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 $\begin{array}{  l  l  l  l  l  }
 & Stage & ln\_labor & ln\_hours & p(emp) \\ \hline\hline
\text{Currently living in urban areas}  & 1st & 0.21482 & 0.13242 & 0.19161 \\ 
 & 2nd & -0.09168 & -0.06626 & -0.16811 \\ \hline
\text{Lived in a state capital when aged 15} & 1st & 0.47462 & 0.63929^{*} & 0.95309^{**} \\ 
 & 2nd & 0.04447 & 0.11124 & -0.08064 \\ \hline
\text{Lived in urban area when aged 15} & 1st & 0.65694^{**} & 0.57415^{**} & 0.60316^{*} \\ 
 & 2nd & 0.24461^{**} & 0.15895 & -0.08445 \\ \hline
\text{Currently living in urban areas}  & 1st & 0.01835 & 0.02033 & 0.01678 \\ 
 & 2nd & -1.198 & -0.54056 & -1.7587 \\ \hline
\text{Lived in a state capital when aged 15} & 1st & 0.04432 & 0.0328 & 0.0331 \\ 
 & 2nd & 1.822 & 2.263 & 0.01657 \\ \hline
\text{Lived in urban area when aged 15} & 1st & 0.09357^{**} & 0.08919^{**} & 0.09271^{***} \\ 
 & 2nd & 1.775^{**} & 1.1184 & -0.26679 \\ 
\caption{$*$ for significant at $10\%$, $**$ for significance at $5\%$ and $***$ for significance at $1\%$}



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l.15 \caption
             {$*$ for significant at $10\%$, $**$ for significance at $5\%$ ...






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\caption{$^*$for significant at 10\%, $^{**}$for significance at 5\% and $^{***}$for significance at $1\%$}\par\medskip
\begin{tabular}{ @{} l l *3{D{.}{.}{6}} }
 & Stage & \multicolumn{1}{c}{ln\_labor} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{ln\_hours} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{p(emp)} \\ \midrule
Currently living in urban areas  & 1\textsuperscript{st} & 0.21482 & 0.13242 & 0.19161 \\ 
 & 2\textsuperscript{nd} & -0.09168 & -0.06626 & -0.16811 \\ \addlinespace
Lived in a state capital when aged 15 & 1\textsuperscript{st} & 0.47462 & 0.63929^{*} & 0.95309^{**} \\ 
 & 2\textsuperscript{nd} & 0.04447 & 0.11124 & -0.08064 \\ \addlinespace
Lived in urban area when aged 15 & 1\textsuperscript{st} & 0.65694^{**} & 0.57415^{**} & 0.60316^{*} \\ 
 & 2\textsuperscript{nd} & 0.24461^{**} & 0.15895 & -0.08445 \\ \addlinespace
Currently living in urban areas  & 1\textsuperscript{st} & 0.01835 & 0.02033 & 0.01678 \\ 
 & 2\textsuperscript{nd} & -1.198 & -0.54056 & -1.7587 \\ \addlinespace
Lived in a state capital when aged 15 & 1\textsuperscript{st} & 0.04432 & 0.0328 & 0.0331 \\ 
 & 2\textsuperscript{nd} & 1.822 & 2.263 & 0.01657 \\ \addlinespace
Lived in urban area when aged 15 & 1\textsuperscript{st} & 0.09357^{**} & 0.08919^{**} & 0.09271^{***} \\ 
 & 2\textsuperscript{nd} & 1.775^{**} & 1.1184 & -0.26679 \\ \bottomrule


