LaTeX 中是否有任何软件包可以将演示文稿中使用的所有图像放在幻灯片末尾,并附上使用这些图片的幻灯片的链接。换句话说,我希望拥有演示文稿中使用的图像的全尺寸或缩放图像幻灯片,并附上使用这些图像的幻灯片的链接。
举个例子,假设幻灯片 1 上有图像 A 和 B,幻灯片 2 上有图像 C 和 D。我希望幻灯片 3、4、5 和 6 上有 A、B、C 和 D 的全尺寸图像,并且幻灯片 1 中有图像 A 的链接至幻灯片 3,以此类推。
还设置了链接。单击演示文稿中的图片将转到带有放大图片的框架,单击后者将返回(使用 PDF 查看器的返回功能)。
我修改了代码。它现在包含版本 1、2a 和 2b。最后两个在代码中被注释掉了。注释显示了要为哪个版本启用什么。
版本 1与之前相同,我只是稍微整理了一下代码。请注意,beamer
缩放功能会自动生成 GoBack 链接,因此无法更改。
版本 2a不使用缩放功能。相反,图片会缩放到\textheight
这里整张图片是指向其在正常框架中首次出现的固定链接,例如,第 5 页的图片将链接到第 1 页,即使您通过单击第 2 页上的该图像转到该页。
版本 2b与版本 2a 几乎相同,但此处的大图是两个链接。左侧将转到第一次出现的位置(与 2a 类似),但右侧是 GoBack 链接。
% both version
% necessary to get rid of miniframes for appended big pictures
% counter for automatially generated links
% list with infos about pictures to be appended
% version 1 start: using beamers \framezoom
% -> paper size images, go-back links
% overlay-aware command for including pictures on the slide and on a frame at the end
% #1: options for \includegraphics, not used in frame with full picture
% #2: file for picture
% #3: title for frame with full picture
% get image size
\typeout{text: \the\textwidth\space x \the\textheight}%
\typeout{image: \the\@imagewidth\space x \the\@imageheight}%
% command to insert frames with full pictures, to be called at the end
% comment out the next line to get miniframes for the frames with pictures
% comment out next line to get rid of frame title for picture frames
% version 1 end
% version 2 start: without \framezoom
% -> text size images, links to first appearance of picture
%% overlay-aware command for including pictures on the slide and on a frame at the end
%% #1: options for \includegraphics, not used in frame with full picture
%% #2: file for picture
%% #3: title for frame with full picture
% \@includegraphicstwice[#1]{#2}{#3}#4
% \only<#4>{%
% \stepcounter{picnum}%
% \xdef\@pltlist{\@pltlist,#2/smallpic\thepicnum/#3}%
% }%
%% \hyperlink<#4-#5>{fullpic\thepicnum}{\includegraphics[#1]{#2}}%
% \hyperlink<#4-#5>{fullpic\thepicnum}{%
% \alt<#4>{\hypertarget{smallpic\thepicnum}{\includegraphics[#1]{#2}}}{\includegraphics[#1]{#2}}}%
%% version 2b only: needed for split link version
%%% get image size
%% \sbox{\@imagebox}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth,height=\textheight,keepaspectratio]{#1}}%
%% \@imageheight\ht\@imagebox
%% \@imagewidth\wd\@imagebox
%% \typeout{text: \the\textwidth\space x \the\textheight}%
%% \typeout{image: \the\@imagewidth\space x \the\@imageheight}%
%% command to insert frames with full pictures, to be called at the end
% % comment out the next line to get miniframes for the frames with pictures
% \nomoreminiframes
% \setcounter{picnum}{0}%
% \expandafter\@outputpictures\@pltlist,\@@nil
% \@@@outputpictures#1\@@nil
% \def\@tempa{#2}\ifx\@tempa\@empty\else
% \@@outputpictures#2\@@nil
% \fi
% \stepcounter{picnum}%
% \begin{frame}[plain]
% % comment out next line to get rid of frame title for picture frames
% \frametitle{#3}%
% % version 2a: link to first appearance
% %-----------------------------------
% \centering
% \hyperlink{#2}{\hypertarget{fullpic\thepicnum}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth,height=\textheight,keepaspectratio]{#1}}}
% %-----------------------------------
% % version 2b: left half: link to first appearance, right half: go-back link
% %-----------------------------------
%% \get@imagesize{#1}%
%% \centering
%% \vbox to 0pt{\hbox to \textwidth{\hfil
%% \hypertarget{fullpic\thepicnum}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth,height=\textheight,keepaspectratio]{#1}}\hfil}\vss}%
%% \hyperlink{#2}{\vbox to \@imageheight{\hbox to 0.5\@imagewidth{\hfill}\vfil}}%
%% \Acrobatmenu{GoBack}{\vbox to \@imageheight{\hbox to 0.5\@imagewidth{\hfil}\vfil}}%
% %-----------------------------------
% \end{frame}
% version 2 end
\section{First section}
\subsection{First subsection}
\begin{frame}{First frame}
\includegraphicstwice<1->[width=0.45\textwidth]{example-image}{First picture}\hfill
\includegraphicstwice<2->[width=0.45\textwidth]{example-image-a}{Second picture}
\begin{frame}{Second frame}
\includegraphicstwice<1->[width=0.25\textwidth]{example-image-9x16}{Third picture}\hfill
\includegraphicstwice<2->[width=0.45\textwidth]{example-image-16x9}{Fourth picture}
带大图片的框架,版本 1:
带大图片的框架,版本 2a 和 2b: