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l.42 \end{algorithmic}


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\algnewcommand{\LINECOMMENT}[1]{\STATE\(\triangleright\) #1}


\caption{Cuckoo Search Algorithm}
\REQUIRE{A set $N = \{1,2,\ldots, n\}$ of $n$ jobs, a set $M = \{1,2,\ldots ,m\}$ of $m$ identical parallel machines, processing time $p_i$ for each job $i \in N$, MaxGeneration, and stopping criterion.}
\STATE Generate an initial population of $R$ host nests $x_i$, $(i=1,\ldots ,R)$.
\WHILE{$t < $ MaxGeneration or stopping criterion}
  \STATE Obtain a cuckoo randomly by Levy flights.
  \STATE Evaluate its quality/fitness $F_{i}$.
  \STATE Choose a nest (say, $j$) randomly from the population of $R$ and compute its quality/fitness as $F_{j}$.
   \IF {$F_{i}> F_{j}$,}
    \STATE Replace $j$ with the new solution.
    % \ELSE
    \STATE A fraction $(P_a)$ of worst nests from the population are abandoned and new ones are constructed.
    \STATE Retain the best quality solutions (or nests with quality solutions).
    \STATE Sort the solutions and find the current best.
\ENSURE{The current best schedule of $n$ jobs and its corresponding MS.}






