



当前尝试: 现在词汇表用于词汇表,我计划使用索引包xindy和样式文件作为索引。

问题:虽然我不确定正确的样式定义,但undefined controlsequence \lettergroup只要使用示例样式文件,就会收到错误消息




\makeindex[options={-M indexStyle}]







;; $Id: makeidx.xdy,v 1.1 1997/02/07 14:17:31 kehr Exp $
;; This file implements the Output Style Specifiers for plain
;; makeindex (see manpage of makeindex 2.x) in conjuction with
;; TeX/LaTeX.
;; The Input Style Specifiers of makeindex cannot de defined in a
;; `xindy' style file. Use an appropriate version of the program
;; `tex2xindy' which should be included with this distribution.
;; Since `xindy' uses a different specification language than
;; makeindex and some of the command-line options of makeindex are now
;; only available as style-file commands, this file can only serve as
;; a template that produces the default-markup of makeindex. However,
;; it may be used as a starting point for further modification and
;; specialization.
;; The following values are taken from the source of the makeindex
;; distribution (see file scanst.h and the manpage) for further
;; details.

;; Define all attributes appearing in your document. Your attributes
;; are all encapsulators you use in your \index commands following the
;; vertical bar sign `|'. For example `foo' is the attribute in the
;; command \index{...|foo}. Here you specify the set of attributes
;; that appear in your document, the order in which they appear in the
;; index and which one superdes the other.
;; Example: a) (define-attibutes (("default") ("bf") ("it")))
;;          b) (define-attibutes (("bf" "default")))
;; The initial command is (change it accordingly):

;; (define-attributes (("default")))

;; The description of the location-classes.
;; Add more location classes as needed.

;; (define-location-class "arabic-page-numbers" ("arabic-numbers"))
;; (define-location-class "roman-page-numbers"  ("roman-numbers-lowercase"))
;; (define-location-class "Roman-page-numbers"  ("roman-numbers-uppercase"))
;; (define-location-class "alpha-page-numbers"  ("alpha"))
;; (define-location-class "Alpha-page-numbers"  ("ALPHA"))

;; The most frequently used cross reference class "see". Add more, if
;; necessary.

;; (define-crossref-class "see")
;; (markup-crossref-list :open "\see{" :close "}{}" :class "see")

;; In makeindex: page_precedence <string>  "rnaRA"
;; List all location classes appearing in your document.

(define-location-class-order ("roman-page-numbers"

;; preamble <string>        "\\begin{theindex}\n"
;; postamble <string>       "\n\n\\end{theindex}\n"

(markup-index :open  "\begin{theindex}~n"
          :close "~n~n\end{theindex}~n"

;; These specifiers are not directly supported via a command-line
;; switch as in makeindex. Add the appropriate markup-commands into
;; the preamble.

;; setpage_prefix <string>  "~n  \setcounter{page}{"
;; setpage_suffix <string>  "}~n"

;; group_skip <string>      "~n~n  \indexspace~n"

(markup-letter-group-list :sep "~n~n  \indexspace~n")

;; The indexentries (item_<..> specifiers)

(markup-indexentry :open "~n  \item "           :depth 0)
(markup-indexentry :open "~n    \subitem "      :depth 1)
(markup-indexentry :open "~n      \subsubitem " :depth 2)

;; Location-references

;; delim_0 <string>         ", "
;; delim_1 <string>         ", "
;; delim_2 <string>         ", "

(markup-locclass-list :open ", " :sep ", ")

;; delim_n <string>         ", "

(markup-locref-list   :sep ", ")

;; delim_r <string>         "--"

(markup-range :sep "--")

;; Here follow all letter-groups. The short-cut notation is used here.

    ("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m"
     "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"))

;; The sort-rules map all letters to their lowercase counterpart.

(sort-rule "A" "a")
(sort-rule "B" "b")
(sort-rule "C" "c")
(sort-rule "D" "d")
(sort-rule "E" "e")
(sort-rule "F" "f")
(sort-rule "G" "g")
(sort-rule "H" "h")
(sort-rule "I" "i")
(sort-rule "J" "j")
(sort-rule "K" "k")
(sort-rule "L" "l")
(sort-rule "M" "m")
(sort-rule "N" "n")
(sort-rule "O" "o")
(sort-rule "P" "p")
(sort-rule "Q" "q")
(sort-rule "R" "r")
(sort-rule "S" "s")
(sort-rule "T" "t")
(sort-rule "U" "u")
(sort-rule "V" "v")
(sort-rule "W" "w")
(sort-rule "X" "x")
(sort-rule "Y" "y")
(sort-rule "Z" "z")

;; That's all ;-)

;; End

;; Local Variables:
;; mode: lisp
;; End:

索引应该是这样的: 索引应该是什么样的

理性/我尝试过的:由于我想要一个像用户指南中的索引,因此最好的解决方案是复制该方法。但是,当我尝试从源创建用户指南时,索引没有显示。我假设我必须texindy使用特定参数运行(就像 glossaries-code.pdf 所需的那样),但找不到生成说明。此外,在我看来,索引代码固定在类中nctldoc,我被迫使用该类muthesis。由于作者glossaries更喜欢使用外部索引包,我认为使用索引包是有意义的。此外,我不确定如何在首字母缩略词和索引词汇表中使用该术语。虽然有解决方案:使词汇表术语仅添加选定的页码,使用显式索引包似乎更直接。





(markup-locclass-list :open "\dotfill " :sep "\dotfill ")



\makeindex[options={-M indexStyle}]












\renewcommand*{\abbreviationsname}{List of Abbreviations}
\renewcommand*{\glossarypreamble}{\emph{Numbers refer to the 
\textbf{chapter} where the entry was referenced.}}


% Automatically index the location of entry in the glossary
% for those entries that are in the "general" category:


% Only index first use for the glossary location lists
% (doesn't affect the indexing from "dualindex" attribute):

% Automatically index the location of entry in the glossary
% for those entries that are in the "abbreviation" category
% and use "textbf" as the encap:


% Only index first use for the glossary location lists
% (doesn't affect the indexing from "dualindex" attribute):

% Convert the first letter of the name to upper case in the 
% glossary for general entries:

% Allow "format" key to override "dualindex" attribute.

% use first field instead of name field

% use long form for the sort value, if provided:

% Define general entries:

  description={a waterbird with webbed feet}}

  description={mainly tropical bird with bright plumage}}

  description={makeindex's default for the ``actual value''}}

  description={makeindex's default for the ``escape value''}}

  description={makeindex's default for the ``level value''}}

  description={makeindex's default for the ``encap value''}}

% Set abbreviation style:


% Define abbreviations:

 {html}% identifying label
 {html}% short form
 {hypertext markup language}% long form

 {xml}% identifying label
 {xml}% short form
 {extensible markup language}% long form

\title{Sample document testing the glossaries-extra package}
\author{Nicola Talbot}



This is a sample\index{sample} document testing the
\texttt{glossaries-extra} package.

\chapter{General Entries}

Sample entries: \gls{duck} and \gls{parrot}.

Test makeindex's special characters: \gls{at} (actual)
\gls{esc} (escape) \gls{level} (level) and \gls{encap} (encap).


First use: \gls{html} and \gls{xml}.

Next use: \gls{html} and \gls{xml}.


Uses some entries again: \gls{duck} and \gls[format=textit]{parrot}.




属性dualindex是布尔值。如果true那么每当使用类似命令引用条目时,\gls它也会用 进行索引\index。例如,\gls{duck}另外还会\index{duck}。如果indexonlyfirst设置了属性(在上面注释掉),那么只有第一次使用\gls(或变体)时才会伴随\index

如果设置了属性indexname,则表示应使用 来索引该条目在词汇表中的位置\index。此属性的值可以是true(索引时不使用 encap) 或 encap 值。例如, 值textbf表示当条目duck出现在词汇表中时,应使用 来索引它\index{duck|textbf}。由于词汇表在第一次运行 LaTeX 时并不存在,因此索引只有在词汇表存在之后才能完全创建,因此如果indexname使用 ,则构建过程需要如下:

pdflatex sample-autoindex
makeglossaries sample-autoindex
pdflatex sample-autoindex
makeindex sample-autoindex
pdflatex sample-autoindex


中使用的排序部分\index使用\glsxtrautoindexassignsort{CS}{标签}, 在哪里CS是用于存储排序值的控制序列。在上面,我已将其重新定义为使用长格式(如果已设置)。这意味着缩写按其长格式排序。











