
“Schneiden und Ausbauen”的垂直线并添加箭头。我想对 做同样的事情block-1
\tikzstyle{decision} = [ diamond, aspect=2, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=8em, text centered, inner sep=0pt ]
\tikzstyle{block} = [ rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=7em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em ]
\tikzstyle{io} = [trapezium, trapezium left angle=110, trapezium right angle=110, text width=28em , minimum height=4em, text centered, draw, fill=blue!20]
\tikzstyle{cloud} = [draw, ellipse, fill=red!20, text width=22em, minimum height=2em, text centered]
\tikzstyle{line} = [ draw, -latex' ]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2.50cm, auto]
% place nodes
\node [cloud, text width=10em] (init) {Entfernen von Rohren aus dem Bohrloch} ;
\node [decision, below=0.5cm of init] (decision-1) {sind Rohre bis zur projektierten Teufe frei?} ;
\node [decision, below=0.5cm of decision-1] (decision-6) {hinter\-einander\-liegende einzementierte Rohre?} ;
\node [right of=decision-6] (dummy20) {} ;
\node [right of=dummy20] (dummy21) {} ;
\node [right of=dummy21] (dummy22) {} ;
\node [block, right of=dummy22] (block-9) {separates Entfernen (Voll- und Sektionsfräsen) oder Multistrang-Sektionsfräsen} ;
\node [right of=decision-1] (dummy1) {} ;
\node [right of=dummy1] (dummy2) {} ;
\node [right of=dummy2] (dummy8) {} ;
\node [block, right of=dummy8] (block-1) {Schneiden und Ausbauen} ;
\node [decision, below=0.5cm of decision-6] (decision-2) {ZK > 60m oberhalb projekt. Teufe} ;
\node [right of=decision-2] (dummy3) {} ;
\node [right of=dummy3] (dummy4) {} ;
\node [right of=dummy4] (dummy9) {} ;
\node [block, right of=dummy9] (block-2) {Sektionsfräsen} ;
\node [block, below=0.5cm of decision-2] (block-3) {Schneiden und Ausbauen oberhalb der ZK-Teufe} ;
\node [right of=block-3] (dummy11) {} ;
\node [decision, below=0.5cm of block-3] (decision-3) {Rohre vollständig einzementiert?} ;
\node [right of=decision-3] (dummy5) {} ;
\node [right of=dummy5] (dummy6) {} ;
\node [right of=dummy6] (dummy10) {} ;
\node [block, right of=dummy10] (block-4) {Vollfräsen} ;
\node [decision, above of=block-4] (decision-7) {erfolgreich?} ;
\node [block, right of=dummy11] (block-10) {Troubleshooting-Guide (siehe Tab.....; Abschätzung Alternativen} ;
\node [block, below=0.5cm of decision-3] (block-5) {Zugversuch \\ Frei\-punkt\-be\-stimmung} ;
\node [decision, below=0.5cm of block-5] (decision-4) {sind Rohre frei?} ;
\node [block, below of=decision-4] (block-11) {Schneiden und Ausbauen} ;
\node [right of=decision-4] (dummy7) {} ;
\node [block, right of=dummy7] (block-6) {abschnittsweise schneiden} ;
\node [block, above of=block-6] (block-7) {Zugversuch \\ Frei\-punkt\-be\-stimmung} ;
\node [right of=block-7] (dummy11) {} ;
\node [decision, right of=dummy11] (decision-5) {sind Rohre frei?} ;
\node [block, below of=decision-5] (block-12) {Schneiden und Ausbauen} ;
\node [cloud, text width=5em, below of=block-6] (block8) {Job beendet} ;
% draw edges
\path [line] (init) -- (decision-1) ;
\path [line] (decision-1) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-1) ;
\path [line] (decision-1) -- node [near start] {nein} (decision-6) ;
\path [line] (decision-6) -- node [near start] {nein} (decision-2) ;
\path [line] (decision-6) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-9) ;
\path [line] (decision-2) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-2) ;
\path [line] (decision-2) -- node [near start] {nein} (block-3) ;
\path [line] (block-3) -- (decision-3) ;
\draw [-to] (block-10.north) edge [bend left] (decision-7.north west) ;
\draw [-to] (block-9.east) edge [bend left] (decision-7.north east) ;
\path [line] (block-2) -- (decision-7) ;
\path (block-1) -| ([xshift=1.0cm, yshift=0cm] block-1.east) |- (block8) coordinate[pos=0.5] (a2);
\path [line] (block-1) -| ([xshift=1.0cm, yshift=0cm] block-1.east) |- (block8) ;
\path [line] (decision-7) -| node [near start] {ja} (a2) ;
\path [line] (decision-3) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-4) ;
\path [line] (decision-7.west) -- node [near start] {nein} (block-10.east) ;
\path [line] (decision-3) -- node [near start] {nein} (block-5) ;
\path [line] (block-5) -- (decision-4) ;
\path [line] (decision-4) -- node [near start] {nein} (block-6) ;
