






\item How much energy does the electron gain as it moves from the negative plate to the positive plate?

\caption{This is a sample Caption}

\item How much energy does the electron gain as it moves from the negative plate to the positive plate?

\item How fast will the electron be travelling when it hits the positive plate, if it left the negative plate with zero velocity?

\item How much energy does the electron gain as it moves from the negative plate to the positive plate?

\item How fast will the electron be travelling when it hits the positive plate, if it left the negative plate with zero velocity?

\item How much energy does the electron gain as it moves from the negative plate to the positive plate?

\item How fast will the electron be travelling when it hits the positive plate, if it left the negative plate with zero velocity?

\item How much energy does the electron gain as it moves from the negative plate to the positive plate?



这是一个使用insbox纯 TeX 宏包和来自 的resumerightmargin键的解决方案enumitem



 \usepackage{graphicx, epstopdf}



%\InsertBoxR{2}{\includegraphics[width =12pc]{c01f002}}

\begin{enumerate}[after = \vspace*{-\topsep }]
\item How much energy does the electron gain as it moves from the negative plate to the positive plate?
\InsertBoxR{1}{\parbox{12pc}{\includegraphics[width =12pc]{c01f002}\captionof{figure}{This is a sample Caption}}}
\begin{enumerate}[resume*, rightmargin=13pc, before = \vspace*{\dimexpr\itemsep- \topsep}, after = \vspace*{-\topsep }]
\item How much energy does the electron gain as it moves from the negative plate to the positive plate?

\item How fast will the electron be travelling when it hits the positive plate, if it left the negative plate with zero velocity?

\item How much energy does the electron gain as it moves from the negative plate to the positive plate?

\item How fast will the electron be travelling when it hits the positive plate, if it left the negative plate with zero velocity?
\begin{enumerate}[resume*, before = \vspace*{\dimexpr\itemsep- \topsep-\baselineskip}]
\item How much energy does the electron gain as it moves from the negative plate to the positive plate?

\item How fast will the electron be travelling when it hits the positive plate, if it left the negative plate with zero velocity?

\item How much energy does the electron gain as it moves from the negative plate to the positive plate?


