我正在尝试重新创建所示的图表。我可以生成数字线和标签,但是弯曲的箭头线有问题。提前致谢。MWE 在下面
axis y line=none,
axis lines=left,
axis line style={-},
xmin=-4.5, xmax=3.5, ymin=0, ymax=1,
restrict y to domain=0:1,
scatter/classes={ a=
}, point meta=explicit symbolic,
\addplot[scatter] table [y expr=0,meta index=1, header=false] {
-4 a
3 b
0 c
% the labels
\node[coordinate,label=above:{$B$}] at (axis cs:3,0.2) {};
\node[coordinate,label=above:{$A$}] at (axis cs:-4,0.2) {};
\node[coordinate,label=above:{$O$}] at (axis cs:0,0.2) {};
\node[coordinate,label=below:{$t=6$}] at (axis cs:-4,0.2) {};
\node[coordinate,label=below:{$t=0$}] at (axis cs:0,0.2) {};
\node[coordinate,label=below:{$t=2$}] at (axis cs:-4,0.2) {};
\node[coordinate,label=above:{$4\,m$}] at (axis cs:-2,0.2) {};
\node[coordinate,label=above:{$3\,m$}] at (axis cs:1.5,0.2) {};
\draw[ultra thick] (-4.5,0) -- (3.5,0);
\foreach \X/\L in {-4/A,0/O,3/B}
{\draw[fill=white] (\X,0) circle (1pt) node[above] (\L){\L};}
\node[below=1pt of A] (A1) {$t=6$};
\node[below=1pt of O] (O1) {$t=0$};
\node[below=1pt of B] (B1) {$t=2$};
\node[below=0pt of A1.south west,anchor=north west] (A2) {$x(6)=-4$};
\node[below=0pt of O1.south west,anchor=north west] (O2) {$x(0)=0$};
\node[below=0pt of B1.south west,anchor=north west] (B2) {$x(2)=3$};
\draw[fill=black] (0,1) coordinate(O3) circle (1pt);
\draw[-latex] (O3)--++(1.5cm,0);
\draw[-latex] (O3)--++(2.5cm,0) to[out=0,in=0,looseness=2] ++(0,0.5cm)
-- ++(-6.5cm,0);