\feynmandiagram [vertical=b to b1] {
a [particle=\(\nu_\mu\)] -- [anti fermion] b -- [charged boson,edge
label=$Z^0$] b1 [blob] ,
c [particle=\(\nu_\mu\)] -- [ fermion] b,
i4 -- [fermion,edge label=$N$] b1,
b1 -- [fermion,bend left=10,edge label=$Hadrons$] i6,
b1 -- [fermion, bend right=10, edge label = $Hadrons$] i5,
b1 -- [fermion,edge label=$\pi^0$] i7,
\caption{\label{fig:firs} DIS}
\feynmandiagram [nodes=circle, large, horizontal=i2 to d] {
a -- [fermion,edge label=$N$] i2 [dot] -- [anti charged boson,edge
label=$Z^0$] { b -- {c1, c2}}, i2 --[double,with arrow=0.5,edge
label=$\mathcal{R}$] { d --[charged scalar,edge label=$\pi^0$] d1 , d --
d2} ,
,但我想说手动放置顶点更容易。这也可以避免 arXiv 的问题。
\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=.7pt]
\vertex (v1) at (0,0);
\foreach \X [count=\n]in {-15,-9,-3,3,9,15}
{\vertex (f\n) at (\X:4);
\draw (v1)--(f\n);}
\vertex (f0) at (4,4);
\vertex (v0) at (0,3);
\vertex (i0) at (-4,4);
\vertex (i1) at (-4,-1);
(i0) -- [fermion,momentum={\(p=(E,\vec p)\)},edge label'={\(\ell^\pm\)}] (v0),
(v0) -- [fermion,momentum={\(p'=(E',\vec p')\)},edge
label'={\(\ell^\pm\)}] (f0),
(v0) -- [boson] (v1),
(i1) --[fermion,momentum'={\(p=(M,0)\)},edge label={$N$}] (v1)
\draw[decoration=brace,decorate] ([xshift=3mm,yshift=1mm]f6) --
node[midway,right,xshift=3pt,text width=3cm]
{Hadrons\\ missing\\ mass $W$};
\vertex (a1);
\vertex[right= 5 cm of a1](a2);
\vertex[above right=2cm of a1] (b1);
\vertex[above left=2cm of a2] (b2);
\vertex[right= 1.2 cm of a1](a3);
\vertex[left= 1.2 cm of a2](a4);
\path (b1) -- (a4) coordinate[midway] (h1);
\path (b2) -- (a3) coordinate[midway] (h2);
(a1) -- [fermion,edge label'={$N$}] (a3),
(a3) -- [double,edge label'={$\mathcal{R}$}] (a4),
(b1) --[charged boson,edge label'={$W^i$}] (h1),
(h1) -- [boson] (a4),
(a3) -- [scalar] (h2),
(h2) -- [charged scalar,edge label'={$\pi$}] (b2),
(a4) -- [fermion,edge label'={$N'$}] (a2)
\draw[fill=black] (a4) circle (2pt);