在 actuarialsymbol 中使用 \widebar

在 actuarialsymbol 中使用 \widebar

我试图使用亨德里克·沃格特\widebar在我对一些宏的重新定义中actuarialsymbol软件包。该软件包提供了一些带有*产生 的变体的命令\bar{<principal symbol>},以及一些带有**产生 的变体的命令\ddot{<principal symbol>}

当我*用 替换变体时\overline{<principal symbol>},一切都运行正常。但是当我尝试 时\widebar{<principal symbol>},带星号的命令似乎吞噬了第一个可选参数,并在主要符号前留下了一些奇怪的空格。


\usepackage{actuarialsymbol} % actuarialsymbol loads amsmath internally

% Hendrik Vogt's \widebar: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/60253/164314
% Depends on the amsmath package!
  \ifdim\ht0=\ht2 #3\else #2\fi
%The bar will be moved to the right by a half of \macc@kerna, which is computed by amsmath:
%If there's a superscript following the bar, then no negative kern may follow the bar;
%an additional {} makes sure that the superscript is high enough in this case:
%Use a separate algorithm for single symbols:
%Enable nesting of accents:
%If there's more than a single symbol, use the first character instead (see below):
    \if#32 \let\macc@nucleus\first@char \fi
%Determine the italic correction:
%Now \dimen@ is the italic correction of the symbol.
    \divide\dimen@ 3
%Now \@tempdima is the width of the symbol.
    \divide\@tempdima 10
%Now \dimen@ = (italic correction / 3) - (Breite / 10)
    \ifdim\dimen@>\z@ \dimen@0pt\fi
%The bar will be shortened in the case \dimen@<0 !
      \advance\[email protected]\dimexpr\macc@kerna
%Place the combined final kern (-\dimen@) if it is >0 or if a superscript follows:
      \ifdim\dimen@<\z@ \let\final@kern1\fi
      \if\final@kern1 \kern-\dimen@\fi
  \let\math@bgroup\@empty \let\math@egroup\macc@set@skewchar
  \mathsurround\z@ \frozen@everymath{\mathgroup\macc@group\relax}%
%The following initialises \macc@kerna and calls \mathaccent:
%If the argument consists of more than one symbol, and if the first token is
%a letter, use that letter for the computations:
    \ifcat\noexpand\first@char A\else
% End of \widebar


\linespread{1.5}\selectfont % More visible

% Default:
$\Ax[u|][2]{\termxn}$, $\Ax*[u|]{\termxn}$, $\Ax*[u|][2]{\termxn}$, works fine.

% Change the one starred version to \overline:

$\Ax[u|][2]{\termxn}$, $\Ax*[u|]{\termxn}$, $\Ax*[u|][2]{\termxn}$, works fine as well.

% Change the one starred version to \widebar:

$\Ax[u|][2]{\termxn}$, $\Ax*[u|]{\termxn}$, $\Ax*[u|][2]{\termxn}$, what happened?


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