


提前为冗长的例子道歉。我想提供几个例子来说明它们之间的细微差异。此外,当谈到 的代码时longtable,这个问题可能与提出的问题密切相关这里,它处理与该包相关的奇怪缩进。当我能够让 longtable 结束在页面右侧我想要的位置时,它总是会在左侧创建一个缩进。


\usepackage{multicol} %to split doc into columns
\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
\usepackage[none]{hyphenat} %to keep latex from hyphenating words

\usepackage{ragged2e} %to right justify text in column; with below
\usepackage{array} %to right justify text in column; with above

\usepackage{longtable} %allow table to cross page breaks
\setlength{\LTpre}{0pt} %remove extra whitespace before longtable
%\setlength{\LTpost}{0pt} %remove extra whitespace after longtable



%\pagenumbering{gobble} %removes page numbers

\begin{tabular}{@{} p{6in} p{0.25in} @{}}
  PhD---Political Science and Public Policy, Wisconsin University & 2014\\[5pt]
  BA---Political Sci., History, Economics, and Near Eastern Cultures, 
  Ohio University & 2007\\ \\

\begin{tabular}{@{} p{5.55in} >{\RaggedLeft\arraybackslash}p{0.7in} @{}}
Assistant Professor---American University, School of Global Affairs \& Policy 
    & 2016--2018\\[5pt]
Lecturer---Boston University, Metropolitan College 
    & 2016\\[5pt]
Lecturer---Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Political Science Department 
    & 2015\\ \\

``Low Socio-Economic Status Favor Redistribution.'' In Todd K. Shackelford and 
Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), \textit{Encyclopedia of Evolutionary 
Psychological Science}, Springer. 2017.\vspace{5pt}

``Externalities.'' In Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford 
(eds.), \textit{Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science}, Springer. 
With UWK. 2017.\vspace{5pt}

``Earning Our Place, More or Less: Responsibility's Uncertain Relationship with 
Desert.'' Under review.\\

\subsection*{INVITED TALKS}
\begin{tabular}{@{} p{6in} p{0.25in} @{}}
    Leiden University, Political Science Department & 2017\\[5pt]
    John Cabot University, Political Science and International Affairs 
    Deptartment & 2016\\[5pt]
    American University of Beirut, Deptartment of Political Studies and Public 
    Administration & 2016\\[5pt]
    University of Connecticut, Political Economy Workshop & 2015\\ \\

\textbf{Graduate Courses} & \\
IUPUI, School of Public and Environmental Affairs & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision-making (V506) & 
    SP17, FA17\\[5pt]
\textbf{Undergraduate Courses} & \\
Boston University, Metropolitan College \& Prisoner Education Program & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Politics and Philosophy: Theories of Justice (PH155) & 
MIT, Political Science \& Department of Urban Studies and Planning & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Making Public Policy (11.002J / 17.30J) & FA15\\[5pt]


表格环境的右对齐彼此不一致,也与 longtable 输出不一致



以下 MWE 显示了如何使用tabularxltablex来实现跨整个文本宽度(由黑线表示)的均匀宽度表格。为了使tabularx跨页面拆分的也跨整个文本宽度,您必须添加\keepXColumns到前言中。


已添加的另一个功能是,如果表格内容允许这样做且不超过表格的指定宽度,X则将列视为l 列。换句话说,指定的宽度被视为允许的最大值,而不是表格的确切宽度。此功能是默认功能,但可以使用 (或 )禁用(或\keepXColumns启用\convertXColumns






\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} Xr @{}}
  PhD---Political Science and Public Policy, Wisconsin University & 2014\\[5pt]
  BA---Political Sci., History, Economics, and Near Eastern Cultures, 
  Ohio University & 2007\\ \\

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} Xr @{}}
Assistant Professor---American University, School of Global Affairs \& Policy 
    & 2016--2018\\[5pt]
Lecturer---Boston University, Metropolitan College 
    & 2016\\[5pt]
Lecturer---Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Political Science Department 
    & 2015\\ \\

``Low Socio-Economic Status Favor Redistribution.'' In Todd K. Shackelford and 
Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), \textit{Encyclopedia of Evolutionary 
Psychological Science}, Springer. 2017.\vspace{5pt}

