测量 \int 的间距

测量 \int 的间距

我希望能够测量一个 占用的空间,\int并将该长度存储在 中\newlength{}。这并不像


在下面的 MWE 中,我尝试应用\kern测量间距的负数,并用红色重新绘制符号。如果测量正确,红色符号应该正好位于黑色符号的上方,但我得到了:



  • 这仅解决给定上限和下限的情况,因此处理其他选项的代码被注释掉。





%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/345383/4301
\RenewDocumentCommand\int{e{_^}}{% underscore ALWAYS before ^
  %\IfNoValueTF{#2}{% No upper limit
  %  \IfNoValueTF{#1}{% No lower and upper limit
  %    \OldIntOp
  %  }{% Only lower limit
  %    \OldIntOp_{#1}
  %  }
  %  \IfNoValueTF{#1}{% No lower, but do have upper limit
  %    \OldIntOp^{#2}
  %  }{% Both lower and upper limit
      \settowidth{\@IntWidth}{\widthof{$\OldIntOp$}}% ????? How compute this ??????
      {\color{red} \OldIntOp_{#1}^{#2}}
  % }

In inline math $\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx$, and in display math it is:
    &\displaystyle\OldIntOp^b_a  y\dx
    \textstyle\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptstyle\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptscriptstyle\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx
In inline math $\int_a^b  y\dx$, and in display math it is:
    &\displaystyle\int^b_a  y\dx
    \textstyle\int_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptstyle\int_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptscriptstyle\int_a^b  y\dx







%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/345383/4301
\RenewDocumentCommand\int{e{_^}}{% underscore ALWAYS before ^
  %\IfNoValueTF{#2}{% No upper limit
  %  \IfNoValueTF{#1}{% No lower and upper limit
  %    \OldIntOp
  %  }{% Only lower limit
  %    \OldIntOp_{#1}
  %  }
  %  \IfNoValueTF{#1}{% No lower, but do have upper limit
  %    \OldIntOp^{#2}
  %  }{% Both lower and upper limit
      {\color{red} \OldIntOp_{#1}^{#2}}
  % }

In inline math $\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx$, and in display math it is:
    &\displaystyle\OldIntOp^b_a  y\dx
    \textstyle\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptstyle\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptscriptstyle\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx
In inline math $\int_a^b  y\dx$, and in display math it is:
    &\displaystyle\int^b_a  y\dx
    \textstyle\int_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptstyle\int_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptscriptstyle\int_a^b  y\dx


In inline math $\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx$, and in display math it is:
    &\displaystyle\OldIntOp^b_a  y\dx
    \textstyle\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptstyle\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptscriptstyle\OldIntOp_a^b  y\dx
In inline math $\int_a^b  y\dx$, and in display math it is:
    &\displaystyle\int^b_a  y\dx
    \textstyle\int_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptstyle\int_a^b  y\dx
    \scriptscriptstyle\int_a^b  y\dx



如果您对数学框的实际测量感兴趣,以下示例测量数学公式并将其尺寸写入文件。这解决了/在所有数学样式中设置公式.aux的限制,但 TeX 稍后会决定使用哪个版本(感谢和朋友)。\mathpalette\mathchoice\over



% Create new label type for the .aux file that takes
% the measurements of the math box.
% LaTeX takes care of re-run warnings Because of the usage of \@newl@bel.

% Counter for identifying a math box

% Register that contain the measurement result

% Measure the math box and write the label
% with the measurements to the .aux file
% in all styles via \mathpalette.
% When TeX later decides, which box it uses,
% only one write command of the correct
% math style remains.
  % #1: math formula to be measured
  % New identifier for the math box.
  % Read the label if available.
    \csname mmb@\theMeasureMathBox\endcsname\@nil
  % #1: math style
  % #2: math formula to be measured
  % Do the actual measurement.
  % Write the label to the .aux file.


  \! % negate horizontal spacing between two operators
  \begingroup\color{red} \int_a^b \endgroup y\diff x
\[ \Test \]
\[ \textstyle \Test \]
\[ \scriptstyle \Test \]
\[ \scriptscriptstyle \Test \]





如果你只对插入数学公式的负空间感兴趣,下面的操作可以在一次编译运行中完成(类似于 egreg 的回答,但更为通用):


  % #1: math formula to be measured
  % #1: math style
  % #2: math formula to be measured

  \! % negate horizontal spacing between two operators
  \begingroup\color{red} \int_a^b \endgroup y\diff x
\[ \Test \]
\[ \textstyle \Test \]
\[ \scriptstyle \Test \]
\[ \scriptscriptstyle \Test \]

