




我使用 Lyx 作为编辑器。


  1. 与包一起使用的单位的宏siunitx如下:

  1. 用于符号描述的宏如下:

\newcommand{\DRho}{density of the fluid} 
\newcommand{\Du}{velocity of the fluid with respect to the object. This is a second line} 
\newcommand{\DL}{characteristic linear dimension} 
\newcommand{\Dmu}{dynamic viscosity of the fluid}
% I chose D for 'definition'


  1. 用于方程参数定义的一组宏,即:

% I chose E for 'Equation definition'

我可以在数组中使用它来定义方程参数(其中 u = ... 等等),如下所示:

\rho & \ERho \\
u & \Eu \\ 
L & \EL \\
\mu & \Emu


  1. 使用该包的符号列表的一组词汇表定义,glossaries即:

% Load external file named glsSymbolListDefinitions.tex with symbol list definitions

外部.tex 文件中的词汇表定义设置如下:



我认为,创建一个 Excel 表可以帮助我,但这将非常耗时。有没有现成的解决方案?有可用的软件吗?


Latex 代码 MWE:

\usepackage{textgreek} %for greek alphabet symbols

\glssetnoexpandfield{unit} %necessary for using siunitx macros in the glossary

%The height of each row is set to 1.3 relative to its default height.

% create new glossarylist named symbolslist
\newglossary[slg]{symbolslist}{syi}{syg}{List of symbols} 

% declare unit field for glossarylist of symbols


% Load external file named glsSymbolListDefinitions.tex with symbol list definitions

% define glossary style for the symbol list, based on the solution proposed on https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/269565/glossaries-how-to-customize-list-of-symbols-with-additional-column-for-units
\setglossarystyle{long3col}% base this style on the list style
\renewenvironment{theglossary}{% Change the table type --> 3 columns
  \begin{longtable}{ >{\raggedright}p{2cm}  >{\raggedright}p{8cm}  >{\raggedright}p{1,5cm} l }} %the third column with width=1,5 cm is for whitespace

\renewcommand*{\glossaryheader}{%  Change the table header
    & \bfseries Description & & \bfseries Unit \\
\renewcommand*{\glossentry}[2]{%  Change the displayed items
\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}} %
& \glossentrydesc{##1}% Description
& %whitespace column
& \glsunit{##1}  \tabularnewline



%declaring shorthand unit macros, for use in Symbol list, equations parameters and everywhere else.

%as described on https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/166580/writing-an-equation-with-the-units-positioned-off-right

%as described on https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/95838/how-to-write-a-perfect-equation-parameters-description
  {#1 \begin{tabular}[t]{>{$}l<{$} @{${}={}$} l}}




%macros for defining symbol descriptions, used in Symbol List and in parameter description, see below
\newcommand{\DRho}{density of the fluid}
\newcommand{\Du}{velocity of the fluid with respect to the object. This is a second line}
\newcommand{\DL}{characteristic linear dimension}
\newcommand{\Dmu}{dynamic viscosity of the fluid}

%macros for parameter descriptions under equation

\printglossary[type=symbolslist,style=symbunitlong,title=List of symbols]   % list of symbols

\printglossary[type=main]  % main glossary, if available, the symbol list seems to be only printed if the main glossary is added as well. It's outside of the scope of this example to check this. 

\section{An example of an equation}
An example of an equation, Reynold's number:

\text{Re}=\frac{\rho uL}{\mu}\equationunit{[\si{\nodimension}]}

\rho & \ERho \\
u & \Eu \\ 
L & \EL \\
\mu & \Emu


因为最近有一些空闲时间,所以我决定建立一个 Excel 文件,它可以帮助我以及其他人解决上述问题。

我为此创建了一个 github 项目: https://github.com/johanf85/Symbollist-maintain-Excel

我制作了一个 Excel 文件,您可以在其中输入:

  • 单位声明(使用siunitx包)
  • 符号和相关描述及单位
  • 文档中使用的公式。将每个符号放在 {} 括号中



注意:一定要仔细检查结果。我尝试小心地制作 Excel 工作簿,但我还没有在实际工作中对其进行广泛测试。如果有些情况是我忽略的,并且在实践中不起作用,我很想知道。

