在 LaTeX 中重写 PostScript 宏

在 LaTeX 中重写 PostScript 宏

我在 PSTricks 中编写了一个宏,利用所谓的“蒙特卡罗方法”可以近似地计算出圆周率 (π)。

将设置一个表格,其中包含两个随机选择的数字 x 和 y(每个数字介于 0 和 1 之间)。它们每个都有一个单独的计数器,取决于 x^2 + y^2 > 1 还是 x^2 + y^2 <= 1 现在我想在 LaTeX/L3 中重写它。有人可以给我提示如何开始吗?非常感谢。


        /s1 { /Symbol findfont \psk@fontscale\space 4 add scalefont setfont } bind def
        /s2 { \psk@PSfont findfont \psk@fontscale\space scalefont setfont } bind def
        /s3 { \psk@PSfont findfont \psk@fontscale\space 4 add scalefont setfont } bind def
        /zaehlerT 0 def
        /zaehlerF 0 def
        /dec 3 def
        /ru \psk@fontscale\space 0.5 add def
        /re 30 def
        realtime srand Rand pop
    4 dict begin
       1 1 #1 {
                /i ED
                /x Rand def
                /y Rand def
                /r { x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt } bind def
                /showvalue { 10 dec exp mul round 10 dec exp div 9 string cvs dot2comma show } bind def
                0 i 1 add ru mul neg moveto %
                i 3 string cvs show
                re i 1 add ru mul neg moveto %
                x showvalue
                2 re mul i 1 add ru mul neg moveto %
                y showvalue
                r 1 lt
                    { /zaehlerF zaehlerF 1 add def \pst@usecolor\psk@colorF 3 re mul i 1 add ru mul neg moveto }
                    { /zaehlerT zaehlerT 1 add def \pst@usecolor\psk@colorT 4 re mul i 1 add ru mul neg moveto }
                ifelse %
                r showvalue
                r 1 lt
                    { 5 re mul i 1 add ru mul neg moveto (Nr. ) show zaehlerF 10 string cvs show }
                    { 5 re mul i 1 add ru mul neg moveto (Nr. ) show zaehlerT 10 string cvs show }
                ifelse %
               } for
        gsave \pst@usecolor\psk@colorF \psk@PSfont findfont \psk@fontscale\space 4 add scalefont setfont
        2 re mul 0.4 ru mul neg moveto (Summe: ) show zaehlerF 10 string cvs show
        gsave \pst@usecolor\psk@colorT\psk@PSfont findfont \psk@fontscale\space 4 add scalefont setfont
        4 re mul 0.4 ru mul neg moveto (Summe: ) show zaehlerT 10 string cvs show
        gsave \pst@usecolor\psk@colorPi
        0 re mul 0.4 ru mul neg moveto s1 (\string\160 \string\273 ) show s3 4 zaehlerF i div mul 10 string cvs dot2comma show







 $N$ & $\pi$ \\\hline
 10    & \piMC{10}\\
 100   & \piMC{100}\\
 1000  & \piMC{1000}\\
 10000 & \piMC{10000}



\NewDocumentCommand\mcpi {m}
  \thomas_mcpi:n { #1 }

\int_new:N \l_thomas_mcpi_in_int

\cs_new_protected:Nn \thomas_mcpi:n
  \int_zero:N \l_thomas_mcpi_in_int
  \prg_replicate:nn { #1 }
    \fp_compare:nNnT { rand()**2+rand()**2 }<{1}
     { \int_incr:N \l_thomas_mcpi_in_int }
  \fp_eval:n { 4*\l_thomas_mcpi_in_int/#1 }

 $N$ & $\pi$ \\\hline
 10    & \mcpi{10}\\
 100   & \mcpi{100}\\
 1000  & \mcpi{1000}\\
 10000 & \mcpi{10000}


仅使用 TeX 整数就可以获得更快的执行时间。

\usepackage{xintkernel}% for xintreplicate (which is a clone of the expl3 replicate)