\path [line] (decision-4) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-11) ;
\path [line] (block-11) -- (block8) ;
\path [line] (decision-5) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-12) ;
\path (block-12) |- (block8) coordinate[pos=0.5] (a1);
\path [line] (block-12) -- (a1) ;
\path [line] (block-12) |- (block8) ;
\path [line] (block-6) -- (block-7) ;
\path [line] (block-4) -- (decision-7) ;
\path [line] (block-7) -- (decision-5) ;
\path [line] (decision-5) -- node [near start] {nein} (block-4) ;
\caption[Verfahren zum Entfernen von Rohren]{möglicher Arbeitsablauf zum Entfernen von Rohren aus dem Bohrloch} \label{VerfahrenRohr}
在 右侧 1 厘米处添加了一个新坐标(表示“右上”)block-1
% define a new coordinate
\coordinate [right=1cm of block-1] (ur);
% use the new coordinate to draw the arrows on the right side
\path [line] (block-1) -- (ur);
\path [line] (decision-7) -- node[near start] {ja} (decision-7 -| ur);
\path [line] (ur) -- (block8 -| ur);
\path [line] (block8 -| ur) -- (block8);
作为路径规范,但您也可以使用它来定义坐标,如上所示。也就是说,(a -| b)
是 y 坐标为a
、x 坐标为 的坐标b
(对于 ,反之亦然(a |- b)
我还用这种方法改变了节点的定位方式,让你避开所有这些虚拟节点。你也可以使用 来\matrix
arrows.meta, % supersedes arrows
decision/.style={diamond, aspect=2, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=8em, text centered, inner sep=0pt},
block/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=7em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em},
io/.style={trapezium, trapezium left angle=110, trapezium right angle=110, text width=28em , minimum height=4em, text centered, draw, fill=blue!20},
cloud/.style={draw, ellipse, fill=red!20, text width=22em, minimum height=2em, text centered},
line/.style={draw, -Latex}
\footnotesize % changed to make diagram fit better in page
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=0.5cm, auto]
% place nodes
\node [cloud, text width=10em] (init) {Entfernen von Rohren aus dem Bohrloch} ;
\node [decision, below=0.5cm of init] (decision-1) {sind Rohre bis zur projektierten Teufe frei?} ;
\node [decision, below=0.5cm of decision-1] (decision-6) {hinter\-einander\-liegende einzementierte Rohre?} ;
\node [block, right=4cm of decision-1] (block-1) {Schneiden und Ausbauen} ;
\node [block, at={(block-1 |- decision-6)}] (block-9) {separates Entfernen (Voll- und Sektionsfräsen) oder Multistrang-Sektionsfräsen} ;
\node [decision, below=0.5cm of decision-6] (decision-2) {ZK > 60m oberhalb projekt. Teufe} ;
\node [block, at=(block-1 |- decision-2)] (block-2) {Sektionsfräsen} ;
\node [block, below=0.5cm of decision-2] (block-3) {Schneiden und Ausbauen oberhalb der ZK-Teufe} ;
\node [decision, below=0.5cm of block-3] (decision-3) {Rohre vollständig einzementiert?} ;
\node [block, at=(block-1 |- decision-3)] (block-4) {Vollfräsen} ;
\node [decision, above=of block-4] (decision-7) {erfolgreich?} ;
\node [block, left=1cm of decision-7] (block-10) {Troubleshooting-Guide (siehe Tab.....; Abschätzung Alternativen} ;
\node [block, below=0.5cm of decision-3] (block-5) {Zugversuch \\ Frei\-punkt\-be\-stimmung} ;
\node [decision, below=0.5cm of block-5] (decision-4) {sind Rohre frei?} ;
\node [block, below=of decision-4] (block-11) {Schneiden und Ausbauen} ;
\node [block, at=(decision-4 -| block-10)] (block-6) {abschnittsweise schneiden} ;
\node [block, above=of block-6] (block-7) {Zugversuch \\ Frei\-punkt\-be\-stimmung} ;
\node [decision, at=(block-1 |- block-7)] (decision-5) {sind Rohre frei?} ;
\node [block, below=of decision-5] (block-12) {Schneiden und Ausbauen} ;
\node [cloud, text width=5em, at=(block-11 -| block-6)] (block8) {Job beendet} ;
% draw edges
\path [line] (init) -- (decision-1) ;
\path [line] (decision-1) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-1) ;
\path [line] (decision-1) -- node [near start] {nein} (decision-6) ;
\path [line] (decision-6) -- node [near start] {nein} (decision-2) ;
\path [line] (decision-6) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-9) ;
\path [line] (decision-2) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-2) ;
\path [line] (decision-2) -- node [near start] {nein} (block-3) ;
\path [line] (block-3) -- (decision-3) ;
% changed "edge" to "to"
\draw [-Latex] (block-10.north) to [bend left] (decision-7.north west) ;
\draw [-Latex] (block-9.east) to [bend left] (decision-7.north east) ;
