


    \caption{Literature Review on Personality in Software Engineering}  \label{tab:a}

    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|*{7}{l|} *{3}{L|}}
        Ref & \multicolumn{6}{c|}{Model Used}
        & Approach & Limitation & Goal \\

        &  \parbox[t]{2mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{MBTI}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{FFM}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{BFI}}} &\parbox[t]{2mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{KTS}}} & \parbox[t]{2mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{BTR}}} &\parbox[t]{2mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{NEO-FFI}}} 
        & \multicolumn{3}{L|}{}  \\[7ex]

        [10] & & &\checkmark & & & 
        & Interactive personality profiling approach 
        & Test were based on subjective evidences which may lead to uncertainty.
        & In order to propose a structure for effective software team structure. \\


        [20] & & & & & &\checkmark 
        & Quasi-Experiment 
        & This study is conducted with students which leads to ambiguity on difference in nature of students and software engineers.
        & To study the product quality, team climate and Satisfaction of software engineers. \\
    [23] & &\checkmark & & & & 
    & Empirical Study  
    & The limitation of the study is that the questions used to examine software engineer's preference do not provide details about software engineers.
    & To find out influences among the emotional intelligence and work preferences. \\
    [24] & & &\checkmark & & &
    & OR mathematical programming formulation. 
    & The proposed approach is worthy in medium and small number of groups and teams. As number of groups and projects increases the proposed approach outperform. 
    & This study focuses on Multiple Team Formation Problem (MTFP).The proposed approach focuses on allocating multiple people to multiple groups or teams.   \\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & &
    & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & &
    & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & &
    & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & &
    & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & &
    & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & &
    & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\



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    \settowidth{\rotheadsize}{\theadfont NEO-FFI}

    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|*{7}{l|} *{3}{L|}}
    \caption{Literature Review on Personality in Software Engineering} \label{tab:a}\\
        Ref & \multicolumn{6}{c|}{Model Used}
        & Approach & Limitation & Goal \\
        & \multicolumn{3}{L|}{} \\[7ex]
    \multicolumn{10}{c}{\tablename~\thetable: Literature Review on Personality in Software Engineering\enspace (continued)}\\[-4.55ex]
        Ref & \multicolumn{6}{c|}{Model Used}
        & Approach & Limitation & Goal \\
     & \multicolumn{3}{L|}{} \\[7ex]
        {[10]}& & &\checkmark & & & & Interactive personality profiling approach
        & Test were based on subjective evidences which may lead to uncertainty.
        & In order to propose a structure for effective software team structure. \\
        [20] & & & & & & \checkmark & Quasi-Experiment
        & This study is conducted with students which leads to ambiguity on difference in nature of students and software engineers.
        & To study the product quality, team climate and Satisfaction of software engineers. \\
    [23] & &\checkmark & & & & & Empirical Study
    & The limitation of the study is that the questions used to examine software engineer's preference do not provide details about software engineers.
    & To find out influences among the emotional intelligence and work preferences. \\
    [24] & & &\checkmark & & &
    & OR mathematical programming formulation.
    & The proposed approach is worthy in medium and small number of groups and teams. As number of groups and projects increases the proposed approach outperform.
    & This study focuses on Multiple Team Formation Problem (MTFP).The proposed approach focuses on allocating multiple people to multiple groups or teams. \\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & & & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & & & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & & & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & & & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & & & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\
    [25] & & & &\checkmark & & & Empirical Study
    & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.
    & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\





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\settowidth{\rotheadsize}{\theadfont NEO-FFI}

\caption{Literature Review on Personality in Software Engineering} \label{tab:a}\\
    Ref & \multicolumn{6}{c|}{Model Used}
    &  Description&\\
    & \multicolumn{2}{L|}{} \\[7ex]
\multicolumn{9}{c}{\tablename~\thetable: Literature Review on Personality in Software Engineering\enspace (continued)}\\
    Ref & \multicolumn{6}{c|}{Model Used}
    &  Description\\
 & \multicolumn{2}{L|}{} \\[7ex]
    {[10]}& & &\checkmark & &&  & Approach: &Interactive personality profiling approach\\
    &&&&&&& Limitation:& Test were based on subjective evidences which may lead to uncertainty.\\
    &&&&&&&Goal:& In order to propose a structure for effective software team structure. \\
    [20] & & & & & & \checkmark & Approach: &  Quasi-Experiment\\
  &&&&&&& Limitations: &  This study is conducted with students which leads to ambiguity on difference in nature of students and software engineers.\\
    &&&&&&& Goal: & To study the product quality, team climate and Satisfaction of software engineers. \\
        [23] & &\checkmark & & & & &Approach: & Empirical Study\\
&&&&&&& Limitations: & The limitation of the study is that the questions used to examine software engineer's preference do not provide details about software engineers.\\
&&&&&&& Goal: & To find out influences among the emotional intelligence and work preferences. \\
[24] & & &\checkmark & & &
& Approach: &OR mathematical programming formulation.\\
   &&&&&&& Limitations: & The proposed approach is worthy in medium and small number of groups and teams. As number of groups and projects increases the proposed approach outperform.\\
&&&&&&& Goal: & This study focuses on Multiple Team Formation Problem (MTFP).The proposed approach focuses on allocating multiple people to multiple groups or teams. \\
[25] & & & &\checkmark & & & Approach:& Empirical Study\\
&&&&&&& Limitations: & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.\\
&&&&&&& Goal: & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\


  \caption{Literature Review on Personality in Software Engineering} \label{tab:b}\\
   Ref & Model Used &  Description\\
  \multicolumn{4}{c}{\tablename~\thetable: Literature Review on Personality in Software Engineering\enspace (continued)}\\
  Ref & Model Used &  Description\\
        {[10]}& BFI & Approach: &Interactive personality profiling approach\\
        && Limitation:& Test were based on subjective evidences which may lead to uncertainty.\\
        &&Goal:& In order to propose a structure for effective software team structure. \\
        {[20]} & NEO-FFI & Approach: &  Quasi-Experiment\\
      && Limitation: &  This study is conducted with students which leads to ambiguity on difference in nature of students and software engineers.\\
        && Goal: & To study the product quality, team climate and Satisfaction of software engineers. \\
            {[23]} & FFM &Approach: & Empirical Study\\
    && Limitation: & The limitation of the study is that the questions used to examine software engineer's preference do not provide details about software engineers.\\
    && Goal: & To find out influences among the emotional intelligence and work preferences. \\
    {[24]} & BFI  & Approach: &OR mathematical programming formulation.\\
       && Limitation: & The proposed approach is worthy in medium and small number of groups and teams. As number of groups and projects increases the proposed approach outperform.\\
&& Goal: & This study focuses on Multiple Team Formation Problem (MTFP).The proposed approach focuses on allocating multiple people to multiple groups or teams. \\
    {[25]} & KTS & Approach:& Empirical Study\\
&& Limitation: & They have studied the personalities of undergraduate students in pair programming which might lead to wrong results as undergraduate students and software engineers have difference in term of personalities.\\
&& Goal: & o study the effect of developers personalities and nature on pair programming.\\



