\newcommand{\Source}[1]{\caption*{\justifying\textbf{Source:} #1}}
\newcommand{\Note}[1]{\caption*{\justifying\textbf{Note:} #1}}
\title{Two column tables in elsarticle document class}
\author{A. J. Lee}
This document asks how to break tables in two column documents.
See table
\begin{tabular}{p{1cm} p{1cm} p{5cm}}
% Header
\textbf{Item} &
\textbf{Code} &
% Content
\textbf{Description} \\
% Content
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
\Source{Own creation}
\Note{This is an example}
这是我的 pdf 结果:
\title{Two column tables in elsarticle document class}
\author{A. J. Lee}
This document asks how to break tables in two column documents.
See table
\textbf{Item} &
\textbf{Code} &
\textbf{Description} \\
\bottomcaption{Table caption}
\begin{supertabular}{p{1cm} p{1cm} p{5cm}}
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
\textbf{Source:} Here is the source of the table
\textbf{Notes:} Here are some table notes
我的问题的解决方案基于 @leandriss 自己的解决方案。我只是 (1) 在我的标题中添加了一些选项,使它们看起来更好,(2) 使用了更多的supertabular
包选项,以及 (3) 使用了一个空table
\usepackage[skip = 2pt,
font = footnotesize,
label font = bf,
justification = justified]{caption} % Etiquetas
\captionsetup{justification = justified,
singlelinecheck = false} % Alinear etiquetas a la izquierda.
\newcommand{\Source}[1]{\caption*{\justifying\textbf{Fuente:} #1}}
\newcommand{\Note}[1]{\caption*{\justifying\textbf{Nota:} #1}}
\title{Two column tables in elsarticle document class}
\author{A. J. Lee}
This document asks how to break table in two column documents.
See table: \ref{tab:1}.
% Main Header
\textbf{Item} &
\textbf{Code} &
\textbf{Description} \\
% Tail
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{cotinue}} \\
% Head
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{cotinue}} \\
% Last Tail
\begin{supertabular}{p{1cm} p{1cm} p{5cm}}
% Content
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
A & 777 & Some random stuff \\
\end{center} \vspace{-16pt}
\Source{Own creation}
\Note{This is an example}