

我如何重新格式化以下内容以使其看起来像 NAACL 一样:

​%\author{Mona Jalal \\
%  Computer Science Department \\ Boston University \\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\\And
%  Kate K. Mays, Lei Guo \\
%  Emerging Media Studies \\ Boston University\\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\\And
%    Margrit Betke \\
%  Computer Science Department \\ Boston University\\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\}
\author[*]{Mona Jalal}
\author[**]{Kate K. Mays}
\author[**]{Lei Guo}
\author[*]{Margrit Betke}
\affil[*]{Computer Science Department, Boston University}
\affil[**]{Emerging Media Studies, Boston University}

基本上,我想在我们都拥有相同域名的隶属关系下添加{jalal,kkmays,guolei,betke}@bu.edu。 在此处输入图片描述

我们的当前样子是这样的: 在此处输入图片描述

% File naaclhlt2018.tex
%% Based on the style files for NAACL-HLT 2018, which were
%% Based on the style files for ACL-2015, with some improvements
%%  taken from the NAACL-2016 style
%% Based on the style files for ACL-2014, which were, in turn,
%% based on ACL-2013, ACL-2012, ACL-2011, ACL-2010, ACL-IJCNLP-2009,
%% EACL-2009, IJCNLP-2008...
%% Based on the style files for EACL 2006 by 
%%[email protected] or [email protected]
%% and that of ACL 08 by Joakim Nivre and Noah Smith

\usepackage [english]{babel}
\usepackage [autostyle, english = american]{csquotes}

\aclfinalcopy % Uncomment this line for the final submission
%def\aclpaperid{61} %  Enter the acl Paper ID here
% You can expand the titlebox if you need extra space
% to show all the authors. Please do not make the titlebox
% smaller than 5cm (the original size); we will check this
% in the camera-ready version and ask you to change it back.

\newcommand\BibTeX{B{\sc bib}\TeX}

\title{paper title}

%\author{Mona Jalal \\
%  Computer Science Department \\ Boston University \\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\\And
%  Kate K. Mays, Lei Guo \\
%  Emerging Media Studies \\ Boston University\\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\\And
%    Margrit Betke \\
%  Computer Science Department \\ Boston University\\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\}
\author[*]{Mona Jalal}
\author[**]{Kate K. Mays}
\author[**]{Lei Guo}
\author[*]{Margrit Betke}
\affil[*]{Computer Science Department, Boston University}
\affil[**]{Emerging Media Studies, Boston University} 

%%\renewcommand\Authands{  }



\usepackage [english]{babel}
\usepackage [autostyle, english = american]{csquotes}

\aclfinalcopy % Uncomment this line for the final submission
%def\aclpaperid{61} %  Enter the acl Paper ID here
% You can expand the titlebox if you need extra space
% to show all the authors. Please do not make the titlebox
% smaller than 5cm (the original size); we will check this
% in the camera-ready version and ask you to change it back.

\newcommand\BibTeX{B{\sc bib}\TeX}

\title{paper title}

        {\def\\{, \ignorespaces}\xdef\AB@temp{#2}}%
        \xdef\AB@affillist{\the\@temptokena \AB@affilsep

%\author{Mona Jalal \\
%  Computer Science Department \\ Boston University \\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\\And
%  Kate K. Mays, Lei Guo \\
%  Emerging Media Studies \\ Boston University\\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\\And
%    Margrit Betke \\
%  Computer Science Department \\ Boston University\\
%  {\tt [email protected]} \\}
\author[*]{Mona Jalal}
\author[**]{Kate K. Mays}
\author[**]{Lei Guo}
\author[*]{Margrit Betke}
\affil[*]{Computer Science Department, Boston University}
\affil[**]{Emerging Media Studies, Boston University}
