重新定义 \ref,使得使用 \ref{eq: ...} 时为 \eqref,否则为 \cref

重新定义 \ref,使得使用 \ref{eq: ...} 时为 \eqref,否则为 \cref

标题说的差不多。我只想\ref在我的 latex 文档中使用,但是当我写时,\ref{eq: ...}我希望\ref将其排版为\eqref,而当我使用\ref{sec: ...}\ref{fig: ...}或其他任何内容时,我希望将其排版为\cref


\ref我不会重新定义诸如 之类的低级命令,而是重新定义\cref它,以便当其参数是与计数器 关联的某个项目时,它不会输出标签(通常是“方程式”或“方程式”)equation。您需要做的就是运行指令





在以下 MWE(最小工作示例)中,hyperref包中加载了选项nameinlink,并且cleveref包中加载了nameinlink突出显示正在生成的内容的选项\cref选项。文本模式故意设置为斜体说明和都\eqref将以\cref直立方式(即“罗马”模式)排版交叉引用的方程编号(及其相关括号)。这是标准的排版惯例。


\usepackage{amsmath}              % for "\eqref" command
\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % just for this example
\creflabelformat{equation}{\textup{(#2#1#3)}} % optional

\begin{figure}\caption{A figure}\label{fig:test}\end{figure}


\itshape % Just to verify that equation numbers will be typeset
         % in upright ("Roman") mode by both \eqref and \cref.

%% An example with "\eqref"
Cross-references to equations \eqref{eq:pyth} and \eqref{eq:triv}.

\noindent%% An example with "\cref"
Cross-references to equations \cref{eq:pyth,eq:triv,sec:first,fig:test}.


我不建议重新定义\ref-macro,因为修改该宏的 hyperref 包可能依赖于其定义。



  %% Paraphernalia:
  %% Check whether argument is empty:
  %% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<argument which is to be checked>}%
  %%                   {<tokens to be delivered in case that argument
  %%                     which is to be checked is empty>}%
  %%                   {<tokens to be delivered in case that argument
  %%                     which is to be checked is not empty>}%
    \@secondoftwo\string}\expandafter\expandafter\@firstoftwo{ }{}%
    \@secondoftwo}{\expandafter\expandafter\@firstoftwo{ }{}\@firstoftwo}%
  %% Check whether argument's leading tokens form a specific token-sequence:
  %% \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{<token sequence>}%
  %%                           {<a single non space token> that does
  %%                             _not_ occur in <token sequence>>}%
  %%                           {<internal token-check-macro>}%
  %%                           {<argument which is to be checked>}%
  %%                           {<tokens to be delivered in case <argument
  %%                             which is to be checked> has <token sequence>
  %%                             as leading tokens>}%
  %%                           {<tokens to be delivered in case <argument
  %%                             which is to be checked> does not have
  %%                             <token sequence> as leading tokens>}%
    {\expandafter\expandafter\@firstoftwo{ }{}\@secondoftwo}%
    {\UD@Exchange{ }{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
  %% \UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{<internal token-check-macro>}%
  %%                              {<token sequence>}%
  %% Defines <internal token-check-macro> to snap everything 
  %% until reaching <token sequence>-sequence and pass that to
  %% \UD@@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens.
  %% \MyRefChooseCommand{<label>}
  %% Examines the <label>-argument.
  %% Yields \eqref{<label>} in case <label> begins with 'eq:'
  %% Yields \cref{<label>} in case <label> begins with 'sec:'
  %% Yields \cref{<label>} in case <label> begins with 'fig:'
  %% Yields \cref{<label>} in case <label> begins with 'something else.
  %% The branches for 'sec:' and 'fig:' are somewhat pointless.
  %% They are just there for exhibiting how forther forking
  %% can be implemented.
      \eqref %<- name of label starts with 'eq:'
        \cref %<- name of label starts with 'sec:'
          \cref %<- name of label starts with 'fig:'
          \cref %<- name of label starts with something else.


\section{A nice section}\label{sec:nice}


Referencing via \verb|\ref|-command yields:

\verb|\ref{sec:nice}| \(\to\) \ref{sec:nice}

\verb|\ref{eq:1}| \(\to\) \ref{eq:1}

Referencing via \verb|\MyRefChooseCommand|-command yields:

\verb|\MyRefChooseCommand{sec:nice}| \(\to\) \MyRefChooseCommand{sec:nice}

\verb|\MyRefChooseCommand{eq:1}| \(\to\) \MyRefChooseCommand{eq:1}


编译上述示例时,pdf 输出的 jpg 图像
