我正在尝试使用和将 skype 徽标添加到我的简历中fontawesome package
。我正在使用 运行XeLaTeX
,但即使使用 也LuaLaTex
% moderncv themes
%\moderncvtheme[blue]{casual} % optional argument are 'blue' (default), 'orange', 'red', 'green', 'grey' and 'roman' (for roman fonts, instead of sans serif fonts)
\moderncvtheme[blue]{classic} % idem
% character encoding
\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} % replace by the encoding you are using
% adjust the page margins
\recomputelengths % required when changes are made to page layout lengths
\fancyfoot{} % clear all footer fields
\familyname{\\ \\XXXX}
\title{Curriculum Vitae} % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\address{XXXXX}{XXXXXX} % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\mobile{XXXXXXX} % optional, remove the line if not wanted
%\phone{xxxxxx} % optional, remove the line if not wanted
%\fax{xxxxxx} % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\email{XXXXXX} % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\extrainfo{\linkedinsocialsymbol \faSkype XXXXXX}
您永远不应使用 XeLaTeX 或 LuaLaTeX加载inputenc
或。并且已由包定义。以下文档适用于 LuaLaTeX。fontenc
由于我不知道的原因,XeLaTeX 有时无法在texmf
树中找到字体,除非你指定文件名,所以如果出于某种原因你必须使用 XeLaTeX 而不是 LuaLaTeX,您可以手动加载包代码:
{\csname faicon@#1\endcsname}}