


\textsc{Robert Robertson$^1$\thanks{Corresponding Author: [email protected]},  James Jameson$^1$, Will Williamson$^2$}\\

我想在一个字母上添加波浪符号,例如 Jameson 中的“m”。无论我以何种方式尝试(\˜m, \tilde{m}, \bfmath{\tilde{m}}),我都会得到斜体小写字母或正常字体小写字母。


编辑:下面有更多代码 -------------------


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\title{\vspace{-15mm}\fontsize{24pt}{10pt}\selectfont\textbf{An article on some stuff}} % Article title

\textsc{Eric Ericson$^1$\thanks{Corresponding Author: [email protected]},  Will Williamson$^1$, James Jameson$^2$, Stan Stanley$^3$}\\
\textsc{David Davidson$^4$, John Johnson$^2$} \\ % Your name
\normalsize \fontsize{10pt}{10pt}$^1$some institution, somewhere, USA\\
\normalsize \fontsize{10pt}{10pt}$^2$some institution, somewhere, USA\\
\normalsize \fontsize{10pt}{10pt}$^1$some institution, somewhere, USA\\
\normalsize \fontsize{10pt}{10pt}$^3$some institution, somewhere, USA\\ 
\normalsize \fontsize{10pt}{10pt}$^4$some institution, somewhere, USA\\
