将 QED 符号与居中表的最后一行对齐

将 QED 符号与居中表的最后一行对齐


\begin{example}[Some example]
  This table is centered:
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
  The table below should be centered, but it's not:
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
Text after the example.


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svmono课程及其手册可从以下网址获取:Springer 网站

编辑:如果有人希望除了放置 halmos 符号之外,还想将 marginnote 用于其原始目的,请参见。 有边注(和待办事项)的案例和表格的 QED


免责声明:亲爱的读者,这不是最通用的解决方案,而是针对 OP 情况的特定破解方法。它要求您不要将其\marginnote用于其原始目的(但我会向您展示您可以将marginfixtodonotes用于此类目的),并且您有交替的奇数页和偶数页(如果不是,则需要另一种破解方法来修复内部计数器 - 如果您想看到解决方案,请将此作为新问题提出)。如果这适合您(例如,它适合我个人迄今为止完成的所有 LaTeX 项目),那么请随意使用它。

我建议使用\marginnote将 放在\qed页边距中,使用 删除自动插入的空格,并将 的长度向左\makebox移动,使位于页边距内而不是外。为了方便起见,我将这三个部分都放在一个宏中:\marginparsep\qed\marginqed





现在,无论是在奇数页还是偶数页,qed 符号\marginqed都将靠近页面的右边距。

以下 MWE 针对偶数页和奇数页演示了这一点。由于您在实际文档中使用了marginfixtodonotes,因此我也添加了它们以及一个长标准\marginpar和 ,\todo以表明 不会相互干扰marginqed

Some text\marginpar{Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text  Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text }\todo{Does this work together?}
\begin{example}[Some example]
  This table is centered:
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
  The table below should be centered, but it's not:
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
Text after the example.
Some text\marginpar{Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text  Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text }\todo{Does this work together?}
\begin{example}[Some example]
  This table is centered:
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
  The table below should be centered, but it's not:
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
Text after the example.

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述


svmono该类的问题似乎 ntheorem来自于 svmono 定义了自己的一组类似定理的结构,因此与 svmono 冲突,除非你更改名称。

无论如何,svmono 以 ntheorem 的方式定义其定理结构,并且您可以选择nospthms停用 svmono 定理集。这组定理很容易模拟。我这样做了example,以下代码运行良好:

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\usepackage[amsmath, thmmarks]{ntheorem}


\begin{example}[Some example]
  This table is centered:
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
  The table below should be centered, but it's not:
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
      Some cell & some cell & some cell\\
    \end{tabular} %
Text after the example.


