在表格 1 和表格 2 之间进行替换,但这会导致文本页面填充不正确(第 3 页)。(第 1 页是文本,第 2 页是图 1,第 3 页是一半文本,一半空白,表格 1 出现在第 4 页,subsection{One}
表格 1 之后的所有文本都移到了第 5 页,表格 2 移到了第 6 页。)这也是不可接受的。
如何让两个表格和图 2 分别出现在连续的三页上,并正确填充文本页面?换句话说,第 1 页:文本;第 2 页:图 1;第 3 页:文本,第 4 页:表格 1,第 5 页:表格 2,第 6 页:图 2。
这是我的 MWE(包括我的完整序言,以防万一有干扰):
\usepackage{textcomp, graphicx, rotating, amsmath, booktabs, setspace, url, caption, titlesec, fancyhdr}
\titleformat{\chapter}[display]{\bfseries\centering}{\huge Chapter \thechapter}{1em}{\Huge}
\lhead{} \chead{} \rhead{\thepage}
\lfoot{} \cfoot{} \rfoot{}
About 70 words of text.
Figure 1, placed here because that's the only way I could get the float on page 2!
About 100 words of text that in short succession call table 1, table 2, and figure 2.
\begin{tabular}{p{3cm} p{2.5cm} c p{4cm}}
Station Name & Location & Data Range & Normals \\
Cameron Falls & 49$^\circ$09'38'' N, 88$^\circ$21'00" W & 1924-1998 & 1961-1990, 1971-2000, 1981-2010 \\
Cameron Falls (AUT) & 49$^\circ$09'14'' N, 88$^\circ$20'41'' W & 1998-2017 & - \\
Thunder Bay A & 48$^\circ$22'10'' N, 89$^\circ$19'38'' W & 1953-2012 & 1961-1990, 1971-2000 \\
Thunder Bay CS & 48$^\circ$22'10'' N, 89$^\circ$19'38'' W & 2000-2017 & - \\
\caption{The first table.
\begin{tabular}{l c c c}
Month & Mean Air Temp. (\textcelsius{}) & Precipitation (mm) & Snow Fall (cm) \\
January & -16.2 & 55.4 & 55.4 \\
February & -13.1 & 32.2 & 29.8 \\
March & -6.5 & 30.2 & 23.4 \\
April & 1.7 & 43.6 & 13.9 \\
May & 8.7 & 62.9 & 1.2 \\
June & 14.0 & 86.3 & 0.0 \\
July & 17.1 & 91.3 & 0.0 \\
August & 16.8 & 94.3 & 0.1 \\
September & 11.3 & 99.4 & 0.9 \\
October & 4.7 & 91.8 & 11.6 \\
November & -4.0 & 73.8 & 43.8 \\
December & -11.9 & 63.7 & 58.1 \\
\caption{The second table.
Figure 2.
80 words of text.
Another table.
The rest of my chapter.
\usepackage{textcomp, graphicx, rotating, amsmath, booktabs, setspace, url, caption, titlesec, fancyhdr}
\titleformat{\chapter}[display]{\bfseries\centering}{\huge Chapter \thechapter}{1em}{\Huge}
\lhead{} \chead{} \rhead{\thepage}
\lfoot{} \cfoot{} \rfoot{}
About 70 words of text.
Figure 1, placed here because that's the only way I could get the float on page 2!
About 100 words of text that in short succession call table 1, table 2, and figure 2.
\begin{tabular}{p{3cm} p{2.5cm} c p{4cm}}
Station Name & Location & Data Range & Normals \\
Cameron Falls & 49$^\circ$09'38'' N, 88$^\circ$21'00" W & 1924-1998 & 1961-1990, 1971-2000, 1981-2010 \\
Cameron Falls (AUT) & 49$^\circ$09'14'' N, 88$^\circ$20'41'' W & 1998-2017 & - \\
Thunder Bay A & 48$^\circ$22'10'' N, 89$^\circ$19'38'' W & 1953-2012 & 1961-1990, 1971-2000 \\
Thunder Bay CS & 48$^\circ$22'10'' N, 89$^\circ$19'38'' W & 2000-2017 & - \\
\caption{The first table.
\begin{tabular}{l c c c}
Month & Mean Air Temp. (\textcelsius{}) & Precipitation (mm) & Snow Fall (cm) \\
January & -16.2 & 55.4 & 55.4 \\
February & -13.1 & 32.2 & 29.8 \\
March & -6.5 & 30.2 & 23.4 \\
April & 1.7 & 43.6 & 13.9 \\
May & 8.7 & 62.9 & 1.2 \\
June & 14.0 & 86.3 & 0.0 \\
July & 17.1 & 91.3 & 0.0 \\
August & 16.8 & 94.3 & 0.1 \\
September & 11.3 & 99.4 & 0.9 \\
October & 4.7 & 91.8 & 11.6 \\
November & -4.0 & 73.8 & 43.8 \\
December & -11.9 & 63.7 & 58.1 \\
\caption{The second table.
Figure 2.
80 words of text.
Another table.
The rest of my chapter.
,无需将浮动元素填充到整个页面。只要有文本“正确填充”,它就可以工作(否则,无论浮动选项是什么,浮动元素都会被固定)。花点时间了解浮动行为如何影响 LaTeX 中图形和表格等浮动环境的位置?
),后面跟着 26 段的长文本(只是为了再次简化,使用lipsum
包)。结果是前八幅图像位于第 2-9 页的顶部,但最后两幅图像堆叠在一起,因为文本不够(但如果你再添加一些段落,你的主管会很高兴)。
% just to simplify the dummy text to commands
% just to simplify the example float to a command
% Eight floats, only one per page
% there are not enough text for these float, so they will be stacked
.. 即使您删除该选项,每页也会产生一个顶部浮动[t]