

我希望 hop1 在每组条形图上跳过 6 个图块,但我无法创建它。同样,我想在为每一跳绘制的趋势线上添加类似的标题。非常感谢您的帮助。




1pkt/5sec 492
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\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}

\pgfplotstableset{create on use/x/.style={create col/expr={\pgfplotstablerow}}}
\pgfplotstableset{create on use/x/.style={create col/expr={\pgfplotstablerow}}}
\pgfplotstableset{create on use/x/.style={create col/expr={\pgfplotstablerow}}}
\pgfplotstableset{create on use/x/.style={create col/expr={\pgfplotstablerow}}}
\pgfplotstableset{create on use/x/.style={create col/expr={\pgfplotstablerow}}}
\pgfplotstableset{create on use/xnum/.style={create col/expr={\pgfplotstablerow}}}
height=6cm, width=13.5cm,
%x tick label style={rotate=45},
bar width=0.2cm,
xlabel={Pkt Generation Rate},
ylabel={Pkt Delivery Ratio},
ymin=0, ymax=500,
symbolic x coords={1pkt/5sec,1pkt/10sec,1pkt/20sec,1pkt/30sec,1pkt/40sec,1pkt/50sec},
legend style={font=\small},
legend pos=outer north east,
legend columns=2,
%legend style={at={(0.5,0.5)}},
%grid style=dashed,
 \addplot[red!20!black,fill=black!80!white] table {\a};
   \addplot+[smooth,black!80,line width=1pt]table [y={create col/linear regression={x=x}}] {\a};
  \addlegendentry{Trendline hop-1};
\addplot[red!20!black,fill=blue!80!white] table {\b};
  \addplot+[smooth,blue!80,line width=1pt] table [y={create col/linear regression={x=x}}] {\b};
  \addlegendentry{Trendline hop-2};
\addplot[red!20!black,fill=red!80!white] table {\c};
   \addplot[smooth,red!80,line width=1pt] table [y={create col/linear regression={x=x}}] {\c};
  \addlegendentry{Trendline hop-3};
\addplot[red!20!black,fill=orange!80!white] table {\d};
  \addplot[smooth,orange!80,line width=1pt] table [y={create col/linear regression={x=x}}] {\d};
  \addlegendentry{Trendline hop-4};
\addplot[red!20!black,fill=green!80!white] table {\e};
   \addplot[smooth,green!80,line width=1pt] table [y={create col/linear regression={x=x}}] {\e};
  \addlegendentry{Trendline hop-5};
\addplot[red!20!black,fill=cyan!80!white] table {\f};
  \addplot[smooth,cyan!100,line width=1pt] table [y={create col/linear regression={x=x}}] {\f};
  \addlegendentry{Trendline hop-6};



我想在每个黑条上写 1,在每个蓝条上写 2,依此类推。示例已附上



我彻底重新安排了代码,使其更短。我删除了将文件读入宏,因为x列可以动态生成,并且直接从文件中读取可以使用循环。注意,我cycle listaxis选项中设置了设置图颜色的自定义。

至于实际问题,您可以使用nodes near coords在条形图上添加数字。默认情况下,它会打印 y 值,但可以指定自定义文本。例如,使用 ,将打印nodes near coords={foo}单词。我使用了,其中代表循环变量。foonodes near coords={#1}#1

要沿回归线添加数字,您可以在结束的 之前附加到node[pos=x,anchor=south] {#1}的末尾。对于这种情况,似乎可以正常工作。\addplot;pos=0.12







1pkt/5sec 492
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1pkt/5sec 457
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1pkt/5sec 63
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1pkt/20sec 370
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1pkt/5sec 90
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1pkt/5sec 56
1pkt/10sec 240
1pkt/20sec 0
1pkt/30sec 324
1pkt/40sec 376
1pkt/50sec 484

\usepackage{pgfplotstable} % loads pgfplots

  height=6cm, width=13.5cm,
  bar width=0.2cm,
  xlabel={Pkt Generation Rate},
  ylabel={Pkt Delivery Ratio},
  ymin=0, ymax=550, % I increased ymax to make room for the numbers on the bars
  symbolic x coords={1pkt/5sec,1pkt/10sec,1pkt/20sec,1pkt/30sec,1pkt/40sec,1pkt/50sec},
  xtick distance=1,
  legend style={font=\small},
  legend pos=outer north east,
  cycle list={ % set the six colors here
    {fill, draw, black!80!white},
    {fill, draw, blue!80!white},
    {fill, draw, red!80!white},
    {fill, draw, orange!80!white},
    {fill, draw, green!80!white},
    {fill, draw, cyan!80!white}
  node near coords style={black,font=\footnotesize} % color and font for numbers on bars

\pgfplotsinvokeforeach{1,...,6}{% starts a loop
% the loop variable is represented by #1
     +[nodes near coords={#1}, % adds the number above the bars
       draw=red!20!black % override the draw-color
      ] table {hop#1};


     +[sharp plot,  % line plot
       line legend, % line legend
       line width=1pt,
      table [
          % make the x-column
          create on use/x/.style={create col/expr={\pgfplotstablerow}},
          % do the regression
           y={create col/linear regression={x=x}}
            ] {hop#1}
         % add a node with the number (1,2,...,6)
           % this ifthenelse will set the anchor of the node to 90
           % (equivalent to north) for the fourth node), while the 
           % rest gets anchor=270 (equivalent to south). Hence the
           % fourth node is below the line, the rest are above.
           % set padding between node and node border:
           inner sep=1pt,
           % set fractional distance along the lines
           % by trial and error I found that 0.12 looks OK
           % it places the numbers about halfway between the first
           % two groups of bars
           % set font, color etc.
        ] {#1};


% add the legend entries
% by making the first six entries (which correspond to the bar plots)
% empty, you only get a legend for the regression lines

