我怀疑这是因为最后两个脚注在我的自定义我的诗环境,但是我不太了解(XeLa)Tex 的内部工作原理,因此无法理解我所指的变量是什么......
注:在 15 个章节中,这是我第一次遇到这个问题,但大多数时候每页最多只有 2 个脚注。真正的书使用不同的字体和更漂亮的章节标题,但我尝试尽可能地减少 MWE,但仍然重现了间距问题。如果它仍然很长,请原谅。
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8
% this allows us to use real characters like æ instead of macros like \ae
%Extra customizations for XeLateX
%loads fontspec, realscripts, metalogo
% \-/ allows hyphenation of words and after the explicit hyphen
% \=/ allows hyphenation of the words, but not after the explicit hyphen
%XeLateX can't use babel, so use polyglossia instead
%(primarily to get proper hyphenation in the other languages)
%Use correct quotation style based on language (must use \enquote{})
\DeclareQuoteStyle{islenzk}{„}{“}{‚}{‘}%modern and traditional
%Parallel columns for facing translations
\footnotelayout{p} %full page footnotes
\setlength{\columnsep}{30 pt} %more space between the columns
%Narrow columns often results in words sticking out of the column
%Settings to prevent overfull hbox causing this
\pretolerance=100 %default=100
\tolerance=400 %default=200
\hbadness=399 %best set at tolerance-1
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{0.5em} %default=0
%Chapter footnotes are un-numbered
Translated from \textit{Íslenzkar Þjóðsögur og Æfintýri}, Jón Árnason;
Leipzig, 1864.
%Remove the indent for footnotes
%Custom environment for typsetting short verses
\chapter[The Story of Koltrinu]{The Story of Koltrinu\\Koltrýnu Saga}
Told by Sveinbjörn Guðmundsson from Móar, Iceland.
Ignore this page - look at the next page\pagebreak
Ignore this page - look at the next page\pagebreak
After this, Helga dresses herself in the rags of a beggar\-/woman and
smears ash all over herself until she no longer appears human. Prepared in
this way, she takes a staff and sets off from the cave. When she had
traveled a good distance she came across the guests: trolls and all kinds
of monsters.\footnote{Literally, \emph{villains.}} It was a
witch\-/ride,\footnote{Literally, a \emph{magic wand ride} usually
described as flying on a broomstick or riding on wolves.} with some of
them on horse legs and others flying on horse skulls. Among them was the
bridegroom; he asks the woman:
Eftir þetta fer Helga í förukerlingar flíkur, makar sig alla í framan með
öskukolum svo að á henni verður engin mannsmynd. Að því búnu tekur hún staf
í hönd og leggur af stað burt úr hellinum. Þegar hún er komin nokkuð
töluvert í burt þá fer hún að mæta boðsfólkinu, þussum og allra handa
óaldarlýð; reið það á gandreið, sumir hrossleggjum og sumir hrosshausum.
Þar á meðal var sjálfur brúðguminn. Hann spyr kerlingu:
Have you come from my cave of stone,\\
Koltrinu, you filthy old crone?\footnote{Literally,
\emph{Are you coming from my cave; you coal\-/snout?}}
Kemur þú frá helli mín,\\
koltrýnan þín?
She answers:
Hún svarar:
Yes, I saw your home.\\
The mugs were full of mead,\\
The bride was on the bench.\footnote{Note: this verse follows
the older convention of alliteration rather than end\-/rhyme.}
Já, kom ég til þín.\\
Skenkt var á skálar,\\
brúður sat á bekk.
He cries out: \enquote{Come on! Let's ride as fast as we can.}
Þá segir hann: \enquote{Kukk, kukk, og ríðum við sem harðast.}
我找到了一个更好的答案,不需要修改脚注定义(我实际上更喜欢我使用的自定义脚注)。正如 Ulrike 指出的那样,问题在于脚注和诗句环境都是以列表的形式定义的。解决方案是使用诗环境(经过一些调整,删除了诗句上方和下方多余的空白)。
以下是修复后的完整 MWE:
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8
% this allows us to use real characters like æ instead of macros like \ae
%Extra customizations for XeLateX
%loads fontspec, realscripts, metalogo
% \-/ allows hyphenation of words and after the explicit hyphen
% \=/ allows hyphenation of the words, but not after the explicit hyphen
%XeLateX can't use babel, so use polyglossia instead
%(primarily to get proper hyphenation in the other languages)
%Use correct quotation style based on language (must use \enquote{})
\DeclareQuoteStyle{islenzk}{„}{“}{‚}{‘}%modern and traditional
%Parallel columns for facing translations
\footnotelayout{p} %full page footnotes
\setlength{\columnsep}{30 pt} %more space between the columns
%Narrow columns often results in words sticking out of the column
%Settings to prevent overfull hbox causing this
\pretolerance=100 %default=100
\tolerance=400 %default=200
\hbadness=399 %best set at tolerance-1
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{0.5em} %default=0
%Chapter footnotes are un-numbered
Translated from \textit{Íslenzkar Þjóðsögur og Æfintýri}, Jón Árnason;
Leipzig, 1864.
%Remove the indent for footnotes
%\footnotesep=0pt %or some other value
%\makebox[0pt][r]{\makebox[0.5em][l]{\footnotesize\@makefnmark}}\footnotesize #1}
% \framebox[0.5em][r]{\framebox[0.5em][l]{\@makefnmark}}#1}
%Custom environment for typsetting short verses
\chapter[The Story of Koltrinu]{The Story of Koltrinu\\Koltrýnu Saga}
Told by Sveinbjörn Guðmundsson from Móar, Iceland.
Ignore this page - look at the next page\pagebreak
Ignore this page - look at the next page\pagebreak
After this, Helga dresses herself in the rags of a beggar\-/woman and
smears ash all over herself until she no longer appears human. Prepared in
this way, she takes a staff and sets off from the cave. When she had
traveled a good distance she came across the guests: trolls and all kinds
of monsters.\footnote{Literally, \emph{villains.}} It was a
witch\-/ride,\footnote{Literally, a \emph{magic wand ride} usually
described as flying on a broomstick or riding on wolves.} with some of
them on horse legs and others flying on horse skulls. Among them was the
bridegroom; he asks the woman:
Eftir þetta fer Helga í förukerlingar flíkur, makar sig alla í framan með
öskukolum svo að á henni verður engin mannsmynd. Að því búnu tekur hún staf
í hönd og leggur af stað burt úr hellinum. Þegar hún er komin nokkuð
töluvert í burt þá fer hún að mæta boðsfólkinu, þussum og allra handa
óaldarlýð; reið það á gandreið, sumir hrossleggjum og sumir hrosshausum.
Þar á meðal var sjálfur brúðguminn. Hann spyr kerlingu:
Have you come from my cave of stone,\\
Koltrinu, you filthy old crone?\footnote{Literally,
\emph{Are you coming from my cave; you coal\-/snout?}}
Kemur þú frá helli mín,\\
koltrýnan þín?
She answers:
Hún svarar:
Yes, I saw your home.\\
The mugs were full of mead,\\
The bride was on the bench.\footnote{Note: this verse follows
the older convention of alliteration rather than end\-/rhyme.}
Já, kom ég til þín.\\
Skenkt var á skálar,\\
brúður sat á bekk.
He cries out: \enquote{Come on! Let's ride as fast as we can.}
Þá segir hann: \enquote{Kukk, kukk, og ríðum við sem harðast.}