

在这个文档类“考试”中,一个问题有 6.5 分,另一个问题有 4.5 分。

为什么分数 6.5 和 4.5 没有出现在表格中?而且分数总和也是错误的。我希望分数出现在表格中。此外,还有 5.5.5 这个数字我没有写。我该如何修改我的脚本?





\bonuspointpoints{punto (bonus)}{punti (bonus)}

      \hrule width \hsize height 0pt



\newcounter{copynum} % copy number, to be printed in the footer 
\newcounter{NumCopy} % how many copies do we want?
\setcounter{NumCopy}{1} % we want 3
  \setcounter{page}{1} % start numbering pages for the current copy at 1
  \addtocounter{copynum}{1} % the number of the current copy
  \setcounter{question}{1} % make questions start at 1 again
  \setcounter{part}{1}  % make parts start at 1 again
  \ifnum\value{copynum}>1 %


Institute bla bla bla


\noindent {\makebox[\textwidth]{Name:\enspace\hrulefill} }


\question[10] Question 1 bla bla bla
\question[6.5] Question 2 bla bla bla
\question[4.5] Question 3 bla bla bla

  \bhpword{Bonus Pt:}
  \hsword{tot 2}
 {\footnotesize  bla bla bla}




将 .5 更改为\half



\bonuspointpoints{punto (bonus)}{punti (bonus)}

      \hrule width \hsize height 0pt
\newcounter{copynum} % copy number, to be printed in the footer 
\newcounter{NumCopy} % how many copies do we want?
\setcounter{NumCopy}{1} % we want 3
  \setcounter{page}{1} % start numbering pages for the current copy at 1
  \addtocounter{copynum}{1} % the number of the current copy
  \setcounter{question}{1} % make questions start at 1 again
  \setcounter{part}{1}  % make parts start at 1 again
  \ifnum\value{copynum}>1 %


Institute bla bla bla


\noindent {\makebox[\textwidth]{Name:\enspace\hrulefill} }

\question[10] Question 1 bla bla bla
\question[6\half] Question 2 bla bla bla
\question[4\half] Question 3 bla bla bla

  \bhpword{Bonus Pt:}
  \hsword{tot 2}
 {\footnotesize  bla bla bla}

