

我是 LaTEX 新手...我试图引用聊天记录的部分内容并让它们看起来像这样:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed iaculis orci augue, id finibus nunc feugiat egestas. Ut at consectetur orci.

    Bob: This is the first line of my message
        and this the second one
        and this the third
    Alice: Hi Bob

Morbi laoreet gravida elit vitae posuere. Mauris vel urna nec elit cursus lacinia.


 %!TEX program = xelatex

\newenvironment{chat} {
        \topsep 2em
        \parsep -1em
        \rightmargin \leftmargin
        \advance\leftmargin 1.5em




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed iaculis orci augue, id finibus nunc feugiat egestas.
Ut at consectetur orci.

\who{Bob} This is the first line of my message\\
and this the second one\\
and this the third\\
\who{Alice} Hi Bob\\

Morbi laoreet gravida elit vitae posuere.
Mauris vel urna nec elit cursus lacinia.


这是正确的方法吗?此外,我尝试在 之前和之后直接添加 (...) \newenvironment,这样我就不必随时添加它们,但我无法让它们正确对齐。有什么帮助吗?



这将使用您的\who命令,但不适用于列表(使用 hangindent 并依赖于 parindent > 0pt)。


 %!TEX program = xelatex

\newenvironment{chat} {
    \newcommand\ellipsis{\par\hangindent=0pt\hangafter=0 (\dots)\par}
    \newcommand\who[1]{\par\hangindent=2.5em\hangafter=1 ##1:}




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed iaculis orci augue, id finibus nunc feugiat egestas.
Ut at consectetur orci.

\who{Bob} This is the first line of my message\\
and this the second one\\
and this the third
\who{Alice} Hi Bob

Morbi laoreet gravida elit vitae posuere.
Mauris vel urna nec elit cursus lacinia.



按照@TeXnician 方法,我最终使用了此代码,\ obeylines这样我就不需要\\在相关行中添加:

%!TEX program = xelatex

\newenvironment{chat} {




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed iaculis orci augue, id finibus nunc feugiat egestas.
Ut at consectetur orci.

\who{Bob} This is the first line of my message
and this the second one
and this the third
\who{Alice} Hi Bob

Morbi laoreet gravida elit vitae posuere.
Mauris vel urna nec elit cursus lacinia.