\twotothefifteen "8000 % 8*16**3 = 2**15 = 32768

\twotothethirty "40000000 % 4*16**7 = 2**30 = 1073741824


  % A**2 + B**2 < R**2 ?
  \ifnum\numexpr\tmpcnta*\tmpcnta+\tmpcntb*\tmpcntb < \twotothethirty
    \advance\montecarlocount \@ne

  \montecarlocount \z@
  \strip@pt\dimexpr\numexpr4*\montecarlocount*65536/#1 sp\relax



    \montecarlocount \z@
    \global\advance\gtotalcount \numexpr#1*#2\relax
    \strip@pt\dimexpr\numexpr4*\gmontecarlocount*65536/\gtotalcount sp\relax



\pdfsetrandomseed 12345 % nota bene: automatically global

 $N$ & $\pi$ & hits & total\\\hline
 10    & \piMC{10}\\
 100   & \piMC{100}\\
 1000  & \piMC{1000}\\
 10000 & \piMC{10000}\\
 100000 & \piMCstart
 % \romannumeral\xintreplicate{8}{+100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}
 %                                 &\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\}%
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount







% we count exactly all pairs (x,y) with
% 1) 0<= x < 32768, 0 <= y< 32768
% 2) x**2+y**2 < 2**30 = 1073741824

% for this given x we need to count how many
% y < 32768 are there with y**2 < Z = 2**30 - x**2
% This means that y**2 is at most Z - 1
% This means that y is at most sqrt(Z-1)
% This means that y is at most trunc(sqrt(Z-1))  (automatically < 32768)
% This means that there are exactly 1 + trunc(sqrt(Z-1)) solutions
% for each x.

% we can use sqrt() function in \xintiiexpr to get
% the truncated square root.

% We use \xintexpr syntax to do the computation in one line

\edef\zzz{\xintiiexpr 2**30-1\relax}% don't use \xinttheiiexpr, keep it in
                                % private, so faster
\edef\www{\xintiiexpr 2**15\relax}

  {\xinttheiiexpr iter(0; (i=\www)?{abort}
                                   {@ + 1 + sqrt(\zzz - i**2)}
                        , i = 0++)\relax}

\totalnumberofsolutions\space pairs $(x, y)$ exist with verify
\item $0\leqslant x, y < 32768$,
\item $x^2 +y^2 < 32768^2$.

This means that Monte Carlo methods using only \verb|\pdfuniformdeviate 32768|
will (slowly) give an approximation, not of $\pi$ but of:
% 4*\totalnumberofsolutions would go in \numexpr and create arithmetic overflow!
% so we can not do this: \xintTrunc{15}{4*\totalnumberofsolutions/1073741824}
% 268435456 = 1073741824/4
% so we do that:

然后,我想到使用随机整数<2**28而不是<2**15。请注意,PDFTeX RNG 内部使用 28 位整数。关键是下面的代码仍然只使用 TeX 整数,但它利用了\numexpr临时切换到双精度的能力。


\usepackage{xintkernel}% for xintreplicate (which is a clone of the expl3 replicate)




%% 16**7 = 2**28. The pdftex RNG works natively with 28bits integers
\maxrand "10000000 
\threemaxrand "30000000

% I considered using \maxint for increased precision in the comparison below
% but with \maxrand gives same result
% % % 2**31 - 1 (8 times \cntc minus 1)
\maxint "7FFFFFFF 


