tabularx 中的段落中的 \hbox 未满(不良率 10000)

tabularx 中的段落中的 \hbox 未满(不良率 10000)



Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph


        - & Top gem & A & B & C & D \\ \hline 
        Surface quality & Flawless & 90\% flawless, 10\% light defects and up to 2 defects & 70\% flawless, 30\% light defects and up to 2 deep defects & 40\% flawless, 60\% light defects and up to 10\% deep defects defects & More than 60\% light defects and up to 20\% deep defects defects \\ \hline 
        Lustre & Excellent & Very good at least & Good at least & Medium at least & Low at least \\ \hline 

感谢您的阅读!祝您有美好的一天!PS:我使用 TeXstudio(如果真的很重要的话)




        - & Top gem & A & B & C & D \\ \hline 
        Surface quality & Flawless & 90\% flawless, 10\% light defects and up to 2 defects & 70\% flawless, 30\% light defects and up to 2 deep defects & 40\% flawless, 60\% light defects and up to 10\% deep defects defects & More than 60\% light defects and up to 20\% deep defects defects \\ \hline 
        Lustre & Excellent & Very good at least & Good at least & Medium at least & Low at least \\ \hline 

“未满的水平盒子”意味着行中的空白被拉伸太多,在这种情况下,由于一行只能有两个单词,在许多情况下,它们之间的单个空格被过度拉伸以调整文本,将其设置为 raggedright 可以避免这种情况。

此处与误用\\无关。人们经常将 放在\\段落末尾,出于技术原因,这会强制段落后出现一个完全空的行,然后该行会被拉伸到全宽,并给出与您情况相同的未满水平框警告。