``Externalities.'' In Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford 
(eds.), \textit{Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science}, Springer. 
With UWK. 2017.\vspace{5pt}

``Earning Our Place, More or Less: Responsibility's Uncertain Relationship with 
Desert.'' Under review.\\

\subsection*{INVITED TALKS}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} Xr @{}}
    Leiden University, Political Science Department & 2017\\[5pt]
    John Cabot University, Political Science and International Affairs 
    Deptartment & 2016\\[5pt]
    American University of Beirut, Deptartment of Political Studies and Public 
    Administration & 2016\\[5pt]
    University of Connecticut, Political Economy Workshop & 2015\\ \\


\textbf{Graduate Courses} & \\
IUPUI, School of Public and Environmental Affairs & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision-making (V506) & 
    SP17, FA17\\[5pt]
\textbf{Undergraduate Courses} & \\
Boston University, Metropolitan College \& Prisoner Education Program & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Politics and Philosophy: Theories of Justice (PH155) & 
MIT, Political Science \& Department of Urban Studies and Planning & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Making Public Policy (11.002J / 17.30J) & FA15\\
    \textbf{Graduate Courses} & \\
IUPUI, School of Public and Environmental Affairs & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision-making (V506) & 
    SP17, FA17\\[5pt]
\textbf{Undergraduate Courses} & \\
Boston University, Metropolitan College \& Prisoner Education Program & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Politics and Philosophy: Theories of Justice (PH155) & 
MIT, Political Science \& Department of Urban Studies and Planning & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Making Public Policy (11.002J / 17.30J) & FA15\\



以下 MWE 包含使用包中的tabulongtabu环境的替代方案tabu






\begin{tabu}to \textwidth{@{} Xr @{}}
  PhD---Political Science and Public Policy, Wisconsin University & 2014\\[5pt]
  BA---Political Sci., History, Economics, and Near Eastern Cultures, 
  Ohio University & 2007\\ \\

\begin{tabu}to \textwidth{@{} Xr @{}}
Assistant Professor---American University, School of Global Affairs \& Policy 
    & 2016--2018\\[5pt]
Lecturer---Boston University, Metropolitan College 
    & 2016\\[5pt]
Lecturer---Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Political Science Department 
    & 2015\\ \\

``Low Socio-Economic Status Favor Redistribution.'' In Todd K. Shackelford and 
Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), \textit{Encyclopedia of Evolutionary 
Psychological Science}, Springer. 2017.\vspace{5pt}

``Externalities.'' In Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford 
(eds.), \textit{Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science}, Springer. 
With UWK. 2017.\vspace{5pt}

``Earning Our Place, More or Less: Responsibility's Uncertain Relationship with 
Desert.'' Under review.\\

\subsection*{INVITED TALKS}
\begin{tabu}to \textwidth{@{} Xr @{}}
    Leiden University, Political Science Department & 2017\\[5pt]
    John Cabot University, Political Science and International Affairs 
    Deptartment & 2016\\[5pt]
    American University of Beirut, Deptartment of Political Studies and Public 
    Administration & 2016\\[5pt]
    University of Connecticut, Political Economy Workshop & 2015\\ \\


\begin{longtabu}to \textwidth{@{} Xr @{}}
\textbf{Graduate Courses} & \\
IUPUI, School of Public and Environmental Affairs & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision-making (V506) & 
    SP17, FA17\\[5pt]
\textbf{Undergraduate Courses} & \\
Boston University, Metropolitan College \& Prisoner Education Program & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Politics and Philosophy: Theories of Justice (PH155) & 
MIT, Political Science \& Department of Urban Studies and Planning & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Making Public Policy (11.002J / 17.30J) & FA15\\
    \textbf{Graduate Courses} & \\
IUPUI, School of Public and Environmental Affairs & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision-making (V506) & 
    SP17, FA17\\[5pt]
\textbf{Undergraduate Courses} & \\
Boston University, Metropolitan College \& Prisoner Education Program & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Politics and Philosophy: Theories of Justice (PH155) & 
MIT, Political Science \& Department of Urban Studies and Planning & \\
    \hspace{1cm}Making Public Policy (11.002J / 17.30J) & FA15\\


这个 MWE 的输出与第一个非常相似。
