通用 LOT 后的附录 LOT

通用 LOT 后的附录 LOT

我希望创建两个 LOF 列表(也是两个 LOT),其中一个是主要文件,另一个是附录中的文件。总的来说,效果不错。但我希望将这两个列表一个接一个地放在论文的前面,但遗憾的是,我只能在附录的开头创建附录 LOF,而不能更早。

我该如何解决这个问题?或者在使用 LOF/LOT 时没有办法移动它吗?

“minimalcode” 是:





\startlist[main]{lof}% starts main list of figures
\printlist[main]{lof}{}{\section*{List of Figures - general}}% prints main list of figures






我不想创建真正的附录,因为我m using the include option to section my appendix and the appendix feature seems to not be compatible with that? Anyway the code i在附录中使用的内容如下所示:

\stoplist[main]{lof}% stops main list of figures

\startlist[appendix]{lof}% starts list of figures in appendices
\printlist[appendix]{lof}{}{\section*{List of Figures in 
Appendix}}% prints list of figures in appendices




  listname={List of Figures in Appendix},
  setup=totoc% add an entry in TOC for this list
  listname={List of Tables in Appendix},
  setup=totoc% add an entry in TOC for this list


\section{A section}
\caption{First Figure}%
\caption{Second Figure}%

\caption{First Figure in Appendix}%
\caption{Second Figure in Appendix}%


