当我使用 tabularx 包生成表时,发生了以下情况:
\newcommand{\heading}[1]{\bfseries\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}} #1\end{tabular}}
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\Centering\arraybackslash}X} %
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{C}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|*{3}{C|} }
Number & Criterion & Description \\ \hline
1 & The study is written in
English.&There are some studies written in languages other than English, but
because of providing an English title or abstract, they show up in
our query result. Only studies written in English will be included for
reasons of feasibility.\\ \hline
2 & The study is peer
reviewed. & To ensure a satisfying quality of primary studies, only peer-reviewed
studies will be chosen, as they have been published by a professional
scholarly society.\\ \hline
3 & The model has been implemented. & To measure reliability and validity of each model, we do not consider the trust models that have not been implemented or tested before. \\\hline
\caption{Inclusion criteria}
- 你的标题问题已在评论中解决
- 你定义了四列表格,但只使用了三列
- 根据我的喜好,如果文本左对齐,并且使用 at align
- 如果第二列比第三列窄,表格会更漂亮
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, tabularx}
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} %
\newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} %
% \footnotesize
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ |c|>{\hsize=0.25\hsize}L|
>{\hsize=0.75\hsize}L| }
Num. & Criterion & Description \\
1 & The study is written in English.
& There are some studies written in languages other than English, but
because of providing an English title or abstract, they show up in
our query result. Only studies written in English will be included for
reasons of feasibility. \\
2 & The study is peer reviewed.
& To ensure a satisfying quality of primary studies, only peer-reviewed
studies will be chosen, as they have been published by a professional
scholarly society.\\ \hline
3 & The model has been implemented.
& To measure reliability and validity of each model, we do not consider the trust models that have not been implemented or tested before. \\
\caption{Inclusion criteria}
\documentclass[twocolumn]{article} % I don't have 'iosart2x.cls'
\captionsetup{skip=0.333\baselineskip} % less distance between table and caption
\small % "\footnotesize" not necessarry
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l lL @{}}
Nr. & Criterion & Description \\
1 & The study is written in English.
&There are some studies written in languages other than English, and if
they provide an English title or abstract, they show up in our query result.
For reasons of feasibility, only studies written in English will be included.\\
2 & The study is peer-reviewed.
& To ensure satisfactory quality of primary studies, only peer-reviewed
studies will be chosen, as they have been published by a professional
scholarly society.\\
3 & The model has been implemented.
& To measure reliability and validity of each model, we do not consider
trust models which have not been implemented or tested before.\\
\caption{Inclusion criteria}
对第 2 列和第 3 列都使用列类型来实现,并将第 3 列的宽度设置为第 2 列的三倍左右。
\documentclass[twocolumn]{article} % I don't have 'iosart2x.cls'
\captionsetup{skip=0.333\baselineskip} % less distance between table and caption
\small % "\footnotesize" not necessarry
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l
% rel. widths of columns 2 and 3 add up to "2".
>{\hsize=1.45\hsize}L @{}}
Nr. & Criterion & Description \\
1 & The study is written in English.
&There are some studies written in languages other than English, and if
they provide an English title or abstract, they show up in our query result.
For reasons of feasibility, only studies written in English will be included.\\
2 & The study is peer-reviewed.
& To ensure satisfactory quality of primary studies, only peer-reviewed
studies will be chosen, as they have been published by a professional
scholarly society.\\
3 & The model has been implemented.
& To measure reliability and validity of each model, we do not consider
trust models which have not been implemented or tested before.\\
\caption{Inclusion criteria}