边注:垂直对齐 - 段落长度的一半

边注:垂直对齐 - 段落长度的一半

有没有一种优雅的方式垂直对齐段落边缘恰好到长度的一半其中?我知道使用 手动移动垂直位置的命令\marginnote{text}[voffset],但是当你有许多段落时这似乎有点累人。


\usepackage{marginnote} %Margin note
\renewcommand*{\marginfont}{\sffamily\footnotesize} %Format of margin

\marginnote{Lorem ipsum}[2.0cm]







\usepackage{lipsum,blindtext} % Dummy text
\usepackage{marginnote} % Margin note
\renewcommand*{\marginfont}{\sffamily\footnotesize} % Format of margin




\parwithmarginnote{Lorem ipsum}{\blindtext}




所要求的功能需要有自己的软件包,事实上,这类功能需要比 LaTeX 为其用户提供的(LaTeX 只是 TeX 上的一层薄薄的层)更结构化的文档布局。如今,LuaTeX 可能提供了段落构建所需的钩子。


\myparnote 必须在源文件的段落末尾使用。

作为包的marginnote使用\pdfsavepos等等...至少需要 2 次编译。




The command
\verb|\vadjust(filler){vertical mode material}|
is only allowed in horizontal and math modes (but it is not a (horizontal
command). Vertical mode material specified by \verb|\vadjust| is moved from the
horizontal list in which the command is given to the surrounding vertical
list, directly after the box in which it occurred.

Any vertical material in a \verb|\vadjust| item is processed in internal
vertical mode, even though it will wind up on the main vertical list. For
instance, the \verb|\ifinner| test is true in a \verb|\vadjust|, and at the
start of the vertical material \verb|\prevdepth|=-1000pt.
\myparnote{I am here!}

The command
\verb|\vadjust(filler){vertical mode material}|
is only allowed in horizontal and math modes (but it is not a (horizontal
command). Vertical mode material specified by \verb|\vadjust| is moved from the
horizontal list in which the command is given to the surrounding vertical
list, directly after the box in which it occurred.
Any vertical material in a \verb|\vadjust| item is processed in internal
vertical mode, even though it will wind up on the main vertical list. For
instance, the \verb|\ifinner| test is true in a \verb|\vadjust|, and at the
start of the vertical material \verb|\prevdepth|=-1000pt.
\myparnote{Hi again,
  it's me, and look how nice vertically centered I am.}


正如上面所示,OP 留下了一些关于“垂直对齐”的确切含义的关键问题,所以我们进行了猜测。

