在 中插入首字母缩略词\newthought
\newacronym{ds}{DS}{Directional Sensitivity} % define acronym label/short/long
\newthought{The \gls{ds}} of hair cells
使用 可以按预期工作pdfLaTeX
。但是,使用 渲染时XeLaTeX
! Package glossaries Error: Glossary entry `{ds}' has not been defined.
\newthought{The \glsentrytext{ds}} of hair cells
\newthought{The \glsentryshort{ds}} of hair cells
\newthought{The \glsentrylong{ds}} of hair cells
\newthought{The \glsentryname{ds}} of hair cells
\newthought{The Directional Sensitivity} \gls{ds} of hair cells
- 我需要
,否则会搞砸以后的使用 - 我想用它
来强调新主题,例如“方向敏感性”,最好用首字母缩略词来定义 - 我想使用
*File List*
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