pgfplotstable 右侧缺少边框/垂直线

pgfplotstable 右侧缺少边框/垂直线

我尝试了 pgfplotstable 的许多选项,但无法生成右侧边框。(此表必须能够跨越多页。)有什么想法吗?谢谢!(我正在使用 TexMake 中的 Quick Build 来生成 pdf。)


Document Title,Release Date,Change Description
VERSION (TB04),27-Aug-11,Version 04 (TB04) Update/Release
VERSION (TB05),27-Sep-12,Version 05 (TB05) Update/Release
VERSION (TB06),8-Nov-12,Version 06 (TB06) Update/Release
VERSION (TB07),14-Dec-12,Version 07 (TB07) Update/Release
VERSION (TB08),15-Feb-13,Incorporate R-LIB comments from TB06
,,Version 08 (TB08) Update/Release
VERSION (TB09),5-Apr-13,Version 09 (TB09) Update/Release
VERSION (TB10),24-May-13,Version 10 (TB10) Update/Release
VERSION (ER1204),12-Jun-13,ER1204 support for EASY DOC 4.5f
,,TB11 requirements not covered by ER1204
,,ER1204 Update/Release
VERSION (TB11),19-Jul-13,Version 11 (TB11) Update/Release
VERSION (TB12),4-Oct-13,Version 12 (TB12) Update/Release
VERSION (TB13),11-Apr-14,Version 13 (TB13) Update/Release
VERSION (TB15),7-Jul-14,Version 14 (TB15) Update/Release
VERSION (TB15),22-Sep-14,Version 15 (TB15) Update/Release
VERSION (TB16),19-Dec-14,Major revisions to reflect transition to fully automated requirements testing
,,Version 16 (TB16) Update/Release
VERSION (TB17),29-May-15,Version 17 (TB17) Release
VERSION (TB18 ER),4-Jan-16,Version 18 (TB18) Pre-Release
VERSION (TB18.0),12-Feb-16,Version 18 (TB18.0) Update/Release
VERSION (TB19 ER),30-Jun-16,Version 19 (TB19 ER) Pre-Release
VERSION (TB19.0.0),12-Aug-16,Version 19 (TB19.0) Update/Release
VERSION (TB20 ER),16-Dec-16,Version 20 (TB20 ER) Update/Release
VERSION (TB20.0.0),30-Mar-17,Version 20(TB20.0.0) Update/Release
VERSION (TB20.1.0),30-Jun-17,Version 20.1 (TB20.1.0) Contextual Update
VERSION (TB20.2.0),29-Sep-17,Version 20.2 (TB20.2.0) Contextual Update and EASY DOC 5.3
VERSION (TB20.3.0),22-Dec-17,Version 20.3 (TB20.3.0) Contextual Update and LIDD 8.9.0
VERSION (TB20.4.0),28-Mar-18,Version 20.4 (TB20.4.0) Contextual Update
VERSION (TB09),5-Apr-13,Version 09 (TB09) Update/Release
VERSION (TB10),24-May-13,Version 10 (TB10) Update/Release
VERSION (ER1204),12-Jun-13,ER1204 support for EASY DOC 4.5f
,,TB11 requirements not covered by ER1204
,,ER1204 Update/Release
VERSION (TB11),19-Jul-13,Version 11 (TB11) Update/Release
VERSION (TB12),4-Oct-13,Version 12 (TB12) Update/Release
VERSION (TB13),11-Apr-14,Version 13 (TB13) Update/Release
VERSION (TB15),7-Jul-14,Version 14 (TB15) Update/Release
VERSION (TB15),22-Sep-14,Version 15 (TB15) Update/Release
VERSION (TB16),19-Dec-14,Major revisions to reflect transition to fully automated requirements testing
,,Version 16 (TB16) Update/Release
VERSION (TB17),29-May-15,Version 17 (TB17) Release
VERSION (TB18 ER),4-Jan-16,Version 18 (TB18) Pre-Release
VERSION (TB18.0),12-Feb-16,Version 18 (TB18.0) Update/Release
VERSION (TB19 ER),30-Jun-16,Version 19 (TB19 ER) Pre-Release
VERSION (TB19.0.0),12-Aug-16,Version 19 (TB19.0) Update/Release
VERSION (TB20 ER),16-Dec-16,Version 20 (TB20 ER) Update/Release

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    \pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{rel_list.csv}\data

