% Some commands have been commented out using %FASTLOAD%  . In hope of speeding up the refreshing of the preview

\ProvidesClass{dissertation}[2013/07/08 v1.0 TU Delft dissertation class]



%% English is the default language, but Dutch is used for some sections.

\RequirePackage{etoolbox}% — available from CTAN (required)
\RequirePackage{keyval}% — a standard package (required)
\RequirePackage{ifthen}% — a standard package (required)
\RequirePackage{url}%  — a standard package (required)
\RequirePackage[natbib, authordate,backend=biber,doi=false,isbn=false,url=false, uniquename=false,

%% If the document is not compiled with XeLaTeX, we need to use the native
%% fonts.

    %% The native font is Utopia Regular with Fourier math. We use Latin Modern
    %% as a fallback, since Utopia lacks support for sans-serif and monospace.
    %% The style for titles is small caps.
    %% The TU Delft house style fonts are Bookman Old Style (serif) for titles
    %% and Tahoma (sans-serif) for text. Apart from these, we use Courier New
    %% for monospace and Cambria for math.

    %% The default style for text is Perpetua (serif).
    %% The default style for titles is GILL Sans MT (sans serif).

         \setsansfont[SmallCapsFont={Gentium Plus}, SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps}]{Gentium Book Basic}

         \setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}

       Path = Fonts/,
        Extension = .ttf]{OverlockSC-Regular}

\newfontfamily\figcapfont{Gentium Book Basic}% Some other font
\DeclareCaptionFormat{figcapfont}{\figcapfont\textbf{#1#2} #3}
%\newfontfamily{\LETTGentium}{Gentium Plus}
       Path = Fonts/,
        Extension = .ttf]{OverlockSC-Regular}

%CHange the font inside tables to small

%% Define the TU Delft house style colors.
%% Use TU Delft cyan as the color for titles, unless the 'print' option is
%% specified, in which case we use anthracite, a dark gray, which is also used
%% for the thumb indices.


%% Set the paper size to 17 by 24 cm, approximately halfway between A4 and A5.
    %% In print mode we add a 3 mm bleed on the outside of the page.
        papersize = {170mm,240mm},
        layoutsize = {167mm,240mm},
        layoutoffset = {3mm,3mm},
        bindingoffset = -3mm
%    \geometry{papersize={170mm,240mm}}

%% We decrease the margins slightly from the default (scale = 0.7).

%% Redefine the title command to accept an optional subtitle.
    %% Add the title to the PDF meta data.
%% Citations



% {\list
% {}
% {\setlength{\leftmargin}{\bibhang}%
%  \setlength{\itemindent}{-\leftmargin}%
%  \setlength{\itemsep}{\bibitemsep}%
%  \setlength{\parsep}{\bibparsep}}}

%% Redefine the author command to accept a first and last name, and to add the
%% full name to the PDF meta data.
    \hypersetup{pdfauthor=#1\ #2}%

%% Remove the header and page number on empty pages.

            \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
                \draw ($(current page.north east)+(0mm,-3mm)$) -- ($(current page.north east)+(-2mm,-3mm)$);
                \draw ($(current page.north east)+(-3mm,0mm)$) -- ($(current page.north east)+(-3mm,-2mm)$);
                \draw ($(current page.south east)+(0mm,3mm)$) -- ($(current page.south east)+(-2mm,3mm)$);
                \draw ($(current page.south east)+(-3mm,0mm)$) -- ($(current page.south east)+(-3mm,2mm)$);
            \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
                \draw ($(current page.north west)+(0mm,-3mm)$) -- ($(current page.north west)+(2mm,-3mm)$);
                \draw ($(current page.north west)+(3mm,0mm)$) -- ($(current page.north west)+(3mm,-2mm)$);
                \draw ($(current page.south west)+(0mm,3mm)$) -- ($(current page.south west)+(2mm,3mm)$);
                \draw ($(current page.south west)+(3mm,0mm)$) -- ($(current page.south west)+(3mm,2mm)$);

%%% Thumb indices consist of white text on a rectangular colored background. The
%%% font-size is 75% of the size of thumb height.


%% We need the TikZ library calc to calculate the coordinates of the thumb
%% indices.

