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{\large\textit{...... ...... ...... }}\\[4\baselineskip]
{\Huge\bfseries Some Title}\\[2\baselineskip] % Title
{\Large\textsc{Some Author}} % Author name, lower case for consistent small caps
\vspace{0.47\textheight} % Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
{\noindent a: b}\\[0.1\baselineskip]
{\noindent c:d}\\[\baselineskip]
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{\large\textit{...... ...... ...... }}\\[4\baselineskip]
{\Huge\bfseries Some Title}\\[2\baselineskip] % Title
{\Large\textsc{Some Author}} % Author name, lower case for consistent small caps
\vspace{0.47\textheight} % Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
{\noindent a: b}\\[0.1\baselineskip]
{\noindent c:d}\\[\baselineskip]
使用下面的代码(MWE),标题页使用 stix 字体,可以通过我在标题页末尾附近添加的一些额外数学符号来观察。在标题页之后,您可以将文档其余部分的字体设置为其他字体,在本例中为 lmodern。您可以禁用 lmodern 字体选择以观察标题页后面的文本的效果。
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{\large\textit{...... ...... ...... }}\\[4\baselineskip]
{\Huge\bfseries Some Title}\\[2\baselineskip] % Title
{\Large\textsc{Some Author}} % Author name, lower case for consistent small caps
\vspace{0.47\textheight} % Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
{\noindent $\Gamma \Theta \Psi \chi$ a: b}\\[0.1\baselineskip]
{\noindent c:d}\\[\baselineskip]
Some text, and a math formula \(a+b=\sqrt{c}\).