bbcode 格式,甚至使用 markdown \>
在我的 tex 示例中:
% Uncomment it and uncomment any \lipsum notation as well.
% Afterwards build and see how beautifull result is displayed
\usepackage[backend=bibtex, bibstyle=numeric, citestyle=numeric-comp, sorting=none]{biblatex}
\usepackage[pdfauthor={"Dimitrios Desyllas, Ioannis anagnostou"},
pdftitle={"Setting up a LoRa IoT communication using LoRaWAN"},
pdfkeywords={"privacy by design, privacy, howto, technologies, legal requirements"},
\setmainfont{Liberation Serif}
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\newfontfamily\greekfontsf[Script=Greek]{Linux Libertine O}
\setmainfont[Kerning=On,Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine O}
\fancyhead[L]{Univercity Of MOE OTAKUS}
\fancyhead[R]{Legion on Otakus \& Weabos}
\title{Motteke Seifuku}
\date{Univercity of Moe Otakus - 2018}
\author{Dimitrios Desyllas (Nekomimi1233)}
\chapter{Motteke Seifuku}
\section{Seifukus Rocks!!!}
\subsection{Generic information}
This is a nice list \cite{US7791415B2}
\item Seifuku are awesome
\item Watashiwaravuseifuku
\item whatecer I want
Also someone special \cite{US7791415B2} said:
"Seifukus are the quide to the future"
- Someone Special
\subsection{Frequencies of seing seifuku}
\section{Lorem Ipsum}
\chapter{Implementation of Lorem Ispum}
\section{Materials Used}
\section{Projects Implemented}
"Seifukus are the quide to the future"
- Someone Special
\begin[from=Someone Special]{quote}
Seifukus are the quide to the future
\hbox to \textwidth{\hfill -- \quoteFrom}%
\begin{quoted}{A famous eye ducktor}
来自类似问题的贡萨洛梅迪纳 (Gonzalo Medina) 的回答,我在我的文档中使用了以下内容:
%% compile with Xe- or LuaLaTeX
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FONTS
\setmainfont{Libertinus Serif}
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- LANGUAGE
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTES
\def\signed #1{{\leavevmode\unskip\nobreak\hfil\penalty50\hskip2em
\hbox{}\nobreak\hfil(#1)% <-- edit this to change the looks of the author to e.g. "...\hfil - #1%" to get a similar output as in Skillmon's example (also, the %-sign needs to be there!)
\parfillskip=0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0 \endgraf}}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LIPSUM
Someone special said a one-liner:
\begin{signquote}{Someone Special}
Seifukus are the quide to the future.
If there is enough space, the name will not be moved to the next line, which I find appealing.
\begin{signquote}{A famous eye ducktor}
\begin{signquote}{A famous eye ducktor}
Works with haiku, too. If the name it too long, please find a quote from another author with a shorter name.
\begin{signquote}{A famous limerickorice}
There was a young fisher named fisher, \\
who fished for a fish in a fissure. \\
The fish, with a grin, pulled the fisherman in, \\
now, they're fishing the fissure for fisher.
\begin{signquote}{A man from Japan}
There was a young man from Japan \\
Whose limericks never would scan. \\
When asked why that was, \\
He replied "It's because \\
I always try to cram as many words into the last line as I possibly can.
\begin{signquote}{You shouldn't quote people with very long names. They tend to say very long things and don't break nicely.}
There was a young lady of Riga \\
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger; \\
They returned from the ride \\
With the lady inside, \\
And the smile on the face of the tiger.