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                Document Title  & Release Date & Change Description  \\ \toprule\hhline{|-|-|-|}
                    Document Title  & Release Date  & Change Description \\ \hhline{|-|-|-|}
                    \hline \multicolumn{3}{|r|}{{Continued on next page}} \\ \hline
%               \multicolumn{3}{|r|}{{Concluded}} \\ \hline
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Document Title,Release Date,Change Description
VERSION (TB04),27-Aug-11,Version 04 (TB04) Update/Release
VERSION (TB05),27-Sep-12,Version 05 (TB05) Update/Release
VERSION (TB06),8-Nov-12,Version 06 (TB06) Update/Release
VERSION (TB07),14-Dec-12,Version 07 (TB07) Update/Release
VERSION (TB08),15-Feb-13,Incorporate R-LIB comments from TB06
,,Version 08 (TB08) Update/Release
VERSION (TB09),5-Apr-13,Version 09 (TB09) Update/Release
VERSION (TB10),24-May-13,Version 10 (TB10) Update/Release
VERSION (ER1204),12-Jun-13,ER1204 support for EASY DOC 4.5f
,,TB11 requirements not covered by ER1204
,,ER1204 Update/Release
VERSION (TB11),19-Jul-13,Version 11 (TB11) Update/Release
VERSION (TB12),4-Oct-13,Version 12 (TB12) Update/Release
VERSION (TB13),11-Apr-14,Version 13 (TB13) Update/Release
VERSION (TB15),7-Jul-14,Version 14 (TB15) Update/Release
VERSION (TB15),22-Sep-14,Version 15 (TB15) Update/Release
VERSION (TB16),19-Dec-14,Major revisions to reflect transition to fully automated requirements testing
,,Version 16 (TB16) Update/Release
VERSION (TB17),29-May-15,Version 17 (TB17) Release
VERSION (TB18 ER),4-Jan-16,Version 18 (TB18) Pre-Release
VERSION (TB18.0),12-Feb-16,Version 18 (TB18.0) Update/Release
VERSION (TB19 ER),30-Jun-16,Version 19 (TB19 ER) Pre-Release
VERSION (TB19.0.0),12-Aug-16,Version 19 (TB19.0) Update/Release
VERSION (TB20 ER),16-Dec-16,Version 20 (TB20 ER) Update/Release
VERSION (TB20.0.0),30-Mar-17,Version 20(TB20.0.0) Update/Release
VERSION (TB20.1.0),30-Jun-17,Version 20.1 (TB20.1.0) Contextual Update
VERSION (TB20.2.0),29-Sep-17,Version 20.2 (TB20.2.0) Contextual Update and EASY DOC 5.3
VERSION (TB20.3.0),22-Dec-17,Version 20.3 (TB20.3.0) Contextual Update and LIDD 8.9.0
VERSION (TB20.4.0),28-Mar-18,Version 20.4 (TB20.4.0) Contextual Update
VERSION (TB09),5-Apr-13,Version 09 (TB09) Update/Release
VERSION (TB10),24-May-13,Version 10 (TB10) Update/Release
VERSION (ER1204),12-Jun-13,ER1204 support for EASY DOC 4.5f
,,TB11 requirements not covered by ER1204
,,ER1204 Update/Release
VERSION (TB11),19-Jul-13,Version 11 (TB11) Update/Release
VERSION (TB12),4-Oct-13,Version 12 (TB12) Update/Release
VERSION (TB13),11-Apr-14,Version 13 (TB13) Update/Release
VERSION (TB15),7-Jul-14,Version 14 (TB15) Update/Release
VERSION (TB15),22-Sep-14,Version 15 (TB15) Update/Release
VERSION (TB16),19-Dec-14,Major revisions to reflect transition to fully automated requirements testing
,,Version 16 (TB16) Update/Release
VERSION (TB17),29-May-15,Version 17 (TB17) Release
VERSION (TB18 ER),4-Jan-16,Version 18 (TB18) Pre-Release
VERSION (TB18.0),12-Feb-16,Version 18 (TB18.0) Update/Release
VERSION (TB19 ER),30-Jun-16,Version 19 (TB19 ER) Pre-Release
VERSION (TB19.0.0),12-Aug-16,Version 19 (TB19.0) Update/Release
VERSION (TB20 ER),16-Dec-16,Version 20 (TB20 ER) Update/Release

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    \pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{rel_list.csv}\data

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                    \hline \multicolumn{3}{|r|}{{Continued on next page}} \\ \hline
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