   \tmpcnta\pdfuniformdeviate\maxrand\relax % A
   \tmpcntb\pdfuniformdeviate\maxrand\relax % B
% \ifnum\tmpcnta<\tmpcntb % this would make A >= B in what follows
%     \tmpcntc\tmpcntb
%     \tmpcntb\tmpcnta
%     \tmpcnta\tmpcntc
% \fi % but we don't use it finally
% This is commented-out too, it compares A+B with 1.5M
%   \tmpcntc\tmpcnta
%   \advance\tmpcntc\tmpcntb  % A + B
%   \multiply\tmpcntc \tw@
%   \ifnum\tmpcntc<\threemaxrand
     \tmpcntd\maxrand                         % M
     \advance\tmpcntd-\tmpcntb                % D = M - B
       \ifnum\tmpcntd>\tmpcnta  %% always true if A = 0 !!
         \advance\montecarlocount \@ne        % M - B > A => A^2 + B^2 < M^2
         % here M <= A + B
         \advance\tmpcntc\maxrand             % C = M + B
         \ifnum % use temporary double precision!
% I considered using \maxint for increased precision but does not change result
                 \numexpr\maxrand*\tmpcnta/\tmpcntc       % A/(M + B) (is < 1)
                <\numexpr\maxrand*\tmpcntd/\tmpcnta\relax % (M - B)/A (is <= 1)
% the comparison will not be very precise when both A<<M+B and M-B<<A
% this can happen only if M-B<<M+B, i.e. for B close to M. 
% If B is arranged to be <= A, both A and B are then close to M and A+B is close to
% 2M. To make sure this does not happen we could require A+B < 1.5 M
%             (if A+B>=1.5M, then A^2+B^2>M^2 ...)
% But in fact even without precautions same result was obtained...
% .. and we can gain 20% time be suppressing all precautions...
% seems that comparison above with 30bits is precise enough
% So I have commented out the code which made sure B<= A and A+B< 1.5M
         \advance\montecarlocount \@ne
%  \fi

  \montecarlocount \z@
  \strip@pt\dimexpr\numexpr4*\montecarlocount*65536/#1 sp\relax



    \montecarlocount \z@
    \global\advance\gtotalcount \numexpr#1*#2\relax
    \strip@pt\dimexpr\numexpr4*\gmontecarlocount*65536/\gtotalcount sp\relax



\pdfsetrandomseed 12345 % nota bene: automatically global

 $N$ & $\pi$ & hits & total\\\hline
 10    & \piMC{10}\\
 100   & \piMC{100}\\
 1000  & \piMC{1000}\\
 10000 & \piMC{10000}\\
 100000 & \piMCstart
 % \romannumeral\xintreplicate{38}{+100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}
 %                                 &\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\}%
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount\\
 +100000 & \piMCmore{100}{1000}&\the\gmontecarlocount&\the\gtotalcount



我不知道它(非常缓慢地)收敛到的极限的确切值,但它会比3.141713824123144 . . .上面的更接近 Pi。


999990000: 3.141574507745077
999991000: 3.141574510170592
999992000: 3.141574484595877
999993000: 3.141574483021381
999994000: 3.141574581447489
999995000: 3.141574591872959
999996000: 3.141574582298329
999997000: 3.141574628723886
999998000: 3.141574595149190
999999000: 3.141574585574586
1000000000: 3.141574576000000

与我在相同情况下使用随机整数<32768得到的“小”代码相比,使用随机整数的结果要好得多。3.14170127610**93.141574576< 268435456



这是另一种方法,可以通过 JavaScript 在 PDF 文件中以交互方式完成计算。但是,需要 Adob​​e Reader 才能查看文档:

var r = 5;
var points_total = 0;
var points_inside = 0;
var rowA ="";
var f1 = this.getField("PiField");
  var x = Math.random()*r*2-r;
  var y = Math.random()*r*2-r;
  if (Math.pow(x,2) + Math.pow(y,2) < Math.pow(r,2))
  if (points_total \% 100 == 0)
    util.printf("\%,2 .9f",(4*points_inside/points_total))+"\\r";
  if (points_total == 1000)
  var row="Total "
    +util.printf("\%,2 d",points_total)
    +": pi = "
    +util.printf("\%,2 .9f",(4*points_inside/points_total))+"\\r";

\pushButton[\CA{Calculate Pi}\A{\JS{\myPi}}]{MCpi}{}{11bp} \qquad     \pushButton[\CA{Reset}\A{\JS{this.resetForm("PiField");}}]{reset}{1.5cm}{11bp}



