\caption[]{my caption \label{tab:summary}}
\begin{tabular}{p{\dimexpr 0.2\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}
p{\dimexpr 0.75\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}
p{\dimexpr 0.05\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}}
\textbf{Sample type} & \textbf{Definitions} & \textbf{n} \\ \midrule
Paired, pre and post treatment - deemed cured & VL treated for 4-5 weeks, with improvement in clinical symptoms and no evidence of relapse at any time 6 months after treatment. Samples were taken at or around the start of treatment and at 6 months. & 25 pairs \\
Unpaired, relapse & VL treated and subsequently relapsed to active disease. Sampled at the time of relapse diagnosis & 26 \\
Endemic healthy controls & Resident in VL endemic area, seronegative by DAT and rK39 ELISA, no history of VL, healthy & 15 \\
Assymptomatic progressors & Asymptomatic seropositive, on the basis of DAT (geq1:16,000) and/or rK39 ELISA (Optical density (OD) greater mean OD + 2 standard deviations of non-endemic healthy control samples), from VL endemic areas, without clinical signs or symptoms or history of VL, developed VL 6 days to 6 months after sampling. & 4 \\
Asymptomatic non-progressors & Asymptomatic seropositive as above but did not develop VL during follow-up of at least 3 years. & 4 \\ \bottomrule
\begin{tabular}{p{\dimexpr 0.2\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}
p{\dimexpr 0.75\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}
p{\dimexpr 0.05\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}}
\textbf{Sample type} & \textbf{Definitions} & \textbf{n} \\ \midrule
Paired, pre and post treatment - deemed cured & VL treated for 4-5 weeks, with improvement in clinical symptoms and no evidence of relapse at any time 6 months after treatment. Samples were taken at or around the start of treatment and at 6 months. & 25 pairs \\
Unpaired, relapse & VL treated and subsequently relapsed to active disease. Sampled at the time of relapse diagnosis & 26 \\
Endemic healthy controls & Resident in VL endemic area, seronegative by DAT and rK39 ELISA, no history of VL, healthy & 15 \\
Assymptomatic progressors & Asymptomatic seropositive, on the basis of DAT (geq1:16,000) and/or rK39 ELISA (Optical density (OD) greater mean OD + 2 standard deviations of non-endemic healthy control samples), from VL endemic areas, without clinical signs or symptoms or history of VL, developed VL 6 days to 6 months after sampling. & 4 \\
Asymptomatic non-progressors & Asymptomatic seropositive as above but did not develop VL during follow-up of at least 3 years. & 4 \\ \bottomrule
% first measure the height of the tabular
\savebox{\tempbox}{\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr \textheight}
\captionof{table}[]{my caption}\label{tab:summary}
\begin{tabular}{p{\dimexpr 0.2\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}
p{\dimexpr 0.75\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}
p{\dimexpr 0.05\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}}
\textbf{Sample type} & \textbf{Definitions} & \textbf{n} \\ \midrule
Paired, pre and post treatment - deemed cured & VL treated for 4-5 weeks, with improvement in clinical symptoms and no evidence of relapse at any time 6 months after treatment. Samples were taken at or around the start of treatment and at 6 months. & 25 pairs \\
Unpaired, relapse & VL treated and subsequently relapsed to active disease. Sampled at the time of relapse diagnosis & 26 \\
Endemic healthy controls & Resident in VL endemic area, seronegative by DAT and rK39 ELISA, no history of VL, healthy & 15 \\
Assymptomatic progressors & Asymptomatic seropositive, on the basis of DAT (geq1:16,000) and/or rK39 ELISA (Optical density (OD) greater mean OD + 2 standard deviations of non-endemic healthy control samples), from VL endemic areas, without clinical signs or symptoms or history of VL, developed VL 6 days to 6 months after sampling. & 4 \\
Asymptomatic non-progressors & Asymptomatic seropositive as above but did not develop VL during follow-up of at least 3 years. & 4 \\ \bottomrule
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