        \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
            \coordinate (top margin) at (0pt,1in+\topmargin+\headheight+\headsep);
            \coordinate (left margin) at (0.95in+\evensidemargin,0pt);
            %% Calculate the corners of the thumb index based on the current
            %% chapter number.
            \coordinate (top left) at ($(current page.north west)-(top margin)-(0pt,\value{chapter}\thumbvspace-\thumbvspace)$);
            \coordinate (bottom right) at ($(top left)+(left margin)-(\thumbhspace,\thumbheight)$);
            %% Shift the left edge to prevent the rounded corner from showing.
            \coordinate (top left) at ($(top left)-(\thumbedge,0pt)$);

            %% Draw the thumb index.
            \fill[fill=thumb,rounded corners=\thumbedge](top left) rectangle (bottom right);
            %% Print the chapter number at the center right in the thumb index.
            \coordinate (center right) at ($(bottom right)+(0pt,0.5\thumbheight)$);
            \coordinate (rat center) at ($(bottom right)+(0.375in+0.375\evensidemargin-1.5mm, 0.5\thumbheight)$);
            \node at (center right)[anchor=east,inner sep=2\thumbedge]{
            \node at (rat center)[anchor=east,inner sep=2\thumbedge]{\includegraphics[width = 0.75in+0.75\evensidemargin]{Thumb/Rathead_lefft.jpg}};
            \node at (center right)[anchor=east,inner sep=2\thumbedge]{
%% rthumb draws a thumb index on the right (odd) page.
        \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
            \coordinate (top margin) at (0pt,1in+\topmargin+\headheight+\headsep);
            \coordinate (right margin) at (0.95in+\evensidemargin,0pt);
            %% Calculate the corners of the thumb index based on the current
            %% chapter number.
            \coordinate (top right) at ($(current page.north east)-(top margin)-(0pt,\value{chapter}\thumbvspace-\thumbvspace)$);
            \coordinate (bottom left) at ($(top right)-(right margin)-(-\thumbhspace,\thumbheight)$);
            %% Shift the left right to prevent the rounded corner from showing.
            \coordinate (top right) at ($(top right)+(\thumbedge,0pt)$);
            %% Draw the thumb index.
            \fill[fill=thumb,rounded corners=\thumbedge](top right) rectangle (bottom left);
            %% Print the chapter number at the center right in the thumb index.
            \coordinate (center left) at ($(bottom left)+(0pt,0.5\thumbheight)$);
            \coordinate (center right rat) at ($(bottom left)+(-0.375in-0.375\evensidemargin+1.5mm,0.5\thumbheight)$);
            \node at (center right rat)[anchor = west, inner sep =2\thumbedge]{
            \includegraphics[width = 0.75in+0.75\evensidemargin]{Thumb/Rathead_right.jpg}

            \node at (center left)[anchor=west,inner sep=2\thumbedge]{
%% Page style for empty pages.

%% Page style for title pages.
   % \fancyfoot[RO, LE] {\titlefont\thepage}

%% Fancy style for the main matter.
    %Page numbers outside
    \fancyfoot[RO, LE] {\titlefont\thepage}

%FOR  the top RIGHT and top LEFT.

      %In the book class \leftmark is toplevel; \rightmark is subtoplevel
    %% Chapter name on the RIGHT (ODD) page.
    %% Section name on the LEFT (EVEN) page.

%% Fancy style for the main matter.
%    \fancyhf{}
%    %% Page numbers on the top left and top right.
%    %%Removed ratheads to ensure faster execution
%    \fancyhead[lE]%{\cropmarks\lthumb\titlefont\thepage}%
%      \fancyhead[RO]{\cropmarks\rthumb\titlefont\thepage}
    %% Chapter name on the left (even) page.
%    \fancyhead[RE]{\titlefont\titleshape\nouppercase{\leftmark}}
    %% Section name on the right (odd) page.
%     \fancyhead[LO]{\titlefont\titleshape\nouppercase{\rightmark}}

%% The mainmatter style is default for normal pages.

%% Print the current chapter and section at the top of the page in cyan.
\renewcommand*\chaptermark[1]{\markboth{\thechapter.\ \color{title}#1}{}}
\renewcommand*\sectionmark[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ \color{title}#1}}

%% The setheader command can be used to print the title of unnumbered chapters
%% in the page header.

%% Change the headrule command (from fancyhdr.sty) to draw the line below the
%% header in the title color.