\path [line] (block-2) -- (decision-7) ;
% define a new coordinate
\coordinate [right=1cm of block-1] (ur);
% use the new coordinate to draw the arrows on the right side
\path [line] (block-1) -- (ur);
\path [line] (decision-7) -- node[near start] {ja} (decision-7 -| ur);
\path [line] (ur) -- (block8 -| ur);
\path [line] (block8 -| ur) -- (block8);
\path [line] (decision-3) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-4) ;
\path [line] (decision-7.west) -- node [near start] {nein} (block-10.east) ;
\path [line] (decision-3) -- node [near start] {nein} (block-5) ;
\path [line] (block-5) -- (decision-4) ;
\path [line] (decision-4) -- node [near start] {nein} (block-6) ;
\path [line] (decision-4) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-11) ;
\path [line] (block-11) -- (block8) ;
\path [line] (decision-5) -- node [near start] {ja} (block-12) ;
\path [line] (block-12) -- (block-12 |- block8) ;
\path [line] (block-6) -- (block-7) ;
\path [line] (block-4) -- (decision-7) ;
\path [line] (block-7) -- (decision-5) ;
\path [line] (decision-5) -- node [near start] {nein} (block-4) ;
\caption[Verfahren zum Entfernen von Rohren]{möglicher Arbeitsablauf zum Entfernen von Rohren aus dem Bohrloch} \label{VerfahrenRohr}
,使用前面提到的。我借用了如何为 tikz 矩阵中的空单元格设置特定样式用于设置各个单元格的样式。我还使用了一些\foreach
decision/.style={diamond, aspect=2, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=8em, text centered, inner sep=0pt},
block/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=7em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em},
cloud/.style={draw, ellipse, fill=red!20, text width=22em, minimum height=2em, text centered},
edgelabel/.style={font=\scriptsize, near start},
% borrowed from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/386828
setblocks/.style args = {(#1,#2)}{%
row #1 column #2/.style={nodes={block}}},
setdecisions/.style args = {(#1,#2)}{%
row #1 column #2/.style={nodes={decision}}},
setclouds/.style args = {(#1,#2)}{%
row #1 column #2/.style={nodes={cloud}}}
\matrix [
matrix of nodes,
every node/.append style={
row sep=4mm,
] {
% first row
% set column sep individually here, note [<length>] after each &
% |[...]| is used to append style options to a cell
% hence, another way to set e.g. the block style for a cell is to use |[block]| at the start of the cell
|[text width=8em]| Entfernen von Rohren aus dem Bohrloch &[1mm] &[7mm] \\
% second row
sind Rohre bis zur projektierten Teufe frei? & &
Schneiden und Ausbauen \\
% third
hinter\-einander\-liegende einzementierte Rohre? & &
separates Entfernen (Voll- und Sektionsfräsen) oder Multistrang-Sektionsfräsen \\
% fourth row
ZK > 60m oberhalb projekt. Teufe &&
Sektionsfräsen \\
% fifth row
Schneiden und Ausbauen oberhalb der ZK-Teufe &
Troubleshooting-Guide (siehe Tab.....; Abschätzung Alternativen &
erfolgreich? \\
% sixth row
Rohre vollständig einzementiert? &&
Vollfräsen \\
% seventh row
% need braces here so that the \\ doesn't end the matrix row
{Zugversuch \\ Frei\-punkt\-be\-stimmung} &
{Zugversuch \\ Frei\-punkt\-be\-stimmung} &
sind Rohre frei? \\
% eigth row
sind Rohre frei? &
abschnittsweise schneiden &
Schneiden und Ausbauen \\
% last row
Schneiden und Ausbauen &
|[text width=5em]| Job beendet &
|[coordinate]| \\
\coordinate [right=1cm of m-2-3] (ur);
\coordinate (ll) at (ur |- m-9-2);
% draw arrows in first column
\foreach [count=\i from 2, remember=\i as \j (initially 1)] \txt in {,nein,nein,nein,,nein,,ja}
\draw [arrow] (m-\j-1) to["\txt"edgelabel] (m-\i-1);
% the four arrows going from col 1 to col 3
\foreach \row in {2,3,4,6}
\draw [arrow] (m-\row-1) to["ja"edgelabel] (m-\row-3);
% remaining arrows without labels
\foreach \start/\stop in {4-3/5-3,6-3/5-3,7-2/7-3,8-2/7-2,8-3/9-3,9-1/9-2}
\draw [arrow] (m-\start) -- (m-\stop);
% arrows with labels
\foreach \start/\stop/\txt in {
\draw [arrow] (m-\start) to["\txt"edgelabel] (m-\stop);
% curved arrows
\draw [arrow] (m-5-2) to[bend left] (m-5-3.north west);
\draw [arrow] (m-3-3.east) to[bend left] (m-5-3.north east);
% remaining arrows
\foreach \start/\stop in {
\draw [arrow] (\start) -- (\stop);
\draw [arrow] (m-5-3) to["ja"edgelabel] (m-5-3 -| ur);
\caption[Verfahren zum Entfernen von Rohren]{möglicher Arbeitsablauf zum Entfernen von Rohren aus dem Bohrloch} \label{VerfahrenRohr}