如何在 moderncv 中的 cventry 中的 cvitem 中自动换行?

如何在 moderncv 中的 cventry 中的 cvitem 中自动换行?

如果有人能帮助我,我将不胜感激。如果我编译代码(参见下面的 MWE),则 cvitem 的第二个参数中写入的文本将超出右边距,直到论文的最后。我需要做什么才能在第二个参数中自动换行\cvitem


\title{Curriculum Vitae}


{Some info including a link in my real document. The automatic linebreak works here, but not below}
{\cvitem{Item 1}{This is the description of item 1 and it is very long so I need an automatic linebreak here so the text doesn't go beyond the linewidth.}
\cvitem{Item 2}{This is the description of item 2 and it is very long so I need an automatic linebreak here which I don't know how to create.}
\cvitem{Item 3}{This is the description of item 3 and it is even longer and spans across multiple lines so I need an automatic linebreak so the text doesn't go beyond the linewidth, but I don't know how to create this.}



换行符自动发生。问题是你缺少 的参数\cventry,那么它会将\cvitems 作为参数。

moderncv的 GitHub 页面,的参数\cventry为:

\cventry{year--year}{Degree}{Institution}{City}{\textit{Grade}}{Description} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty


I also removed the braces that were grouping the `\cvitem`s.

如果您想改变\cvitems 的对齐方式,则应该增加 的值\hintscolumnwidth并减少 的值\maincolumnwidth\cvitems 使用 排版,tabular每列具有上述两种宽度之一。

例如,缩进Item Xbe 4cm

\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{4cm}% The width of the "hints" column
\setlength{\maincolumnwidth}{\dimexpr\linewidth-\hintscolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth}% Recompute the size of the remaining text.




\title{Curriculum Vitae}



{\textit{Grade}}% Missing this
{Some info including a link in my real document. The automatic linebreak works here, but not below}


\cvitem{Item 1}{This is the description of item 1 and it is very long so I need an automatic linebreak here so the text doesn't go beyond the linewidth.}
\cvitem{Item 2}{This is the description of item 2 and it is very long so I need an automatic linebreak here which I don't know how to create.}
\cvitem{Item 3}{This is the description of item 3 and it is even longer and spans across multiple lines so I need an automatic linebreak so the text doesn't go beyond the linewidth, but I don't know how to create this.}

