如何全局修复此错误(即不使用vspace, \\
\OnehalfSpacing* % document settings
\begin{table} % only 2 cells need to be with a single spacing
Row1 Long Title & \begin{Spacing}{0.78} Single spacing of the text (checked with Adobe Acrobat Pro) Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text
\end{Spacing} & Some text \\ \hline
Row2 & Short text & Some text \\ \hline
Row3 & \begin{Spacing}{0.78} Single spacing of the text (checked with Adobe Acrobat Pro) Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text
\end{Spacing} & Some text \\ \hline
\OnehalfSpacing* % document settings
\begin{table} % only 2 cells need to be with a single spacing
Column1 & Column2 & Column3 \\
Row1 Long Title &
Single spacing of the text (checked with Adobe Acrobat Pro)
Long textLong text Long text Long text Long text
Long text Long text Long text Long text &
Some text \\
Row2 & Short text & Some text \\ \hline
Row3 &
Single spacing of the text (checked with Adobe Acrobat Pro)
Long textLong text Long text Long text Long text
Long text Long text Long text Long text &
Some text \\
\OnehalfSpacing* % document settings
\begin{table} % only 2 cells need to be with a single spacing
Row1 Long Title & \begin{minipage}[t]{11cm}\begin{Spacing}{0.78} Single spacing of the text (checked with Adobe Acrobat Pro) Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text\end{Spacing}\end{minipage} & Some text \\ \hline
Row2 & Short text & Some text \\ \hline
Row3 & \begin{Spacing}{0.78} Single spacing of the text (checked with Adobe Acrobat Pro) Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text
\end{Spacing} & Some text \\ \hline
PS:不要尝试使用inner sep=0
或outer sep =0
\OnehalfSpacing* % document settings
\begin{table} % only 2 cells need to be with a single spacing
Row1 Long Title & \begin{mySpacing}{0.78}{11cm} Single spacing of the text (checked with Adobe Acrobat Pro) Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text\end{mySpacing}& Some text \\ \hline
Row2 & Short text & Some text \\ \hline
Row3 & \begin{Spacing}{0.78} Single spacing of the text (checked with Adobe Acrobat Pro) Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text Long text
\end{Spacing} & Some text \\ \hline