%% Draw the line above a footnote in the title color as well.
    {\color{title}\hrule width 0.5\textwidth height 0.4pt}%

%% A part title starts with a huge (96pt) bold black number, flushed to the
%% right, followed by the part name on the next line in the title color.
%% Separate the title from the text by two empty lines.
%% In the table of contents, the part name is preceded by an empty line, printed
%% in bold, and not followed by a line of dots.

%\dottedcontents{<section>}[<left>]{<above-code>}{<label width>}{<leaderwidth>}
% with <above-code> is code for the global formatting of the entry
% <left> sets the left margin from the left page margin.
% <label width> is the width of the space created for the label, as described above.
% <leaderwidth> breedte van de puntjes

%% Chapter titles have the same layout as parts.
%% In the table of contents, a chapter is similar to a part, except that it is
%% preceded by half an empty line.

%% Section titles start with the number in bold, followed by the name printed
%% in the title color.
    {\bfseries\thesection.\ }
%% Sections are preceded by an empty line.
%% In the table of contents, section names are followed by a line of dots 8pt
%% apart.

%% Subsection titles have the same layout as section titles, except in a smaller
%% font.
    {\bfseries\thesubsection.\ }
%% In the table of contents, subsection names are followed by a line of dots 8pt
%% apart.

%% Subsubsections have the same font and color as sections and subsections, but
%% are not preceded by a number.
%    {\headerstyle}
%    {}
%    {0pt}
%    {\color{title}}
%% Subsubsections are preceded by an empty line and do not appear in the table
%% of contents.

%%%%%MY version
%% SubSubsection titles have the same layout as subsection titles, except in a smaller
%% font.
    {\bfseries\thesubsubsection.\ }

%% paragraphs have the same font and color as sections and subsections, but
%% are not preceded by a number.
    {\bfseries\thesparagraph.\ }

%% Subsubsections are preceded by an empty line and do not appear in the table
%% of contents.

%% Color the bullets of the itemize environment and make the symbol of the third
%% level a diamond instead of an asterisk.

%% The dedication is vertically centered on a separate page and flushed to the
%% right.
        {\itshape #2}%
        \vskip 0.5\baselineskip%
}%% Define an unnumbered footnote command.

%% The authors environment is used to display the authors of a chapter on the
%% title page. This is only necessary if multiple people contributed
%% significantly to the chapter.
        {\Large\bfseries #1}%

%% The epigraph environment can be used to to add a quote to the title page of
%% a chapter.
        {\rmfamily\itshape #2}%
        \vskip 0.5\baselineskip%

%% The abstract environment is used for the abstract of a chapter.

\newenvironment{abstract}{\thispagestyle{empty}\begin{flushleft} \topskip0pt\vspace*{\fill}\small}{\vspace*{\fill}\end{flushleft}}

\newcommand{\LETTRINE}[2]{\lettrine{\LETTOverlock #1}{#2}}

%%Define an example box
\newcounter{mybox}[chapter] \setcounter{mybox}{0}

\tikz[baseline=(current bounding box.east),outer sep=0pt]
{\strut Box ~\themybox:~#1};},


\tikz[baseline=(current bounding box.east),outer sep=0pt]
{\strut Box ~\themybox:~#1};},

%% \begin{mybox}[Optional Title]{box:label}
%%In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the catheti.

%% Define a drop command which can be used to generate drop caps at the
%% beginning of a section.

%\newcommand*\dropcap[2]{\lettrine[lines=2,findent=0.2em,nindent=0pt]{\color{title} #1}{#2}%}
%\font\Cal=cmsy10 at 25pt
 % \parshape=3 1.5em \dimexpr\hsize-1.5em 2em \dimexpr\hsize-2em 0pt \hsize}

%% Create an unnumbered reference section.
%    \bibliographystyle{dissertation}%
%    \bibliography{#1}%

%% Hyperlinks are cyan, except in print mode, when they are all black.
%    colorlinks = true,
%    citecolor = title,
%    linkcolor = title,
%    urlcolor = title


%Direct quotes in italics


在 Andreas 的帮助下,我能够使用该changepage包解决这个问题

我定义了一个命令,并将bookclass 的设置\startchapter更改为openleftopenany

        \thispagestyle{empty} %
        \thispagestyle{empty} \includegraphics{picture.pdf}%

